Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

調子乗ってトレイルと公園をはしご (Park after Trail)

2021-05-30 11:58:32 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

So, the recent articles on my blog have been mostly about May-chan and I playing outdoor, but yeah, that's really pretty much all we've been doing.

Yeah, today's topic is also about another day when May-chan and I played outside.

On this day, I don't know why, but I surprisingly had some extra energy left both mentally and physically, so I first took May-chan out to the trail near our house.

May-chan always picks up branches and peels the skins, so that day wasn't an exception either.

On this trail, I let her walk as freely as she liked just as always.

At the open field on the trail, I'm comfortable to let her go anywhere she wants to as well.

At the open field, there were a plant looking like Japanese pampas grass, and May-chan always takes them and gives me saying, "Neko-jarashi! (Bristle grass/Setaria) since she knows the plant from her favorite Japanese cartoon DVDs.
(FYI, we commonly call Bristle grass/Setaria "Neko-jarashi" in Japanese which means "A Cat Toy". It makes sense, doesn't it?)

Anyways, I know that this is not Bristle grass/Setaria at least, but it's not Japanese pampas grass either, is it?

There are 3 big rocks at the open field, and May-chan and I usually sit on one of them and take a snack break there.

After we spent about 1 hour on the trail, I still had some energy left. "Okay, why don't I take May-chan to a park too?" I thought, and May-chan and I directly headed to this park nearby from the trail.

Of course, May-chan was super excited!!

She's really into swing these days and can ride on it forever.
(I don't know why, but I used to be able to ride on a swing when I was a child just as May-chan can, but I get car-sick/swing-sick now.)

The park is small, but it's usually very quiet and only kids around May-chan's age play there, so I don't have to worry if May-chan would bump into older kids or something.
(This park is always quiet anyway.)

She must have taken this after Daddy, and always loves playing with the wheel. LOL

We spent another hour at the park and then headed back home.

Even when we get back to our house from a park or somewhere, May-chan doesn't want to enter the house straight from the car. She usually plays around the house for a while before she feels like going inside the house even though we play a lot at a park beforehand.

On the week, I took May-chan to a couple of parks 3 days in a row which was more than our usual, but after playing at a park on the 3rd day, I completely ran out of my energy and passed out on the couch.
(Even though, I was half-asleep and half-awake since May-chan was wide awake. Haha)

May-chan seemed as energetic as usual for the 3 days when we did extra outdoor play, but on Monday next week, she slept in until 10am! She usually wakes up before 7am, so my extra effort on the previous week was worth it. (Yay!)

I can't do a lot of outdoor play every week like I did that week , but I'll still try do my best to take her to parks or trails as often as possible before we have the freezing MN winter again.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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2回目のワクチン接種行ってきたよ (Got my 2nd shot for COVID-19)

2021-05-28 10:44:17 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

Andy, May-chan and I are staying at Dad&Mom's house for a couple of days this week.

In the area where we live has been warm enough to call it summer, but where Dad&mom's house is which's located 3 hour-drive up north from our house is still chilly, probably and especially this week.

The temperature here today is 54F at the highest and 30F at the lowest. (Brr!!)

May-chan asked me to play outside with her just as usual, but we only hung out for 30mins or so and returned inside the house.

So, today I wanna share my experience about how I got a 2nd shot for COVID-19 and what the side-reaction was like.


1回目のワクチン接種してきました。(Got a first vaccine shot for COVID-19) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


1回目のワクチン接種してきました。(Got a first vaccine shot for COVID-19) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


The article about when I got my 1st shot.

My 2nd appointment was exact 3 weeks after the 1st shot, which was Friday again.

As well as the 1st time, Andy kindly drove me to the hospital with May-chan.

You shouldn't bring any unnecessary visitor on your appointment, so Andy took May-chan a quick drive around the hospital while I was getting the shot.
(Of course, you couldn park at the hospital parking and it was free if you're getting a shot, but May-chan tends to be crabby once the car stops moving, so Andy considered it a better idea to keep driving.)

The process to get a shot at the hospital was exactly same as the 1st time except for the part that I didn't need to make another appointment this time. I waited for 15 mins after the shot and was good to go.
(The 2nd time was less busy than the 1st time, so I didn't have to wait even a minute to get the shot.)

They gave me this card when I got the 1st shot, and I needed to take this for the 2nd shot with me and have them write down the record about my 2nd shot.

The nurse who did my shot told me, "You want to take a picture of the card or something for the record just in case you lose it."

You know, there's not much in particular to talk about with the nurse while she's giving the shot, so I gave her a random question, "How many people do you go through a day?"

Then she said, "Today we do about 940 people, but when we're busy, it's about 1300."

When I come to think that they give shots to so many people a day just with themselves, and there are more locations for doing as many vaccine shots as or more than the hospital, which means that there are quite a lot of people being fully vaccinated day by day in MN.

Without a doubt, you can have a right to choose not getting the shot, but I do hope that they're going to get a functional system ready for people who want to get a shot in Japan as well.

As for the side reaction that I had, I got Pfizer one.

After the 1st shot, I felt a pain in my arm and the peak was the day after I got the shot, which made my day a little bit inconvenient. Other than that, I didn't have any symptoms such as fever or what not.

After the 2nd shot, I felt some bearable pain on the day and didn't have any other symptoms. Though, around when I went to bed, I started feeling extra tired than usual.

The fatigue itself wasn't that bad either, and again I didn't have fever or something. What's hard for me tell is that I might have been already tired from finishing the week, because I got the shot on Friday. So, I can't be 100% sure if I was extra tired from the shot or my usual busy parenting task.

On the next day after, I still had some fatigue left and took a couple of Advil in the morning. Thanks to Advil or being lazy, I got back to normal in the afternoon.

For the pain in my arm, I surely say that the pain after the 1st time was stronger than after the 2nd shot. On the 1st time, the pain lasted for 3 days including the day that I got the shot, but on the 2nd time, the pain was already mostly going away on the day after.

Yeah, this is all about my experience to get a Pfizer shot. Thankfully, I could finish it without any bad side reactions.

I hear that you can tell that you're fully vaccinated in 2 weeks after the 2nd shot, so I'm going to be fully vaccinated in a week.

All the adult members in my family completed shots now. I hope that we can go to more places again shortly!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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お気に入りの公園でピクニック (Picnic at my favorite park)

2021-05-26 09:18:07 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How's everything going in your life?

So, today I want to share another outdoor play with May-chan at my favorite park.

May-chan and I usually go to 3-4 different parks or trails near our house in rotation, and this park that I'll talk about is my favorite one.

I've wrote about this place here some times before, but it's a small beautiful garden where May-chan and I visited a lot last summer too.

Why is this place my favorite? It's because I can let May-chan walk just as she likes most of the time there.

Needless to say, the beautiful and pretty flowers there are always a bonus.

They nicely put name labels near each kind of flowers so that you can remember the names, but you know, I'm not such a flowery girl (LOL). I always end up enjoying the beauty, "Oh they're pretty!" and missing a chance to be more knowledgeable.

The stairs at the garden are May-chan's favorite. BTY, what is she doing over there??

A-ha! She's swinging around a branch and saying "Yah!!" as always. LOL

That day we brought a simple Bento (lunch box) and enjoyed it on the bench.

"Oishi! (Yummy!)"

We hardly saw other people at the garden just as usual, so freely walked around at the garden.

We also enjoyed the view of the lake and saw some people having fun with the boat riding.

It's about 1 hour or so that we stayed there, and it's a really refreshing time for both of us.

To be honest with you, playing outdoor with a 2-year old everyday is more exhausting than what you'd expect is. It's always like a competition between May-chan and me everyday to see who'll run out of energy. Haha

I've been trying to take her out as often as possible to burn her energy, but I sometimes pass out before her. LOL

I assume that it's going to be warm enough to play in an inflatable pool sometime soon, so I'd like to make May-chan consume as much of her limitless energy as possible in the most efficient combination of play at the parks and in our yard this summer.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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大きな公園 (Big Park)

2021-05-24 10:15:04 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

Here in MN, the warmer the weather gets, the more I've got motivated. So, I recently take May-chan to parks more often.

May-chan tends to get bored if I take her to a same place everyday, which means that she wants to leave in a short time, so I've been doing my best to take her to 3-4 different places in rotation.

On this day, I took her to this big park for the first time this year.


湖に泳ぎに行ったよ。(We went to swim in the lake.) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


湖に泳ぎに行ったよ。(We went to swim in the lake.) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


May-chan first tried to swim in the lake last summer at this park.

The play area was still under construction last summer, but when we went there this time, it's completely finished.

A kind of unique swing.

The slides were pretty steep, but May-chan's a fearless girl, so it's not a problem! She slid down on her own.

There's was a girl who looked a little bit older than May-chan too. She asked me to push the plaything for us, but it was very heavy!

There's a tunnel like this and...,

something like this which you can stand/sit and spin on.

There was also a simple version of zip-line which was, of course, for older kids than May-chan's age. Plus, the entire play area seemed to be targeted at over 1st graders.

Yeah, I'm talking about this stuff.

Though, May-chan's such a fearless girl and wanted to try the zip-line too. The ground was covered with mulch for safety, so I let her do it.
(Needless to say, I had to assist her and didn't have a chance to take a picture, but she could keep holding the rope on her own. She fell once though. Haha)

The play area wasn't so busy when we started playing there, but there were more kids gradually showing up, mostly older kids around 4-5th graders. So, that made me feel a little bit worried to let May-chan play in the middle of them, (since they're moving super fast) and I tried hard to take May-chan away from the play area.

In this big park, there's a beach ball court like this and other nice spots to enjoy besides the play area.

I barely succeeded to lead May-chan to the beach ball court from the play area. For May-chan, it's a giant sandbox.

Since May-chan has her private sandbox at home (which is handmade by Daddy), I suggested her to walk around instead.
(I'd rather have her walk and burn some energy. Haha)

Once the play area got out of her sight, it became much easier to guide her to the direction that I liked to go. Thankfully, she started walking again.

Why not? We took a selfie here.

We took our usual walking route at this park and ended the outdoor play of the day.

Oh well, what's inconvenient for me was that there was the play area located right in front of the parking lot where I parked, so when we walked back to our car, May-chan saw the play area and wanted to play there again without a doubt. Though, there were a big group of 6-7th graders there, which made it harder for us to keep the social distance. So, I kept trying to distract May-chan by saying, "Okay, let's go eat cookies! Let's go watch JJ!!" and ended up carrying her back to our car. LOL
(JJ is May-chan's favorite YouTube character, FYI. )

From this experience, I learned that I should have parked a little further from the play area next time.

Anyways, I'm so glad that May-chan had much fun at the park.

Okay, this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!!

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久しぶりに髪を切ってもらった (Andy and I got haircuts)

2021-05-22 09:25:15 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How's everything going in your life today?

So, I shared my experience about getting the 1st vaccine shot for COVID-19 here the other day.


1回目のワクチン接種してきました。(Got a first vaccine shot for COVID-19) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


1回目のワクチン接種してきました。(Got a first vaccine shot for COVID-19) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


In the entire state of MN, the number of people who's completed the vaccine shot has been increased, which has made Andy, the leader of my family, feel slightly less worried about the situation and relaxed our family regulations just a little bit as well.

So, the other day Andy asked me, "Can you make an appointment for a haircut with Mika-chan?"

In the quarantined life by then, I had never got a haircut, and I did a couple of haircuts for Andy with a hair clippers. Haha.

So, when he said, "I wanna get a haircut.", I thought, "Oh, it seems like the end of the quarantined life is close!"

So, I asked my friend and hair stylist, Mika-chan, when she's available, and even though she's not scheduled to work that weekend, she kindly said, "Oh, I'm off this weekend, but my husband's out of town and I'll be bored, so I can do your haircuts!"

Besides that, she suggested, "Why don't we have lunch at a park or somewhere after the haircuts?" which sounded a perfect idea for us too.
(I really appreciate Andy for wanting a haircut on the perfect timing. LOL)

On the day, it was a little cloudy, but not raining. Lucky us!

While Andy was watching May-chan, I got a haircut first. Before.

After. I usually do a bob, but I asked Mika-chan to just trim the end this time though this picture doesn't show it well.
(I got my hair curled for the first time in my life. Haha)

After my haircut, I took over May-chan while Andy's getting a haircut, and we all took out lunch at McDonald's and headed to a park nearby.

May-chan recently started getting more shy, but Mika-chan kept friendly talking to her, which made May-chan feel like opening her heart enough to make high-fives with her.

We got to the park! May-chan wanted to play at the park first before the lunch and didn't listen to us (probably because she wasn't that hungry at the time), so I played with her a little bit first so that Andy and Mika-chan could eat in the meantime.
(In this picture, Mika-chan kindly tried to take May-chan back to the park and play there together, but May-chan got too shy to play just with her. "I wanna play, but I don't know her much..." May-chan was being stuck in the big dilemma.

Andy kindly took over May-chan in a little while, and Mika-chan and I could chat for a while.

Mika-chan's one of my few and precious Japanese friends in MN, and we're at the same age and height. Haha. It's too bad that we live a little bit far from each other and can't hang out so often.

She cuts my hair, but when she cuts my hair, she's working full time at the salon, of course, so it's pretty rare for us to have such a time to sit down and chat for a couple of hours like that day.

Still, May-chan was with us, which means that 3 of us, Andy, Mika-chan and I, could sit down and enjoy adult conversations together, but it was still fun enough.

I really appreciate Mika-chan using her off day to come and cut our hair and suggesting to do such a wonderful lunch date with us.

Okay, this is all about how we spent the weekend in such a joyful way thanks to our sweet friend, Mika-chan!

Thank you for reading again!!!

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