Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ごはんマーケットで注文してみた (First Order on GOHAN Market)

2023-01-31 15:35:57 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi folks!

How are you doing today?

Here in MN, we're having a "This is the MN freezing winter" week.

I just came back home from dropping off May-chan at a preschool this morning and my car said -7F.

-7 is in Fahrenheit, so it's -21 in Celsius!!!

Plus that, the forecast tells you about windchill which is how cold you actually feel in the wind or other facts, and today's windchill is -31F!!!

In MN, kids play outside in a recess at school even in a cold weather, but -31F is too cold even for MN kids to play outside.

Last week May-chan and I stopped by the trail near our hoes on the way back home from preschool and this is how it looked there.

May-chan was so pleased to take a walk on the trail for the first time in a while, but she wanted to pee halfway the walk so we had to rush back home. LOL
(She actually made it to home!!!)

So today, I want to talk about another online shop from which you can buy Japanese products in MN.

Even when you say "America", it's a huge country consisted of 50 unique states as you know, so the number of options to obtain Japanese products differs depending on which area in the country you live. Compared to states like California or New York where more Japanese people live, MN has much less options.

今までHit-chanが一番のお気に入りだったTokyo Centralというオンラインショップがコロナでサービス終了になり、その後いくつかのショップでお買い物を試してきました。
I used have my most favorite online shop to buy Japanese food stuff called Tokyo Central, but they discontinued the online service due to the pandemic. So, I've tried some other online shops so far.

Tokyo Centralの何が良かったかと言いますと、やっぱり日本の商品に特化していて、その品揃えとコスパの良さが素晴らしかったんです。
What's the best about Tokyo Central was the variety of Japanese products. They specialized in Japanese products and sold them for decent prices.

When you try to find Japanese food products in MN, you can't find any stores to specialize just in Japanese products.

Both at retail stores or online shops, depending of the backgrounds of the owners, they have a certain strong point of nationality in the lineup such as Chinese, Korean, Indian, Vietnamese etc...

Weee!で注文してみた。(First Order on Weee!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


The shop called Weee has been very poplar lately. They sell Japanese products, but it seems like they're Chinese oriented. Their strong points are the variety of products including fresh veggies, fruits and frozen & refrigerated stuff.

日本食品のオンラインショップ (Online shops for Japanese groceries) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


この記事で試しているAsian Grocery Storeというお店も日本系、中国系、ベトナムとかなのかな?の商品があり、一つの国の商品だけを考えると品揃えは少ないかもしれないですが、40ドル以上購入すれば送料が無料なので、お試し注文や少数の注文がしやすいです。
The shop called Asian Grocery Store that I talked on the article above sells Chinese, Japanese and I guess, Vietnamese? If you look for a certain nationality, they might not have enough things, but they offer a free shipping for a over $40 purchase, which is nice for you to give it the first shot or make a small order.

I also talked about the shop called TESO Life on the article above. This shop sells some Japanese products, but mainly Chinese stuff. I think that their strong point is the variety of Asian cosmetic items.

Anyways, now let me talk about the shop that I tried this time.

GOHAN Market ONLINE Japanese Grocery Store.

GOHAN Market ONLINE Japanese Grocery Store.

GOHAN Market offers the largest selection of Authentic Japanese food, drink and lifestyle products in USA. アメリカ全土に日本食料品をお届けします。「多品種」「高...

GOHAN Market


This shop is totally a Japanese shop. So, if you're familiar with Japanese food culture, you'd probably find lots of seasonings or snacks which you've seen.

The prices are reasonable (in MN standard) but you need to make a over $150 purchase for a free shipping, so it's a little bit of a high bar just to give it the first shot or make a small order.
(I think making a group purchase with your family or friends would be a good idea.)

I'd been interested particularly in the shop for a while, but the high bar to make a over-$150 order made me hesitated to try. Though, I was running out of my Japanese snacks and essential seasonings at the end of last year and I felt like "You know what, New Year's coming soon, so why not??" and made my first order at the shop.

Here was the box delivered.

I already deleted the emails with the order information and don't know how long they took to get it shipped, but I remember it wasn't that long.

They packed the box decently.

This is all that I ordered from them on the order. The bag by May-chan's little left foot was potato starch. Haha.

The bag on the right low with an apple is jelly and this brand is very popular. I think they were selling a bag for less than $2, so I got one. I hadn't eaten it for a long, long time, but it's so yummy. Haha

As you can see in the pic, most of the stuff that I got this time was my snacks. Still, I got a big bag of Azuki beans so that I could bake more bread to donate to Japanese school. Also, I'm glad that I could get the big bottle of Okonomiyaki sauce (Top center) which is my family's favorite. The Kagamimochi (Top right-end) was something that I got to feel some Japanese New Year atmosphere. (We display kind of a snowman-shape mochi, rice cake, in a house for celebrating New Year in Japan and eat it when the celebration is over.)

It's still limited to obtain Japanese food products in MN, but I'm very happy that I could find another option added to my list.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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Hit-chan、39回目の誕生日 (My 39th BD)

2023-01-27 17:17:13 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi folks!

How's everything going today?

Here in MN, we again got some snow today.

Between Andy and me, we have an unspoken agreement about house chores, which I do mostly indoor stuff like laundry or cleaning and Andy does most of the outdoor stuff like mowing the lawn or plowing snow.

Though, this morning Andy asked me who just woke up, "Can you do me a big favor? Can you shovel the driveway?"

Oh well, it's not that fun to be asked to do an additional chore first in the morning, but Andy's working hard for the family and politely asked me, so his sweet wife kindly did his favor.
(He said that the temperature will go much lower by the time he's done with his work, so you know, I didn't have any choice to say no.)

I was originally going to do my usual chores like laundry or ironing his work shirts today because May-chan doesn't have any schools. Though, at this point, 10am, when I'm done shoveling the driveway, I'm feeling like I'm already done all the work for the day.

Anyways, just as the title says, I want to share about the little party to celebrate my 39th BD the other day.

Technically saying, it's not about an event on my BD since I got flu in the beginning of the new year around from Jan. 4th, so we didn't do anything on my BD, Jan 5th.
(Still, I got a lot of BD wishes from my families and friends, which made me super happy. Big thanks!)

My sinus condition went so bad while I was sick and lost my sense of smell to enjoy food at the time, so I asked Andy, "Let's celebrate my BD whenever I get better enough to enjoy food."

Then, on the 14th which was 9 days after my actual BD, I finally could celebrate my BD with Andy and May-chan.

I didn't take pictures, but Andy went took out some fancy sushi from our favorite sushi restaurant.

I was so happy that I could enjoy delicious sushi for my BD. After the fancy dinner, we started a card and present time.

I first got a card from May-chan.
(Sorry about my just-recovered-from sick style and messy room. What? Doesn't it look that different from usual? LOL)

May-chan's now able to write alphabets both in Japanese and English, so she wrote a sweet message for me on the card on her own.

The next was a card from Andy. Just as always, the card was full of love and thank-you words from him.

What was the present?

Yay! A new pair of tennis shoes which I'd wanted for a while.

I didn't have any thought about a particular brand or model, but my old tennis shoes got a hole last year and since then I'd wanted to get a new pair.

So, here are the ones Andy picked for me. Pink Nike.

My favorite colors are usually blue or green, but I'm not picky about colors for my clothes or accessories.

Still, for shoes, I'd avoid white because dirt marks get noticeable on it and also black because it's kind of boring to me, and I'd prefer having a certain level of uniqueness in the color or design enough to make me say, "Oh, that's mine!" at a glance.

So, Andy's choice was perfect. The pink was unique enough for me to tell they're mine in a second but not too much either. So, I love them!

The size was perfect too.

A part of me wants to go for walk with the brand new cute shoes, but I also don't want to get them dirty right away by waling in snowy roads, so I'm thinking to go out with them in spring where all the snow is melted.

Okay, this is all about how we celebrated my 30th BD. It was a very small and low-key, but I'm very glad to have another wonderful time with my family.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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ミネソタも寒いけど、京都も寒そう (MN is cold, but Kyoto looks cold too)

2023-01-24 14:09:10 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

Here in MN, I mentioned this here a couple of times, but we've got a lot of snow this winter. May-chan's preschool was canceled on the last day before the winter break and also on the first day after the winter break due to the severe weather and bad road conditions.

Needless to say, Minnesotans are used to lots of snow, but this extraordinary amount of snow this winter has made them fed with it.

I'm so scared to drive on snowy or icy roads, but thanks to all the snow-plowing workers, the roads get back in a decent condition in a short time even after we get much snow at once.

Though, they've plowed lots of snow and piled it up everywhere and the snow piles make more blind spots for both pedestrians and drivers, so I've paid more attention when driving these days.

Anyways, last night I got a message from my mom in Kyoto saying, "We've got lots of snow too!" with a couple of pics around her house.

I know that the northern area of Kyoto get lots of snow in winter, but the southern area where my parents live and I grew up doesn't get snow almost at all.

Though, the pictures from my mom showed me a view of some snow on the ground.

The amount of snow in the pics doesn't look "A lot of snow" in MN standard, but I'd definitely say it's a lot of snow in Kyoto standard. So, I checked some news about my hometown weather online.


The new above says Japan Railways in Kyoto area canceled some schedule on the 24th and also announced to do planned suspension on the 25th.

I also checked The Kyoto Shinbun, a local newspaper, website and got more information.

This article says multiple cars got stuck on the snowy roads at a part of downtown Kyoto in the evening of the 24th.

This is also about the evening of 24th. At Kyoto station, they regulated the number of people entering the building.
(This makes sense to me because overcrowding brings another big danger too.)

The forecast says that some areas in northern Kyoto will get 40-60cm (15-23inches) snow for the 24hours from the 24th to 25th.

Even here in MN aka the winter wonderland, we feel like, "Oh shoot, it's pain in the butt going to work (school)!" when we get lots of snow, so it'd be really hard for people in Japan having an extraordinary weather like the snow especially because using public transportation is a big part of their life.

Of course, my hometown, Kyoto, is not only the area getting hit a severe weather in Kyoto, so I hope that you all are safe.

Okay, this is all for today. I just wanted to say again how lucky it is to have ordinary days.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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めいさん、初書初め (May-chan's First Calligraphy!)

2023-01-23 13:16:34 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi folks!

How's your new year going so far?

3 of us are doing okay so far.
(Andy's a little bit sick and May-chan's got a stuffed nose, but thankfully those minor problems haven't taken us out of our normal life yet. Haha)

Our lovely and hyper daughter, May-chan, has attended Japanese school since she's 3. She used to not join the class without Mommy at all for a while, but she suddenly overcame the fear of separation one day in the last year.

It's probably because she also started going to 2 preschools in the last year and then learned the routine, "I gotta say bye-bye to mommy now, but she'll be back later."

She now goes to 3 different schools, (the local preschool, YMCA's outdoor preschool and Japanese school) and luckily loves going to all of them unlike me who hated to go to school in the entire life. (Yay!)

The biggest benefits from going to Japanese school here is making Japanese friends in MN (this is a big benefit to me too.) and also having a lot of experiences related to Japanese culture through all the seasonal events hosted by Japanese school.

The other day they hosted a New Year's party at school and provided a lot of Japanese traditional toys such as Koma (tops), Hagoita (Japanese badminton), Fukuwarai (A game like pin the tale on the donkey) which people used to play with in New Year. It's a lot of work and pretty much impossible for me to get those things ready all by myself, so I really appreciated them for providing such a great opportunity for Japanese kids in MN.
(FYI, May-chan's favorite was Koma (tops).)

One of the main activities at the event was Japanese calligraphy which May-chan tried for the first time.

In Japan we do calligraphy in New Year and I used to do it for a part of homework in winter break as a kid. If you go to school in Japan, calligraphy should be very familiar, but Japanese kids in MN don't have many chances to touch the culture. So, again it's really grateful for me to have my daughter try such a very cultural experience here.

So, here are May-chan's first calligraphy works.

Even in her very first calligraphy experience, she wrote her own name and "Usagi" (Rabbit) so well without looking at any models.
(She wrote "Rabbit" since this year is the year of the Rabbit.)

The artist May-chan's creativity got stimulated with the brush and black ink which were new to her, so she freely drew on the white papers too.

This is Mommy's favorite one. She draw one of the characters from her favorite cartoon.

I really loved the touch of brush and ink color which matched the heel character.

We didn't do anything for Japanese New Year in my family, but thanks to the Japanese school, May-chan and I could enjoy some Japanese New Year atmosphere this year.

I guess, we will celebrate New Year more in Japanese style with Osechi (New Year dishes) when May-chan grows up a little bigger. (It's all up to me! Haha)

Anyways, this is all about May-chan's first calligraphy works!

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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5 人生初手術・ER後半 (5 My First Surgery/ER )

2023-01-19 10:22:02 | 右卵巣摘出手術 (My right ovary removal surgery)
Hi everyone!

How's your day going?

Oh well, it's been a while since I updated my blog last, but 3 of us in my family are doing okay overall though we got a light cold lately.
(I talked that I got a flu in the beginning of the new year and after that, my sinus problem and high fever got better. I still feel some discomfort in my throat, but I've got back to my normal life and been doing fine.)

Here in MN, this winter has brought us tons of snow and it's snowing today too.

Our back yard. The view has been like this for a few months.

Andy's grill got a lit of snow on the top, which kind of looks like ice cream. haha.

In my MN life, I don't have to walk outside in the cold weather so much. I used to strongly dislike the cold weather when I was in Japan since I had to walk around a lot to get to school or work or just do chores. Instead of disliking to walk outside in the cold weather not much anymore, I now strongly dislike driving on slippery roads in MN winter.

Okay, let me get back to my surgery story today.

It's been over a month since I had the surgery and my memories are getting faded out from my brain. Still, I'll do my best to record my story here.

Here's the timeline so far.

10月30日 右下腹部痛開始
Oct.30th The pain in my right lower belly started

11月8日  1回目のナースライン(次の生理まで様子を見るようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 8th The 1st nurse line call was made

11月16日 産婦人科の先生の診察(次の生理後にエコー検査をするようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 16th App with an OBGYN doctor

11月28日 ER訪問(今日のお話はここです。)
Nov. 28th ER Visit (I'm talking about this today.)

11月29日 エコー検査予約
Nov. 29th App for ultra sound

From the result of my blood and urine test, they did a CT scan on me.

As the result, they found 2 cysts in my right ovary.

Around 3 am, we finally could meet a doctor and he said,

"I saw the images of your CT scan and found 2 cysts in your right ovary. To check them more, I want you to do an ultrasound."


"I actually have an appointment for ultrasound tomorrow."

I said. Then,

"I don't want to make you guys go tomorrow. You can do it here and want to see your OBGYN for the follow-up. I'll give you a stronger pain medication so that you can take it when the cramps get back again."

he said.

At the point, the pain level was dropped down to only 3 or so probably because the food in my stomach was mostly digested by then.

"I don't have much pain now."

I told that to the doctor, but he said

"Oh, that's really good, but just in case you get the bad cramps again, I'll prescribe the medication anyways."


After the meeting with the doctor, they moved me to an ultrasound room.

I was fine enough to walk from the examination room to the ultrasound room on my own, but the ultrasound technician lady kindly came over to the examination room and carried me in bed to the ultrasound room.

After the ultrasound check, she carried me in bed back to the examination room again. At the end of the visit, a nurse gave me a shot for pain-relief and Andy and I headed back home.

The hospital was not the same network as my usual clinic network, but thankfully they could share all of my information at the ER with my clinic in the system, so I didn't have to bring any documents or something to my OBGYN on my own.

After the chaotic night, we got back home around 4 am.

Okay, this is all about my first ER experience.

To be honest with you, the maximum pain level that night was 8, which was still easy enough for me to lie down and put up with it for a while, but without all the history of the same pain in the previous 3weeks, I would have waited until the next morning. Though, I'm glad that I ran to the ER that night and had them do all the checks and find the cysts at once because everything went very smoothly from the night to the surgery.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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