Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいちゃんの初John Deere (May-chan's 1st John Deere)

2022-12-01 08:46:15 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi there!

How's your life treating you today?

So, I finally finished my Japan diaries the other day, but I still have tons of stuff to write here even though 2022 is almost over!

Before the new year comes, I'll try to finish sharing all the past events and catch up with my current life.

So, this is about the beginning of September.

This story actually started before last Christmas.

ブラッド君が、「めいちゃんにJohn Deere(ジョン・ディア)の乗り物、クリスマスプレゼントにあげたいんやけど良い?」と聞いてきました。
Brad asked me, "I wanna buy a John Deere toy vehicle for May-chan's Christmas present. Is that okay??"

Honestly speaking, our lovely daughter, May-chan, has been super spoiled already and Andy and I asked the family not to give her more than 1 toy at Christmas.
(Even if one of them gets her 1 toy at Christmas, it means that she still receives lots of presents. So, Andy and I ask the family to give her something like clothes, books or non-material activities such as museum tickets instead of toys so that May-chan could thank every single of presents.)

Anyways, the John Deere toy vehicle was expensive and I originally didn't think it's a good idea, but Brad was so passionate and didn't give up. So, "Okay, there's one condition for this. If you're going to watch May-chan play with it, I'm fine with it."

ちなみにJohn Deereっていう名前、日本では馴染みが無いかもしれませんが、こっちでは凄く有名な重機を売る会社で、耕運機とか芝刈り機、雪掻き機などの家庭用の重機から、それこそめちゃくちゃでかい工事用の重機を売っていて、めちゃくちゃ人気があります。
I don't know how much John Deere brand is known in Japan, but they're very famous and popular here in the US. They make residential work vehicles like lawn mowers, snow blowers etc...and also giant commercial construction vehicles too.


ディア・アンド・カンパニー - Wikipedia


John Deere - Wikipedia


May-chan received the big present last Christmas, but she couldn't play with it in cold winter anyways and also the vehicle needed to be assembled up. So, in September, Andy and Brad worked on making it go ready and May-chan finally played with it.

"May-chan, let's go ride on the John Deere car!" she was told, but she had no idea what's going on first.

Still, once she looked at the car in front of her, she was super excited.

As you can see, she seemed so happy.

Daddy and Uncle Brad who worked hard on assembling it also seemed happy to watch May-chan excited.

Why not? I took a video of May-chan's first John Deere ride, so here it is.

                  最初はアクセルの踏み方も分からず、ダディに教えてもらって始めたんですが。。。She didn't know how to press the accelerate pedal first and Daddy taught her how.

                  最後の方は要領も分かってきたようです。She mastered how to drive the car in the end and seemed so happy about it.

I bet that she's going to be used to driving a car when she's a teenager if she's very lucky to learn how to drive at such a young age, which is very nice here in MN where you pretty much have to drive everywhere.

Andy's a big fan of cars and work vehicles in general and he used to work at gold course as a maintenance staff when he was young, so watching May-chan having much fun with the ride made me think that she might take the car lover spirit over from Daddy.

After this first ride, Brad took her out to play and ride the car a few times just as we originally dealt, so I thankfully could save some of my time and energy while they're gone. Haha.

Again, letting my daughter play with such a big toy in the big yard reminded me that I live in big America.

Honestly speaking, if I lived by myself, I'd definitely choose to live in an apartment with all the maintenance services so that I wouldn't have to mow the lawn or blow snow at all. Still, I really like living in my house appreciate for having such a wonderful environment to raise my daughter. So, I thank Andy for taking care of all the yard work and house maintenance for the family again.

Okay, this is all about May-chan's first John Deere ride which turned out a big success!

Thank you for reading again!!! Bye for now!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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Unknown (浜みき)
2022-12-02 01:41:52
みきさん (Hit-chan)
2022-12-03 03:04:18


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