Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

今年もありがとうございました。そして最後の顔出し (Thank you again and May-chan's last uncovered face)

2022-12-31 14:09:36 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hello folks!!

How are you doing today?

It's already New Year's Eve, oh, 2023 has already started in Japan. Haha.

Just as the title says, Andy and I decided to make this article last to show May-chan's uncovered faces.

Since when May-chan was born, Andy and I were talking, "Let's cover her face when she gets a little older." and when she turned 4, "It'd be a good timing now." we both felt that way.

Of course, I'm still going to write about her here and keep writing my blog as long as I can, so maybe when May-chan turns 18 and says, "I don't mind!" she'll greet you guys showing her face again.

On this last article with her uncovered face, I'd like to share some of her development which she surprised me this year.

First off, she's still really into art activities. She enjoys drawing very often.

She's recently more interested in writing alphabets both in English and Japanese, but at the end of October, she surprised me with this amazing work.

Here it is. She drew Anpanman, her favorite Japanese cartoon character.

Isn't it great?? I know I'm a proud mom, but she did all the lines and colors on her own. I was extremely impressed and couldn't help taking a picture.

Such an artistic girl is now also into "My Neighbor Totoro" (Japanese cartoon movie) and asked me to play the blue-ray sometimes lately.

In the beginning, they play "Sanpo" song and then...

She dressed up like May (the girl in the movie) with the hat and bag and walked around the living room. LOL

She memories some lines in the movie and pretended to be either Satsuki (May's big sister), May or both by saying their lines, which is super cute!

In the scene when May first meets Totoro, she says, "Are you Soot Sprite??" so our May-chan wants to copy the scene with me by her playing May and me playing Totoro. Haha

In the car on the way from or to preschools, I play a couple of songs from the movie, so...

                  今では上手に歌えるようになりました。イントロとか間奏まで自分で歌ってます。(笑) She's now able to sing the song this well.

"The Crow's Bakery" is currently her favorite Japanese book. She often picks up this book for our night book time.

                   お陰で、いくつかの部分はこんなに上手に読めるようになりました。Now, she can read some of the lines very well too.

Again, I'm not going to show May-chan's face here anymore, but I hope you guys will still enjoy watching her grow-up with me just as you have.

At last, we had a lot of experiences in 2022 again. Through the fun trip to Japan in May to July, my surgery in December and all other events in 2022 reminded me that I had such a wonderful family and friends in my life. I really appreciate all the love and support from my family and friends, both in Japan and MN, again.

I want to keep focusing on finding any sparkling parts in every single moment of my life and share those Waku-Waku (Thrilling) moments with you on my blog in the next year. I hope you'll enjoy my blog too.

Thank you for all of your support and love for my family. May your new year be full of Waku-Waku moments!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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我が家のクリスマス 2022 2/2(Our Christmas 2022 2/2)

2022-12-30 12:17:18 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Okay, I'll talk about our Christmas 2022.

On Christmas day, it was not snowing, but the week was super cold and the temperature was like -7F and literally a fatal level.

In the early afternoon, we started opening the presents. As you can see in the pic, we always get lots of presents for Christmas.

Yeah, we also get presents from Santa and open them first, but we exchange so many presents, which makes Santa less special.

May-chan was locked on the present and didn't look at the camera at all.

Look at this big pile of presents!! Those were just for May-chan aka the spoiled girl.

I gave her some stuff that I had got in Japan too.

Thankfully, I could finish my customized calendars, which I make for Christmas every year, by the time.
(They're supposed to be from May-chan to everybody, but I put together a lot of pictures that I took in the year and make calendars for Dad&Mom, Brad and us for Christmas every year.)

I also could deliver a couple of gifts to Dad&Mom from my mom in Japan.

It's a very calm and peaceful, but still very fun present time. Mom made such a nice smile too.

May-chan usually doesn't take a nap, but she'd been so excited and busy for some fun events on the week besides all the excitement on the day, so she fell asleep around 5 pm.

Dinner for Christmas was Mom's turkey. Again, they let me not work to prep or clean up for dinner that night.

ディナーの後もまたプレゼントタイム。(笑) AndyっちからHit-chanへの一番大きなプレゼントは宝探し形式で地下の一室に隠してありました。
Okay, we still had presents to open after dinner. This was the last and biggest presents from Andy and Hit-chan this Christmas. I had to solve a treasure hunt puzzle and find the presents in the crawl space downstairs.

4 huge boxes

In the 2 big boxes, there were 2 oven toasters.

Why 2?? Yeah, Andy didn't know which size of the toaster ovens he should have got me, so he wanted me to see both on our kitchen counter and decide which one I wanted to keep. Then, we'd return the other one.
(It's kind of a common thing in the US where you can easily return things, but I don't think anybody would do that in Japan where they have more strict return policy. We decided to keep the bigger one and even didn't open the box of the smaller one. )

In other 2 boxes...,

2 brand new jackets!

One was casual and the other one was more fancy.

I was originally thinking to keep one and return the other one just as the toaster ovens, but Andy generously said, "You can wear either one for different occasions, so you can keep both too." and I followed his advice.

初お泊り客。 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


BTW, my old jacket was also a gift from Andy. I was wondering when he gave it to me and looked back my blog. Then, I found out that I was wearing the jacket in 2020 already, which means I've used it for 12 years.

So, I bet that I'm gong to wear the new jackets for more than 10 years at least, so I think it's worth keeping them both.

Okay, this is how we spent the Christmas night.

In the next morning, May-chan opened the rest of her presents since she fell asleep in the middle of the present time.

One was her favorite toy, Duplo block! She wanted to open and play with them right away, but I told her, "Let's open it when we're back home." and she barely understood.

She already had lots of toys at Grandpa&Grandma's and didn't have a hard time to find somebody to play with her like this.

Anyways, we're really blessed to have such a wonderful Christmas full of presents and love this year again.

Okay, this is all about our Christmas 2022!

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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我が家のクリスマス 2022 1/2(Our Christmas 2022 1/2)

2022-12-29 15:31:25 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello there!

How's your life treating you?

Okay, it's only a couple of more days until we welcome the new year.

Before the brand new year starts, let me share my family's Christmas 2022.

On Christmas Eve, Andy, May-chan and I left home around 10 am and headed to Dad&Mom's house up north. May-chan took a 30 min power nap during the 3 hour drive.

In this holiday season, a big snow storm was hitting MN and the last day of May-chan's preschool was canceled due to the severe weather.

"How's the weather?" "Should we change the plan??" We kept watching the forecast until the last minute and talked about how we should do for Christmas, but "The snow storm will probably be gone by Christmas Eve." we ended up reaching the conclusion and decided to head to Dad&Mom's house as we originally planned.

Our decision turned out right! Thanks to the MN super efficient and hardworking snow plow workers, the roads were not that bad and we could get to Dad&Mom's house in our usual travel time.

May-chan was super excited and asked Grandma to play a card game with her shortly after we got there.

Grandma kindly got these cute Christmas pajamas for May-chan, so she put them on after she took a bath that night. I didn't get any Christmas related pajamas this year, so it was perfect!

May-chan didn't have any time to get bored at Grandpa&Grandma's house. She's so ready to help Grandma!

She's helping Grandma by putting coconut flakes on the cookies. She got a lot of compliments for being such a nice helper! Great job, my girl!

After she's done the job as a pastry assistant, she asked Grandpa to play together with a set of dinosaur magnets.

As for dinner on Christmas Eve, Andy was in charge of the main dish.


The side dish was Mom's special. I don't know the name, but she thin-sliced potatoes, seasoned and roasted them with lots of butter. This dish was a big hit and everybody loved it.

Dinner was ready!! I loved all the food and it was such a nice Eve dinner.

I brought my homemade cheese cake for everyone just because I had been craving for it for a while, so I ate most of the cake on my own. Haha.

At Dad&Mom's house, everybody let me be so lazy.
(Even when I told Mom, "I'll wash the dishes.", she said, "It's okay. You'll have to watch May-chan." and spoiled me.)

Okay, this is how we spent the Christmas Eve.

We had an incident and got a little bit busy at night, but it was still a good memory.

Okay, this is all for today. I'll share about our Christmas day on the next article!

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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4 人生初手術・ER 嚢胞発見 (4 My First Surgery/ER Cysts detected)

2022-12-28 15:36:32 | 右卵巣摘出手術 (My right ovary removal surgery)
Hi folks!

How are you doing today?

So, let me keep talking about my first surgery. Here's the timeline so far.

10月30日 右下腹部痛開始
Oct.30th The pain in my right lower belly started

11月8日  1回目のナースライン(次の生理まで様子を見るようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 8th The 1st nurse line call was made

11月16日 産婦人科の先生の診察(次の生理後にエコー検査をするようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 16th App with an OBGYN doctor

11月28日 ER訪問(今日のお話はここです。)
Nov. 28th ER Visit (I'm talking about this today.)

11月29日 エコー検査予約
Nov. 29th App for ultra sound

On Nov. 29th, I had an appointment for ultrasound to check more about my abdominal pain, but on the night before the appointment, I started getting cramps again while I was eating a lot of spaghetti for dinner. By that night, I usually took pain-relief medicine when the pain level reached around 6 or so and the pain always went away in 30 mins or so. Though, at the time, the pain level kept going up more and more to 8 and it didn't go away even in 1 hour after I took the pain-relief medicine.

Following the advice from the nurse on the nurse line, Andy and I headed to an ER near our house.

I live in MN for 12 years now, but it was my first time going to ER.

When we got to the front, they checked my insurance and ID card and asked why I was there.

In my case, they just wanted to know that I was there for abdominal pain, but we didn't know that. So, Andy tried to explain more at the front, but the lady nicely told us, "You can explain more to the nurse in the triage room. All I want to know is that you're for abdominal pain."

After we checked in, we waited for being called in the triage room where a nurse asks you more information about the symptoms and decides what type of exams or tests that you would need to do.

I didn't feel that long to be called in the triage room. We explained all the history about my abdominal pain so far in the room and then,

"Okay, I'll have you a urine test first and once we get the result, we'll decide what more tests you need to do."

she said.

Basically, what you need to be most patient for at ER is waiting. Before we had left our house, Andy nicely gave me a good advice, "You probably wanna bring a book or something." and I followed his advice. Though, once I got to ER and was waiting to be called my name, I wasn't in a mood for calmly reading. I was actually entertained enough by watching other people in the waiting room.

The ER wasn't as crazy busy as I had expected, but there were still bunch of different types of people in the room, which was very interesting to me.

There was a few moms or dads with their sick children, which looked they really needed a help that night. Though, a couple of people made me wonder, "Is this person really in emergency?? He looks he can wait for some more hours and go to an urgent care tomorrow morning." because they seemed so familiar with the place and staff and looked like a regular hanging out at the place often.
(One man in a wheel chair wanted a help to smoke outside and another man wasn't patient enough to wait to be called his name and left there without letting them know.)

Anyways, they also did a blood test for me too. While I was waiting for the next call, I made an online account on the hospital website so that I could check all of my test results right away. (What a modern technology!)

From the results of my urine and blood test, they decided to do a CT scan for me.

In American medical system, I'm so used to doing tests and exams individually at a different location and different time like that the OBGYN doctor ordered my ultra sound and I made an appointment for it on a different day at a different facility. So, I assume that in a normal case you would have to separately make an appointment for a CT scan on a different day, but thankfully I was at an ER at the time and they arranged things so that I could do the scan right away at the same facility. So, I was very impressed by the convenience, "Oh, this is ER. How now!" and reminded of Japanese medical system.

From the CT scan with contrast dye, they found that there were 2 cysts in my right ovary.

この嚢胞、1つが6.0 x 6.5 cm、もう1つが5.2 x 3.8 cmで、Hit-chan自身は「結構大きいなぁ。」という印象を受けました。
One of the cyst was 6.0 x 6.5 cm and the other one was 5.2 x 3.8 cm, which made me feel, "Wow, they're pretty big."

After the CT scan, Andy and I finally were called in one of the examination rooms to meet a doctor.

When I'm writing about the night here, it really sounds that everything moved so quickly, but when we reached to the examination room after all the tests, it was already 3 in the next morning. It was a little before 10 pm when we checked in at the front, BTW. LOL

It actually took a lot of waiting time to find out my cysts, but you know, I was feeling very lucky and blessed by all the things around me. In the first place, it was very lucky that I could have a place to go in anytime even late at night because there were people, the front staff, nurses, CT scan engineer and medical technicians, working so hard overnight for patients like me.
(Of course, the bills on the way are a little scary, but I felt so lucky that I had an option to see a doctor anytime I wanted to.)

So, this is how Andy and I found out the cause of my abdominal pain and I was very pleased and relieved that they found it.

When I look back about 15 years ago when I was diagnosed cancer, the waiting time until they found out the reason of my stuffed nose was more mentally difficult for me than the time they actually told me that I had a cancer.

Okay, there's a little more that I did at ER that night and I'll talk about it on the next article.

Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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3 人生初手術・痛みレベル8にアップ (3 My First Surgery/Pain Leve up to 8)

2022-12-27 08:46:27 | 右卵巣摘出手術 (My right ovary removal surgery)
Hi everyone!

How's your day going?

Okay, here's the timeline about this story so far.

10月30日 右下腹部痛開始
Oct.30th The pain in my right lower belly started

11月8日  1回目のナースライン
Nov. 8th The 1st nurse line call was made

11月16日 産婦人科の先生の診察
Nov. 16th App with an OBGYN doctor

I wrote about this in the last article, but on the appointment with the OBGYN on Nov. 16th, the doctor told me,

"Let's do an ultra sound after your next period, if you'll still have the pain."

And, the pain was still going of after the period was over, so on Nov. 29th which was the day before May-chan's BD, Andy got me an appointment for the ultra sound.

"Finally, they'll do an ultra sound for me!! I hope they'll find something."

It might sound a little bit weird, but I was actually very thrilled to have the ultra sound check so that they could dig in deeper to figure out the origin of my pain.

The night before, I was very starving, so I cooked lots of spaghetti and started dinner.

I seasoned the spaghetti just as I liked and again I was very hungry, so I was really enjoying the dish.

Then, the pain started in my right lower belly again and the pain level was 3-4 in the beginning.

Though, you know what, I'd been dealing with the pain in the last 3 weeks already at the point and I knew that the pain sometimes started when eating. So, I was just thinking, "Okay, the pain starts again. Whatever..." and kept eating.

After I finished dinner and took some Advil just as I did when I had cramps, I went to lie in bed for 30mins and so until Advil would kick in.

Usually, either Tylenol or Advil would start working and getting the cramps away in 30mins or so, but that night the pain still remained even after 1 hour and also the pain level went up to 8ish.

If it was the first time for me to get the symptom, I would have waited and seen until the next morning or so, but I already had the history about the problem and advice from the OBGYN doctor, so I told Andy, "Honey, the pain level goes up and Advil is not working at all."

Then, Andy made a call to the nurse line again and asked them if we should have rushed to an urgent care or ER right away or not.

Then, the nurse on the line said, "You've been having the pain for a while and the pain level is up now. Plus, from the pain spot, it also might be appendix, so you want to go to an urgent acre or ER tonight."

It was a little before 9 pm.

I don't remember exactly what's different from Japanese medical emergency care, but in the US, there are urgent care and ER. In my opinion, on the one hand you want to go to an urgent care when you feel like, "Oh.., I'm running a high fever. I should go in an urgent care tomorrow morning." or something, but on the other hand you want to rush in an ER when you happen to a situation like, "Damn! I cut my hand so deeply and the bleeding doesn't stop at all!!" or something. So, ER is for a more serious situation.
(All the urgent cares near my house closes at 8 pm and ER was my only option to see a doctor after 8 pm, but I don't know if there's an urgent care open 24/7 somewhere else.)

There was no urgent care open at the time nearby and also the nurse told me, "You want to go to a hospital and have them check if the pain's from appendix or not right away." So, Andy and I decided to go to an ER close to our house.

The nurse on the line kindly checked availabilities at ERs around our house at the point, but she said that the waiting time at the hospital where May-chan was born was 8 hours probably because they're short of staff and a lot of people were sick from flu, COVID-19 or other viruses in the season.

She also told that it's about 2-3 hour waiting time at another hospital near our house, so we decided to go there.

Again, if it was just 2 of us, we could have drove to the hospital right away, but May-chan was sleeping in her room at the point.

We couldn't leave her alone, so Andy called Brad (Andy's brother living 8mins away from us) and thankfully he said yes to coming over our house on such short notice.

So well, this is how Andy and I headed to the ER while Brad stayed home with sleeping May-chan.

Okay, this story will be continued.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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