Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

幼児クラス7回目 (7th Toddler Class)

2020-04-29 13:01:05 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

How's everything going in you life?

Okay, today I want to share the last report of May-chan's toddler class. The course was supposed to be until the 2nd week of May, but as you already know, it's cancelled due to COVID-19 and the last class was on the 2nd week of March.

They refunded the cancelled classes, but what's so nice of them was that they still make a list of activities for quarantine life or a vide of circle time (sing and play time) and share it with us online every week.

Anyways, here's the report of the last class held on March 9th.

May-chan started from drawing on the day.

In the previous class, she was in such a bad mood and cried a lot, but she was back in her normal happy mood that day. Yay!

The next was puzzle. She was always interested in puzzles in the class, so we purchased one for her so that she could play at home too.

She found Daniel Tiger that day again and played with train toys as usual.

She also held this a little creepy-looking baby doll too. Haha.

By watching other kids in the class, I noticed that they don't play together so much, They were doing whatever they wanted to do individually.

Good news is that May-chan recently started being more curious about books.

Thus far, she considered books as something to chew on more than something to read. Even when she wanted me to read books, she had fun with turning the pages rather than enjoying the story itself. Now, she's more entertained by the story or the drawings, which made me happier to do story telling for her.

Of course, she still attempts to chew or eat books sometimes, so I still have to keep my eye on her playing with books. Haha.

One more new thing in the class was that she could play on her own at a little distance from me. Of course, I was in her view.

She enjoyed her favorite circle time in the last class too.

After that, we had a snack time and a separation time as always. May-chan didn't want to leave mommy after the snack time, which was her default, so I held her during the entire meeting with other moms again.

Okay, this is all about the last class before the governor declared the shelter-in-place.

Again, May-chan and I both love the toddler class, and we could keep our life rhythm and have a refreshing time by participating the class every week. I just do wish that everything will go back to normal and they can restart the wonderful classes the soonest.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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お散歩日記 (Walk Diaries)

2020-04-27 18:34:40 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

Here in MN, the weather has been warmer and warmer, which is perfect for a walk and makes me feel happy too.

Even though it's warmer after the freezing winter, we have to do self quarantine due to COVID-19 now.

May-chan gets stressed out if we stay home all day long everyday, so I've tried to take her out to the yard as often as possible when it's nice out.

March 7th. The day was warm enough for us to go out without a jacket.

May-chan looks so happy to walk around on her own. Haha.

3月13日。March 13th.

There was still some snow left of the ground. This little person loves snow.

"Yeah, because I love to eat it. Mommy always tells me, 'Don't eat it!!' though."

"If she finds me eating snow, I'll just show 'Yummy!' sign to her. Then, she'll laugh and forgive me anyways."

May-chan loves collecting nut shells or rocks and gives me some. The part of her takes after her daddy who loves collecting rocks too.

For some reasons, kids generally love a stick, don't they??

Besides the pictures above, I shot some videos, so I'd love to share a couple of them here too.

As for the first video, May-chan wants to put anything in the yard in her mouth, so I gave her a pacifier to occupy her mouth during a walk one day, but yeah, she lost it.

I actually didn't notice that she lost her pacifier during walk, but I realized that, "Oh, I bet she had a pacifier when we went out today." So, I went back outside and looked for it in the yard. Luckily, I could find it.

What's funny is that I actually captured the moment that May-chan lost her pacifier in the video. LOL

If you have some time, please enjoy finding the moment in the video.

3/13/2020 Where did she lose her pacifier?(さて、おしゃぶりをどこでなくしたでしょう?)

In the next video, May-chan and I were playing a game. Mommy wanted to go back home and May-chan still wanted to play outside. I could take her to the front of the house, but she kept throwing things in her mouth and didn't let me to get her inside the house.

3/20/2020 Tried to taste everything in the yard(なんでも味見してみる)

Anyways, this is how May-chan and I enjoy taking a walk on sunny days though our quarantine life still continues.

I just wish that this COVID-19 emergency will end as soon as possible and everyone can go out anywhere anytime!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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幼児クラス6回目 (6th Toddler Class)

2020-04-25 12:05:02 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi you!

How's your life treating you today?

Okay, this is another report about May-chan's toddler class.

It's about 6th class held on March 2nd, which was before they closed school due to COVID-19.

May-chan usually loves going to the class and walks from my car to the building on her own. She always gets nervous or overwhelmed when entering the room, but usually gets distracted by all the different toys in the class room and forgets that she was nervous right away.

Though, for some reason, she was very in a cautious and shy mood on the day and didn't want to enter the room at all. Then, she started crying hard in front of the door.

I pulled her hand and encouraged her to enter the room once, but she wanted to leave the room right away.

One of the sweet teachers gave May-chan a toy which she loved playing with in the previous week, and she received it. Though, it didn't fix her mood either. What happened??

Later, I encouraged her to enter the room again and play with the puzzles sitting near the room entrance.

It was very unusual for May-chan to be in such a teary mood, so another teacher came to her and nicely spoke to her, "What's wrong with you today??"

Needless to say, May-chan can't speak her feelings yet, but the teacher nicely talked to me, "I actually read this on an article or something, but kids also have bad days like "I don't wanna do anything today." We have those days too, right? Kids do too. So, today might be one of those days to May."

Though it's still not the best, May-chan somehow recovered her mood good enough to enjoy drawing together with her friend who had the same baby class last year.

In the circle time, she didn't go in high spirits like usual, but still enjoyed the time.

She's super clinging on the day, but could leave me and get a couple of blocks like this too.

Her favorite song even didn't make her feel like doing her butt shake dance, but she still liked it pretty much.

After the circle time, we washed our hands and the kids had a snack time. While the kids were having the snacks, the moms went into the next room for a casual meeting, but May-chan turned back to be super clinging and spent the rest of the time in my arms. Well, that's her usual way to spend the separation time anyways.

Anyways, it was not May-chan's day in the 6th class, but she still enjoyed the time with her friends on the day too.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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新しいダイニングテーブル (New Dining Table)

2020-04-23 19:51:15 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)

How's your day going?

I mentioned that Dad&Mom both were going to retire this year a couple of times here before, but they already sold their old house and now waiting for their new house to be finished.

At this point, they're renting a place near their new cabin, and moved all the stuff from the old house to a storage room nearby.

Anyways, when Dad&Mom were going through their things for moving, they nicely asked us, "Do you guys wanna have the dining table and chairs?"

Both Andy and I liked their dining table more than ours, but my only concern was how to get rid of our old table.

So, I asked Andy about it and then he said, "Oh, Brad actually wants to take over ours." which was a perfect solution! We decided to take the offer.

I looked back through my blog and found the article about the day that we purchased the old dining table, which was December 2010.


室内セール@ゆりぐーすさん家 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


室内セール@ゆりぐーすさん家 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Wow, it was one of our old sweet memories.

When Dad&Mom brought their dining table over our house, we asked them to take ours over to Brad's house too. (Brad's living less than 10mins from our house.)

Andy's disassembling our dining table so that Dad&Mom could put them in their pick-up truck.

After we traded our dining table with Dad&Mom's, Andy assembled the new one.

May-chan was so curious about daddy's project.

All done! The new table is a little bigger than the old one.

Even though we took over the nice dining table, we still can't put it in the center of the room since May-chan always wants to climb up on a dining chair. Haha.

Dad&Mom's dining set came to our house and our dining set went to Brad's house. What a perfect baton pass! I'm very happy that everything worked very well.

Andy and I both love this new dining chair and wants to keep it nice for a long time from now.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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洗濯機を修理したよ。 (Washer Repair)

2020-04-21 13:31:55 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!!

How's it going today?

So, nowadays I'm not the only person who has such a convenient life surrounded by so many home appliances, and I'd say that washer is one of the most essential items in life.

Since I moved to MN, I've been so used to my life with a dryer besides a washer, but if I had to choose only one of those in my life, I'd definitely pick a washer because I feel like I could live without a dryer somehow.

Anyways, our washer started making weird noises when it spins from a couple of months ago.

All I was concerned about our washer was the weird noise, and it still could wash, drain and do everything fine, so I kept using it anyways. Though, the noise gradually got louder and louder and made me start considering, "Oh my, it'll probably go break sometime soon...."

So, thanks to this internet era, I tried to research about the weird noise online.

I entered "Amana(The brand)" and "Weird noise" on the search engine and then hit a YouTube video!

※音量注意!(Volume Warning!) Amana washing machine grinding noise resolved

The type of the washer in the video was different from ours, but I could tell that the noises from the washer were same as the ones our washer made!

The video explained that the cause of the noises was the loosen nut holding the rubber belt and you could fix the problem just by retightening it.

Okay, now I found out the cause and the solution, but it seemed an impossible mission for me to put it down on my own. So, I asked Andy for a help, of course. (Yeah, it's more likely Andy's the project leader and I was his assistant. Hehe)

We used to do a project like this whenever we wanted to, but now we need to plan it ahead like, "Okay, let's work on it when May-chan takes nap tomorrow!"

So, on this day, after I put May-chan in bed, we started the project. We estimated the limit time about for 1.5hour.

First off, we shut the water bulbs, both cold and hot, and detached the pipes from the washer.

There was not much space behind the washer, so I went in there and did a couple of the processes following Andy's direction.

Then, we detached the drain pipe from the washer. It was the first time for me to touch the kind of clip to hold the pipe too.

I barely could take the clip off and then Andy could put the washer down on his own. Yeah, it'd have been too heavy for me to do it even if I tried by myself.

Okay, we could get the bottom cover off.

There was a plastic cover on the rubber belt, and Andy took it off too.

Finally, we reached the nut.

Andy was working in the very uncomfortable position, but tried his best to retighten the nut.

After we fixed the nut, we just followed all the processes back to the beginning. The video made me believe that we had the same noise issue with our washer, but it's still my own guess, so I honestly wasn't sure if this project would really solve the noise problem. But, it really did!!!

The washer actually came with the house, and we've used it about for 8years since we moved in.

When I first let Andy know about the noise problem, he said, "I kind of wanna buy a new one."

The reason why he wanted to buy a new one was because the washer had made some stain from liquid detergent on his work shorts before.

So, Andy slightly wanted to take the noise problem as an excuse to purchase a new washer, but I'm totally happy to keep using the current one for a while since it's now fixed. Plus, I can avoid the stain problem by using powder detergent too. (Yeah, I'm in charge of laundry in the house, so if I'm happy, it'll be fine.)

Anyways, I just want to send a huge thank you to the man for sharing his experience on YouTube and a big thank you to my hubby for doing the project with me.

We even didn't need a new part or something, and could repair the washer with no expense!!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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