Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

バナナケーキを作ったよ。りんご入り編 (Homemade Banana cake with Apple)

2020-05-31 14:57:28 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How's your day going?

Here in MN, riots rose in Minneapolis and St. Paul and things are going crazy and irrational. Still, it is very fortunate that my family is having a peaceful life as usual here.

The other day I wrote that I made a homemade banana cake here on my blog.


バナナケーキを作ったよ。 (Homemade Banana cake) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


バナナケーキを作ったよ。 (Homemade Banana cake) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


After we finished the loaf, I decided to make another one since I had a couple of very ripe bananas.

I also had an apple since I wanted to try to give it to May-chan, but just as I imagined, she didn't want even a bite. Dang!
(May-chan doesn't like fruits in general, and I've tried to feed her apples a couple of times before and never succeeded so far.)


完熟バナナケーキ レシピ 山本 麗子さん|【みんなのきょうの料理】おいしいレシピや献立を探そう

山本 麗子さんの完熟バナナを使った「完熟バナナケーキ」のレシピページです。外側はカリッ、生地はふんわりしっとり。秘密は完熟したバナナを使うこ...



When I made the banana cake for the first time, it turned out to be great with less sugar. So, I used the same recipe and reduced more sugar than the last time.

I wanted to use the leftover apple and googled some recipes for apple cakes online. Then, they said that you could add a raw apples to the batter and bake it.

Though, I'm not a huge fan of the texture of the crispy apples in a cake or muffin, so I tried to cook the apple beforehand.

My memory about the day is already gone, so I don't know if I added some sugar to it or not.

When the apples became this good brown color, I turned off the stove.

Okay, then let's make a banana cake!

I measured all the ingredients on the dining table that day.

だって、この人がいるからね。(笑) キッチンに椅子を運ぶ事さえ面倒でこの形に。
Yeah, because I had a company there. Haha. I kind of felt bothered to move her chair to the kitchen.

Like the first time, I added some raisins and oatmeal to the batter. I put more amount than the last time though,

Then, I added the cooked apples in to the batter.

Okay, it's ready to be baked!

Done!! The color turned to be what I wanted it to be.

The inside.

I took a bite and it's yummy!

Though, May-chan didn't like it so much.

I hear that children around the age change their likings about food day by day. In May-chan's case, her likings differ for some reasons. Even if she likes something one time but doesn't like it other times just because the texture's different. Same as flavors, she sometimes likes something cooked with much seasonings, but at other times, she likes something really plain with no seasoning as well. Do you know what it means??

It means..., I have no idea about what she would like to eat!!! LOL

Even when I make a banana cake like this, Andy won't eat it because he hates bananas. So, if May-chan doesn't like it, I'm the only one who eats it!

I'm not sure if I would make a banana cake sometime soon again, but I'll try it whenever May-chan's likes bananas more. I don't know when it would be though. Haha.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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フライドチキンを作ってみた。(Homemade Fried Chicken)

2020-05-29 13:16:46 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

Okay, today I want to share another cooking report with you guys here.

I like fried chicken in general but I hadn't made fried chicken at home other than Japanese style, Karaage.

The reason why I hadn't made fried chicken at home though I liked them was because the grocery store near our house, Lunds&Byerly's, sold decent fried chicken at the deli counter and they're very reasonable.

So, whenever I was craving for fried chicken, Andy or I got them from Lunds&Byerly's, which let me not cook them at home.

Though, I'd wanted to try to make fried chicken that I like at home for a while, so I decided to do that during this quarantine life.

It was my first time to make fried chicken, so I looked up at some recipes online and picked up one which used less kinds of spices than others.

The reason why I chose the recipe using less kinds of spices was because I'm not familiar with spices in general and I didn't want them with too much flavor for May-chan either. So, my plan was that I would make something most simple for the first time and then add more spices next considering the flavor of the first ones.

According to the simple recipe, all spices that I needed were salt & pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and paprika.

I mixed the spices with some milk.

Then, I marinated the chicken in the milk and put them in the fridge for a while.

I used flour and corn starch for the breading powder.

I powdered the chicken and deep-fried them.

Done! The onion rings on the plate were what we took out from a local bar on the day before. They might look overcooked but actually tasted pretty well.

As for my first homemade fried chicken, Andy and May-chan said that they tasted good enough but to me, something was missing.

I froze some of the chicken after I marinated them, so I added some more kinds of spices when I deep-fried them for the 2nd time.

What I added at the send time was Thyme, Oregano, Celery salt, Basil and Mustard.

Compared to my first challenge, I was a little bit worried how they would turn out to be since I added several different kinds of spices at once. Though, the result was closer to my ideal fried chicken than the first-time ones.

I picked the certain kinds of spices up for the 2nd time in reference of a recipe that I found online, so I'm thinking to follow the recipe from scratch when I make homemade fried chicken next.

Okay, this is all about my homemade fried chicken experiment!
(I took this pic on May 5th. Yeah, she's bundled up because it was chilly that day! Haha)

Okay, talk to you on the next article! Thank you for reading again!!!

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タイムアウト始めました。 (We started time-out rules)

2020-05-27 13:36:43 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

How's your life treating you?

So, due to COVID-19 pandemic, I haven't been out to any places since the shelter-in-place order was made thanks to Andy for going grocery shopping for the family once a week or so.

I haven't even touched my car for a long time either, so I'd be probably very nervous when I drive next. Haha.

So, I talked that one of my small wishes for a while is doing a family walk as a habit and I wrote about our 1st family walk here the other day.


ダディと一緒 (With Daddy) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


ダディと一緒 (With Daddy) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


It's been 2 months or so already since the memorable 1st family walk, unfortunately the 2nd family walk hasn't happened yet. LOL

Though, May-chan and I sometimes enjoy going for a walk just with 2 of us, and May-chan loves it.

We just walk along the street in front of our house.

May-chan gets distracted by many random things, but it's fine because we don't have any destinations to go.

When we're outside, May-chan always picks up branches or rocks and gives them to me.

May-chan and I enjoyed a walk together like this a couple of times this month, so I asked her, "Do you wanna go for a walk?" when we're outside but May-chan's answer was "Nah!" and we ended up just playing in the yard.

This conversation reminded me that May-chan's personal booms are so fluid lately. So, what I'm saying that she's into today can be nothing special to her tomorrow.

Speaking of May-chan, she turns 18 months at the end of May and has been able to understand what I say more. At the same time, she's started resisting what I tell her to do or not to do more as well.

So, I decided to start time-out rules with her in the beginning of May.

"Hansei-time" in Japanese?

I believe that time-out rule is a very popular way to discipline a child here in the US. When a child doesn't listen to you or does something he/she is not supposed to, their parents put the child in a room alone or something to make him/her have a certain amount of time to reflect on his/her behavior.

When I started doing time-out rules with May-chan, I set up clear boundaries to tell when to give our daughter a time-out. When she doesn't listen to me even if I said "No!" 3 times, I put her in the crib and leave her there for 3 mins.

Then, I modified the rule a little bit after, and I don't give her a second chance when she slaps my face or pulls my hair.

I extended the time from 3 mins to 5 mins too.

Yeah, it's because I don't want to put up with her pulling my hair or slapping my face 3 times since it still hurts pretty much. Also, it's bad enough to get a time-out right away if you hit somebody, isn't it?

The reason why I extended the time to 5 mins is because May-chan got so used to spending 3 mins alone in her crib shortly after we started time-out rules. So, 3 mins seemed too short and easy for her to reflect on her behaviors. Haha.

Even after I extended the time to 5 mins, she only cries for the first 15 seconds or so and then fixes her mood and even starts talking with her invisible friends. So, she perhaps enjoys her time-outs sometimes. LOL

Still, she's learning what she's not supposed to do through having time-outs, and I can see it when she stops doing what I tell not to do after a time-out. For example, she gently touches my hair after she had a time-out for pulling my hair so hard.
(She does the same mistake and gets a time-out on the next day though. Haha)

What's the most beneficial about time-out rules is that I can keep my mind calm and peaceful.

Well, before I started the time-out rules, May-chan often didn't understand that I was angry or upset just from my voice tone or facial expression.

It still hurts when a 18-month old slaps your face, so I always told May-chan, "Don't slap somebody's face!!" Though, she looked like, "What?? Did I do something wrong?? Your face looks different from usual and kind of funny!" Yeah, I ironically ended up entertaining her by my reaction. LOL

I started the time-out rules when I had enough of those ironical situations and May-chan became more feisty day by day, so I feel that it was a good timing for both of May-chan and me.

It's only 5 mins but still 5 mins. May-chan can learn what she can and what she shouldn't, and I can keep my nerve calm. So, it's been pretty good so far.

I believe that I'll have to keep groping my parenting way, but I'd like to keep trying different things to find our best way so that I can keep smiling to my daughter most of the time.

Mommy hopes we'll have lots of fun together, girl!!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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先生感謝週間 (Teacher Appreciation Week)

2020-05-25 11:28:32 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello everyone?

How's your quarantined life?

So, I've said this here million times before, but May-chan and I participated in the local baby class and the toddler class, and we both loved them.


幼児クラス7回目 (7th Toddler Class) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


幼児クラス7回目 (7th Toddler Class) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Unfortunately, the spring class that we were attending was canceled due to COVID-19 so they gave us a refund for the rest of the classes.

I didn't have any complaints about the cancellation or the refund and even didn't expect that the teachers would do something for us after. Though, what a happy surprise! They kindly made videos of some songs and an activity at their house and sent us one of them every week so that we could still have some fun time at home just like the class.

A couple of weeks ago I got an email from a coordinator of all the young kids' classes, which said:

"It's Teacher Appreciation Week next week, so please have your child record a short thank you message or make a picture and email it to me. I'll be putting them together and make a video to send to our teachers and staff next week for Teacher Appreciation Week."


I didn't know this, but May 4th-8th was Teacher Appreciation Week this year.

I got the email on Tuesday of that week and she wanted a response by Friday. I didn't do anything for it though I was thinking, "Oh, I wanna do something for our teachers." in my head until Friday afternoon. Yeah, I was kind of busy that week though I don't remember why.

On Friday afternoon, a part of me was almost about to give up like, "Oh well, it wouldn't be a big deal even if I miss it." but another part of me was saying, "No, I really appreciate the teachers for making the great videos for us even if they didn't have to!" I ended up making a couple of simple message boards and asked Andy to take some pictures of May-chan and me holding the boards up.

"Thank you for the fun and joyful classes!"

"We really appreciate you all for working hard and giving us the great online circle times!"

I emailed these pictures to the coordinator right away.

To be honest with you, I have no idea how the video turned out with these pictures or how our teachers felt about it at all. Haha

I just hope that the feelings of gratitude from May-chan and me reached them.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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バンズを焼いてみたよ・パート2 (Homemade Hamburger Buns 2)

2020-05-23 12:59:23 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

So, I've been writing about food on almost every article since the shelter-in-place order was made, and I'm going to talk about food stuff today too. Haha

The other day, I talked that I tried to bake homemade hamburger buns with my bread maker for the first time.


バンズを焼いてみたよ (Homemade Hamburger Buns) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


バンズを焼いてみたよ (Homemade Hamburger Buns) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


On the first time when I made homemade hamburger buns, I followed the recipe book which came along with my bread maker. They turned to be decent, but they're somehow different from the hamburger buns that I had expected though I wasn't sure exactly what was missing.

A couple of days after I tried to bake my first homemade buns, my blog friend, Yuko-san updated an article that she made homemade buns too. Yeah, what a coincidence! The pictures of her buns looked so delicious.





She kindly shared the recipe that she used on her blog, so I made up mind, "Okay, I'm gonna use this recipe when I bake hamburger buns next!" Haha.

Some days after I read Yuko-san's blog, Andy and I felt like having hamburgers for dinner since it was a very nice day. So, I started prepping to make some buns earlier that day.

The recipe on Yuko-san's blog was for hand-kneading, but I had my fancy bread maker, so I threw all the ingredients in it and had it do all until the end of the 1st fermentation.

Yay! The dough rose pretty good.

I split it in 4.

Then, I put them in the 2nd fermentation. Yeah, I paid extra attention not to make May-chan step on them this time. Haha.

Okay, the 2nd fermentation went pretty good too.

Done!! They turned to look very good!

I made Teriyaki burger this time.

So, my homemade hamburger buns worked out perfectly for the 2nd time!!!

今回のレシピは前回とは違って、強力粉じゃなくて中力粉(All Purpose Flour)を使い、かつ卵が入っているんですよ。(ブリオッシュっていう種類になるのかな?)
This time, I used all purpose flour, not bread flour and added an egg which wasn't necessary for the last recipe. (I think it's a kind of bread called Brioche.)

The brioche buns were exactly what I was looking for!

Of course, May-chan loved them too!

Not only May-chan, but also Andy and Brad liked them too!

I'm going to use this recipe whenever I want to make hamburger buns.

Thank you, Yuko-san, for sharing the amazing recipe!!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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