Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

3 家族バケーション (Family Vacation 2021)

2021-07-31 10:19:45 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hi everyone!

How's your day going today?

Speaking of my laptop, it's still working fine today. Thanks to that, I can be writing my blog as usual like this. (Lucky!)

Okay, this is about the 3rd day of our family vacation.

I actually wrote the previous articles about the 1st ad 2nd day on the day after, so my memories were fresh and clear back then, but it's been over 2 weeks now from from the vacation when I'm writing this about the 3rd day. So, I can't guarantee that my memories are 100% correct, but I'll do my best to remember as much as possible. Haha.

In the morning of the 3rd day, it's a little over 5 am. Me taking this picture at the early time means that May-chan had woken up already. Haha.

She wanted to draw first in the morning that day again.

A little before 9am, I decided to take her out.

As usual, she didn't want to go any farther than the driveway. She enjoyed drawing outside most of the time too.

What a surprise! She wrote her own name by herself!! She learned it from Andy because he had occasionally showed her how to spell her name.
(Though, she hasn't written her name at all since that time yet.)

I didn't take any pictures from the outdoor play to the dinner time, which means that we didn't do anything much or special in the meantime.

Brad joined us in the late afternoon.

The dinner was spaghetti and tomato sauce.

I cooked myself a different style of pasta, but it didn't turned out as I expected. It felt something missing. If I make an excuse, cooking in someone else's kitchen is a little bit challenging.

Since it's still bright out after dinner, May-chan played outside with Grandma.

She was so curious about ants coming in and out from their nests.

In the evening, everybody was watching golf on TV. (What was I doing then? I guess I was watching YouTube or something.)

One of my biggest challenges on this vacation was that May-chan's sleep cycle got totally messed up. She sometimes went to bed around 10pm.

There were a couple of reasons why we ruined her sleep cycle. She usually doesn't take naps in the daytime at home, but she did sometimes and ended up not going to bed until late. Also, she was sleeping in a single bed mattress on the floor by herself, but she sometimes fell off and woke up a couple of times in the middle of night.

Luckily, in a few days after we're back home and to our normal life, we could fix her sleep cycle, which is going to bed at 8pm, without a big hustle.

Okay, this is all about the 3rd day of our vacation.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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2021-07-30 14:49:39 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

I've been trying to update my blog every other day lately, but today I want to write a bonus article.

The reason why I felt like writing an extra article here is because I had an accident the day before yesterday.

What accident??

Yeah, I accidentally spilled some coffee on my laptop. Oh NO!!!

"What are you doing, Mommy??" LOL

It's usually May-chan who causes accidents in our house, but this time it was simply my fault. Sigh.

Yeah, I knocked over the tumbler right next to my laptop, and the coffee spread over the keyboard like this. Dang!

Luckily I had a tissue box on the dining table, so I grabbed some sheets in a moment and put them over the spill right away. After that, I also wiped under the key covers as much as possible.

Of course, I googled "Tips for when you spill drink on your laptop" or something on my phone and considered what I should do next.

You know what, there's millions of different sources of information on internet and some people say "Yes! You should do it!" and some other people say, "No, you don't wanna do it!" for a same question. So, you definitely keep your eyes open to pick up which information you want to believe and trust and need to take the responsibility on your own, which applies any world besides Internet.

In my case, I personally picked up some information online and also asked an advice from Andy who's my most trustworthy man in the world too. (Especially, he's an IT pro too. ) From those 2 sources, I decided to put my laptop in a bag with dry rice and wait for overnight.

BTY, when I first checked if my keyboard would work correctly right after the spill accident, some of the keys didn't work functionally.

For example, when I type "p", of course, it's supposed to be "p" coming up on the screen, but on my laptop, "pb" showed up instead of just "p". Besides that, "h" turned out "-h" or "m" turned out "mn" etc...

As for the best advice in the technical aspect, I'd definitely say that you should take your laptop in a professional repair shop right away after you wiped it as much as possible on your own.

Though, I decided to wait overnight after I put my laptop in a Ziploc bag with some dry rice and see if I'd still need to make a repair order or not in the next morning.
(I wrapped my laptop with a towel before I put it in the Ziploc since the tiny rice grains or powder seemed like going inside of my laptop.)

Anyways, I checked my laptop keyboard in the next morning and see if they were working correctly. Then, I found that some of the keys actually turned back to normal and others still didn't work right.

I talked to Andy and tried to get a cost to repair my laptop through Microsoft website.

Through the process that I was typing in the details of the issue on the website, "Hold on a sec! My keyboard's working fine now!" I noticed.

I still did a diagnostic test with their software, and it turned out no problem with my laptop at the point, so I decided to keep using as it was without having them repair it.

Even though my keyboard has been back to normal, some information online said, "As the time goes by, the ingredients in the drink might cause corrosion inside the computer." So, my concern still remains.

が、それでも修理に出さないと決めた一番の理由は、マイクロソフトの修理見積結果が「保証期間外の通常交換 450ドル」と出まして、送料も考えたら500ドルくらいかかるんですねぇ。
The biggest reason why I decided not to place a repair order was because the estimate from Microsoft came back and said, "Standard replacement $450", which means it'd cost about $500 including the shipping.

I talked to Andy about it and then "If you pay $1000, you can get a brand new laptop..." he said. So, for now I'll keep using my laptop as it is wishing, "Please don't break!"

Mommy, you goofed up! Hehe

Anyways, this is my real-time daily life. You guys, please wish me luck!

Thank you for reading again!!!

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2 家族バケーション (Family Vacation 2021)

2021-07-29 09:38:35 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello there!

How's everything going in your life?

Okay, this is about the 2nd day of our summer family vacation.

May-chan woke up around 6am that day.

She actually woke up twice in the middle of night and thankfully woke me up too, so I wanted more sleep in the morning. Haha.

She wanted to draw first in the morning.

Then, she ate light breakfast.

It's time to get out of the house! It was a little bit chilly that morning.

Andy and Mom were working just as normal days, and Dad was working on one of his DIY projects to finish the house.

Dad and Mom (Mostly Dad) have been working on a lot of projects to finish their new house to save the budget. They asked professionals to do the big structure of the house and they're working on the interiors and other stuff.

While everyone else was working hard, May-chan and I were playing on the driveway.

I don't know why, but May-chan didn't want to go anywhere farther than the driveway. Even though I asked her, "Why don't we go for a walk?" a couple of times, "No walk!!" she clearly declined my suggestion. Haha

Andy helped Dad when he's done with his work.

Mom, May-chan and I went to a local butcher shop. Look! I'm driving!! It's so rare to see me driving! (I asked Mom to take a picture of me driving. Haha)

The butcher shop is the same one which Andy and I went to for Memorial day week.

I kind of expected to give May-chan some refreshing time on this little trip to the butcher shop, but as you can see it in the picture above, she fell asleep in the car and didn't wake up at all.

After all, May-chan was sleeping for the entire trip.
(She usually doesn't take a nap in the daytime anymore, so she stayed up until 10pm even though I cuddled with her in bed for a while. Phew)

The dinner was hamburgers and salad.

Andy's usually in charge of grilling stuff, but he was busy helping Dad on the DIY project. So, Mom kindly did all the grilling job by herself.

When the food was ready and the DIY project was finished for the day, Bon Appetit!

While everybody enjoyed the hamburgers, I made ramen. LOL

Yeah, I'm Japanese and my stomach was raised in Japan, so I always get cravings for Japanese or Asian foods after I eat American food a couple of times in a row. We usually eat only American food on vacation, so I decided to cook what I wanted to eat sometimes from this vacation. (I couldn't do it at hotel, so I really appreciate the advantage of staying at Dad&Mom's house.)

Okay, this is all about the 2nd day of our summer vacation.

Thank you for reading again!!! Bye for now!

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1 家族バケーション (Family Vacation 2021)

2021-07-27 11:35:51 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello folks!

How are you doing today?

When I'm writing this article, Andy, May-chan and I are having a family vacation at Dad&Mom's house.

I mentioned this when I shared how we spent the Independence day at home here the other day, but Andy, Mom and Brad took some days off for this family vacation a week after the Independence day to avoid the busiest time up north.

Dad&Mom's new house wasn't built 2 years ago before the pandemic hit us, so we needed to book a hotel in the busiest season which's the most expensive as well for our summer vacation. Luckily, we can stay at Dad&Mom's house this year, which helps us a lot not only financially but also mentally too since we don't have to worry about if there are any rooms available or how much the rate would be etc... (Big thanks)

Andy, May-chan and I left our house on the 7th of July and are planning to stay at Dad&Mom's for a week until the 14th.

I said that it's a family vacation for a week, but Andy and Mom are still working full time this week, so technically I'd count this weekend and 2 days next week a real vacation time.

Anyways, I'd like to share our summer vacation here for a while from today.

The day we left our house. May-chan and I had been home most of the time in the previous couple of days, so she seemed excited to go somewhere.

It's now the default that I sit on the back seat next to May-chan when we set out on a long drive.

I prepped some snacks for May-chan so that she could stay occupied with something as long as possible. I prefer giving her something with low calories and in small pieces because she can kill more time by munching them one by one.

I made some popcorn the night before (less salt and butter) besides some bags of this.

Yup, Yogis. May-chan started eating them when she was still crawling, and thankfully she still likes them.

Honestly and ideally, I wish that May-chan would like something more healthy such as nuts, raisins or dried fruits, but she won't eat them even when she's hungry. So, you know, I don't have many choices.

Anyways, 3 hour drive from our house to Dad&Mom's as usual.

Since May-chan's born, it's kind of become a new routine for us to stop by this rest spot on the way up north.

It's actually a good and quick break for all of us. It's a nice bathroom break for Andy and me and a good refreshing time for May-chan too. Even if it's a short time, May-chan can fix her mood by getting out of the car once.

That day, we're lucky to see a train passing by, and May-chan was so excited to see it and saying "Train!!"

We only took less than 10 mins there and got back in the car. (Thankfully, May-chan doesn't mind getting in a car at all.)

May-chan was fully charged for the drive or something, but surprisingly she didn't sleep at all in the entire drive. She got a little bit whiny for some moments, but overall she did a great job in the car.

We safely got to Dad&Mom's house. I noticed that Dad&Mom made a spot in front of the house a little garden for Mom.

"Do you wanna get your shoes on and go see something in the garden?" Mom said and showed me this.

Do you know what this is?

Yup, this is a kind of egg plant which's familiar in Japan.

I don't know anything about agriculture in general and I even don't remember what kind of egg plants that I used to eat in Japan, but I can tell that the ones which you can get at grocery stores in the US are much bigger than the ones in Japan. The texture is firmer and the skin is harder as well.

To be honest with you, I really love the egg plants that I used to eat in Japan, but I haven't eaten egg plants anymore here in the US.

So, I was super excited to see the egg plant in the garden! I can't wait to try it. It'd be super delicious just by being grilled and seasoned with salt and pepper.

Anyways, we got to Dad&Mom's house a little after 6pm, so we took out some pizza from the local pizza place just as always.

I've introduced this million times here, but I love their Cashew chicken salad and Feisty pig pizza (a little spicy pulled pork on it).

Okay, this is all about the 1st day of our vacation. (Pretty much only driving though.)

Thank you for reading again! !Bye for today!!

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我が家の晩御飯メニュー 2 (Our dinner menus 2)

2021-07-25 10:01:53 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How's your day going?

So, the other day I shared our dinner menus of a week here.


我が家の一週間の夕飯メニュー (Our Dinner for a week) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


我が家の一週間の夕飯メニュー (Our Dinner for a week) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


We don't eat something fancy or special, but I thought that it was a good record for my family to take some pictures of our dinner, so I'd like to share some more menus of our dinner today again.

I shared what we ate for dinner on the same week last time, but this time I'll share whatever made me feel like taking pictures of randomly.

The first one is this. It's one of our favorite dishes, Pulled Pork Tacos.

Andy made the pulled pork from 1 big chunk of meat one day, and we stored them in the freezer so that we could use them for dinner anytime. I seasoned the meat with BBQ sauce and made sandwiches with my homemade coleslaw, guacamole and chips.

This one is Okonomiyaki which is Japanese savory pancakes. Andy loves the sliced pork belly super crispy, so I fried them beforehand.
(I personally like them a little bit less crispy since the crispy texture kind of don't match the soft pancake texture.)

The famous Okonomiyaki sauce makes anything delicious. Haha.

On this day, I made Chirashi-zushi (a type of sushi) because I'd been craving for it. You can make it with a commercial mix of sushi seasoning, but I prefer making it from scratch, so I cooked some dried Shitake mushrooms, dried gourd, carrots, bamboo shoot.

I wasn't sure if Andy would like the sushi, so I purchased a pack of Sashimi at Lunds&Byerly's just in case Andy didn't like my sushi. (He likes Sashimi.)
(Well, it's totally nonsense to compare this Sahimi to what I can buy at grocery stores in Japan, but this Sashimi actually added some extra fanciness and deliciousness to our dinner for sure.)

Again, I'd been super craving for Chirashi-zushi, so it was beyond delicious to me. I didn't expect that Andy would like it, but it's a good surprise that he liked it too.
(May-chan didn't eat it though.Haha)

On this day, we had spaghetti with Andy's homemade tomato sauce and meatballs.

I fixed some salad. I made the dressing without a specific recipe, but it turned out pretty good.

On this day, we tried wings. These ones were Andy's.

These ones were mine. I was also craving for wings for a while, so I was super happy that we could make them finally.

Andy seasoned the wings with his original spices, but he wanted to put them before I fried them. Unfortunately, most of the spices on the wings fried off, and the flavor ended up being pretty much just salt & pepper, which was still very tasty.


甘辛の手羽先からあげ | sobu 2


sobu 2


I seasoned my wings with this super delicious sauce. I use this sauce for a lot of my cooking.

Andy tried the sauce for the first time at the time and really loved it too.

The sauce always makes me want to eat white rice as well, so I cooked some rice for the dinner too. I fried some green beans which turned out unexpectedly delicious!

Okay, I want to end this here today.

Well, I've been super craving for my most favorite food, Takoyaki, for a while and besides that, a couple of my friends posted pictures that they made Takoyaki for dinner lately, which stimulated my appetite more! LOL

Anyways, let me say "Bye!" for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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