Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

お誕生日おめでとう、お母さん!! (Happy Birthday, Mom!)

2021-03-31 10:44:01 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)

How are you doing today?

In MN time, today, March 31st is my mom's birthday!! Happy birthday!

When I used to live in Japan, I wrote about her more often on this blog too, but since I moved to MN, it's only once in 2 years or so that we can see each other in person, so she appears here less often now.

She was actually going to come here to help us when May-chan was born, but she got sick at the time and couldn't make it.

After that, even though it's not fatal condition or something, she had to keep an eye on her condition not to get too exhausted or sick.

Luckily, I heard that she finally got back to normal and started doing things that she liked to do, and I'm so relieved and glad.

To be honest with you, my mom is such a unique and interesting person who makes me surprised very often, but she's the one who I spent the most fulfilling time of my life in Japan and visited many places with.

We visited Izumo Shrine several times together.
(We actually went there a few days after I was diagnosed with cancer, and also visited there after my treatment was done.)

We also took a bullet trip to Las Vegas just to say goodbye to Star Trek attraction at Hilton Hotel which they was going to discontinue in a few months or so since my mom was such a huge fan of Star Trek.

I can't forget that we had the most delicious eel when we stayed near Lake Biwa.

We could see the beautiful sunrise at Grand Canyon on the new year's day in 2009.

We ran into a beautiful picture of Sedona in a book at a book store one day and said, "What a beautiful place! Let's add it to our wish list!" and we actually made it come true.

More than anything, I really appreciate my mom for letting me whatever I wanted to do even if my dream sounded super reckless and immature.

As well as my father, my parents always treated their kids as one human being, not their belonging or something, and told me "You can do whatever you want to do. It's your life." That's why I'm happily living in MN where is very far away from them.

It's been more than 10 years since mom and I used to travel together, and we both aged more than 10 years as well.

I can't deny that we are physically less young now, but I do hope that we both are going to age healthy and still go anywhere to make us excited together.

Again, happy birthday, Mom! Please stay healthy and keep following your exciting heart!!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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スロークッカーで大豆を煮る (Cook Soybeans with Crockpot)

2021-03-29 09:46:18 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi everyone!

How are you doing today?

So, I shared this here twice before, but I started homemaking fermented soybeans recently.


納豆を作ってみたよ。(Homemade Natto, Fermented Soybeans) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


納豆を作ってみたよ。(Homemade Natto, Fermented Soybeans) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)



納豆2回目作ってみたよ。(2nd time homemade Natto) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


納豆2回目作ってみたよ。(2nd time homemade Natto) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I talked about this on the articles above, but the biggest reason why I started making fermented soybeans from scratch at home was because our veggie hater, May-chan, loved them besides I personally loved them too.

In Japan, any grocery store sells fermented soybeans for reasonable price such as $1 for 3 packs, but here in MN, we have to go to Asian grocery stores to get them and they're about $3 for 3 packs (which I think they're still reasonable).

In the last 2 experiences to make fermented soybeans from scratch at home, I found out that they were really tasty and it's not that difficult to make them either.

The process itself to make fermented soybeans is not hard at all and all you need to do is pretty much leave cooked soybeans in a yogurt maker for some hours. Though, there's one part which required me much time and attention in the entire process.

When I first made Natto from scratch at home, I steamed the soybeans in a big pot and it took forever to fully cook the beans until they got soften enough. (I soaked the beans in water overnight beforehand too.) Since I was steaming the beans for hours, the steam spread everywhere in the house, which made the entire house super moist. Plus, I had to keep an eye on the water level in the pot frequently too.

Nowadays I hear that people use this very convenient cooking tool called Instant pot. If you have such an amazing tool, you can cook soybeans in the pressure cook setting for a short time and then ferment the beans in the yogurt make setting too. Unfortunately, I don't have it.

So, I did some research about a better and easier way to cook soybeans online and then found out a way to use a crock pot. "Oh, I already have the crock pot from Andy's grandma!", I tried to give it a shot.

I'm actually going to share my 2nd experience to cook soybeans with a crockpot today since I learned some fixable points on the 1st try and the 2nd time turned out much better.

The original recipe that I found online said, "You don't have to soak the beans at all and you can start cooking them as dry." and I actually followed it for the first try, but it ended up taking way longer than the recipe time. So, I soaked the beans in water overnight this time.
(The recipe said "Cook them for 7 hours or so on a low setting", but I ended up taking over 14 hours or so with my crock pot.)

So, I set my crock pot on a low heat setting when I first tried, but this time I set it on a high heat setting since it took too much time last time.
(I assume it depends on the crock pot you use.)

Then, here's the most important point.

In my first experience, I cooked the beans with the water that I had soaked the beans overnight, but a little harshness remained in the flavor of the beans in the end. So, this time I cooked the beans in the same water that I had soaked the beans overnight for the first couple of hours and then when the water started boiling or simmering and producing harshness, I dumped the water and restarted cooking the beans with fresh water.

When you can see some harshness and the water turns yellowish, I usually change the water. I don't set the timer to change the water, but I'd say it's about 3-4 hours after I turn on the crock pot.

I sometimes switch the heat setting to low when the water seems to be boiling too much, but other than that, all I needed to do was that I left the crock pot on for 7-8 hours. Then when the beans turned soft enough, it's done!
(You want to cook the beans on the softer side for Natto since they get a little harder through the fermentation process.)

When you cook beans in a crock pot, it's super easy and stress-free. Even if you cook them 1 hour too long or something, it wouldn't make a big difference, so the cooking time is pretty flexible. When you try a bean or so and think it's soft enough, that's the perfect cooking time.

All done!!

Once the beans are cooked, you want to prep it for Natto and set it in a yogurt maker before they get cooled down.

I got tons of freshly cooked soybeans, so why not? I gave some to May-chan without any seasonings.

Oh, she liked them! She actually ate them all!

She doesn't eat vegetables at all, but she loves soybeans! Haha

Anyways, it's originally not that hard to make fermented soybeans (Natto) from scratch at home, but it's become much more easier since I mastered to cook soybeans in the crock pot.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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フルーツスムージーアイス (Fruit Smoothie Ice Cubes)

2021-03-27 09:45:27 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

So, I say this million times, but time flies! May-chan will turn 2 and half in 2 months.

She recently started caring about fashion, and sometimes comes and asks me to put her sunglasses or the cute hair band on. Once I put them on her, she also always wants to check how she looks in a mirror too. Haha!

So, such a lovely girl, May-chan's famous as a veggie hater on this blog, and she hasn't changed the liking yet.

In the past, I tried to make pasta sauce or Japanese style pan cakes using vegetable puree, but I haven't got any great solution for it yet.

そんな事をこのブログに綴った所、お友達で一児の母でもあるKanaちゃんが「野菜と果物、スムージーはどうかしら? それを凍らせてアイスキャンディーみたいにしたら楽しく食べてくれたりしないかな?」というナイスなコメントをくれました。
I mentioned about it on this blog other day, one of my friends, Kana-chan, who is a mother of a boy gave me a great idea, "What about making fruit and veggie smoothie and freezing it? It's going to be like Popsicles so she might feel like eating them."

Her great advice recalled to me that May-chan always loved eating snow when we played out side and also she always said "More, More!" when I gave her an ice cube.

Though, I tried not to give her ice cubes almost at all since I felt like, "I probably shouldn't give her cold stuff so much."

Besides that, I also tried to make fruit smoothie simply with milk and banana for her before because she didn't drink milk at all either. At the time, the white looking drink seemed No-No for her, and she even didn't tried a sip. (Dang!)

Still, Kana-chan's advice gave me a hope, "Oh, May-chan might eat it if I make ice cubes from smoothie!!" and gave it a try.

I used banana, sweetened yogurt and carrot.

I didn't want to put too much veggies for the first time since she'd probably notice the veggie flavor. Plus, I didn't put spinach this time though I wanted to because I could tell that May-chan wouldn't put any green-looking stuff in her mouth. LOL

I added some milk so that I could blend it well. I don't remember 100% sure, but I might put some honey too, or maybe not.

I blended it well and then it's done! It only took 30 seconds or so. Haha.

I tried it and it tasted yogurt based sweet smoothie. It was pretty good.

Then, I froze it in the ice cube tray.

It was something new to May-chan, let's check if she would like them or not.

Oh, she's very curious about the new thing. Yup, the texture of them is same as ice cubes you love. Yeah, the color is just orange.

Oh, she tried it on her own, and that's a good sign!

She tried to lick it 2-3 times and then started making a funny face.

I'm not sure if they're too cold to eat with her hands or she didn't like the flavor itself. Nobody knows the truth until she can explain it with words.

On the next day, I also tried to shave the ice cubes and make it look like her favorite snow!

Yeah, I didn't expect much that she would like it, but yeah, she didn't eat it at all.

At the time, she kind of stopped eating yogurt itself, so she might not like the yogurt flavor. Yeah, that's just my guess though.

When I'm writing this, in the middle of March, she actually ate good amount of yogurt again, so the smoothie ice cubes might work now.

Yeah, it's not that easy, is it?

She recently started eating Natto (fermented soybeans) again, which's made me relieved a little bit, but I just wonder when she'd start enjoying more different things.

Yup, I'm not in a hurry about it. Let's wait and see!

Okay, this is all for today.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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日本製ラップケースに米製ラップの中身が入るか実験 続編 (Experiment with the Japanese plastic wrap case 2)

2021-03-25 08:36:55 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi everyone!

How are you doing today?

So, I shared this here the other day, but I bought a Japan-made plastic wrap case on Amazon Japan.

However, it's a Japanese product, so I needed to find which American brand wrap rolls would fit the case.

So, I bought a couple of different plastic wraps at Target and did an experiment to see which one would fit the case on this article.

After that, I had a chance to buy more different brands at a grocery store nearby, so I did the same experiment with them.

Here are the 3 brands that I tried this time.

I tried this one first. Saran wrap 200sqft.

Saran wrap is also a very famous plastic wrap brand in Japan, but I'd never used it here.

I wondered why I'd never used this brand in MN until now, but I realized that it's because I usually got grocery items like plastic wraps at Target but they didn't carry the brand.

For this brand, the plastic material is fine and the original paper box is very strong too. The cutter part is also made with metal which is very good.

So, I assume that it'd be easy to use it in the original box, but the purpose that I bought this brand was to do the experiment, so why didn't I?

The width was perfectly fit in the Japan-made case, but the roll was too thick. (Yeah, it's familiar to me.)

Even though I said that this brand would be easy to use in the original box, but I didn't like 1 point about it.

It was the place where the cutter was attached on the box. I think that as well as most of Japanese products, most of American brands attach the cutter on the top part of the box. Though, Saran wrap one is attached on the bottom part.

So, it's totally opposite moves how you cut wrap depending on which side the cutter is attached on the box. If it's on the top, you want to rotate the box from the top to bottom (like push your thumb down), but if it's on the bottom, you want to rotate the box from the bottom to the top (like put your thumb up). I'm so used to do the first way, so it's kind of pain in a butt to do the other way.

Anyways, the wrap roll was too thick for the Japan-made case, so I need to use it in the original case until the roll gets thin enough and then switch it to the Japan-made case.

The next one that I tried was Glad 100sqft. I couldn't find 100sqft size in other brands, so it was the thinnest wrap roll that I'd be able to get.

The width was perfectly fit and the thickness was also fit in too!!

I'd actually expected that this one would fit in the case since the roll part was the thinnest among all the brands that I tried. So, the result turned out exactly what I expected, and I can use this one in the Japan-made case as it is.

This is the last one that I tried, which was Glad 200sqft.

From the last experiment, I learned that all the 200sqft size wrap rolls that I tried were too think for the Japan-made case, so I honestly didn't think that this one would fin it the case either.

Oh dear! What a surprise!! It actually fit in the case!!

It was barely fit in the case, which made me worry if the wrap roll would rotate well in the tight case, but it worked out fine. So, you can switch the roll from the original box to the Japan-made case right away after you buy it at a store.

So, from this experiment, I learned that both 100qft and 200sqft of Glad are available to use in the Japan-made case as they are.

Though, at the same time I could find the American brand to fit in the Japan-made case, I remembered something important as well.

I actually didn't like the plastic material of Glad...

I remembered that's why I hadn't used their brand for a long time.

I feel that the plastic part of this Glad brand is thinner than other brands and a little bit harder for me to handle.

When I reported the result of my experiments to Andy and mentioned that I didn't like Glad's plastic part, he said, "Oh, I don't like Glad ones." (Oh, he already knew he didn't like the brand. LOL)

So, size-wise Glad brand ones were perfect for my Japan-made case, but for my personal preference for the plastic material, their products were not the best for us.

Anyways, I got lots of plastic wraps for this experiment, and they're still sitting in our pantry room. So, I want to see which one would be the best for both of Andy and me as we use them all one by one.

So, I assume that this experiment wouldn't be helpful for many people, but I hope you didn't get bored. It was personally very interesting to me though.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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手作りパスタソース再び (Homemade Pasta Sauce Again)

2021-03-23 08:13:39 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)

How's everything going in your life?

So, I've told this million times here, but our lovely 2-year daughter, May-chan, doesn't eat vegetables at all.

So far, she's been into only one kind of veggish things at one time and kept changing the trends all the time. One time, she only ate Edamame beans and then Natto (fermented soybeans) and then Tofu. Yeah, she likes beans, not vegetables technically, but I'd still like it when she eats beans at least.
(She eats non-veggie stuff very well, BTW.)

Though, like I just said, she keeps changing her cravings all the time and it's not unusual that she liked this until yesterday and not anymore today.

Even though she doesn't eat vegetables straight, she really liked pasta sauce and ate it well with spaghetti, so I once tried to make her pasta sauce with lots of veggies.


めい用パスタソースを作ってみた (Pasta Sauce for May-chan) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


めい用パスタソースを作ってみた (Pasta Sauce for May-chan) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I actually mixed half and half with this homemade sauce and regular pasta sauce in jars and served it with spaghetti for her lunch often, and she really liked it.

Though, she'd started not eating it well anymore probably because I ran out of regular pasta sauce and served it just with my homemade sauce. So, I decided to make another batch of pasta sauce for her in Bolognese style this time.

I chopped some kinds of veggie that I found in the fridge at the time. Corn, celery, carrot and onion.

I found tomato too.

I used ground beef this time and made it pretty much similar to Japanese-style meat pasta sauce.

I first stir-fried them all in the pan.

When they got cooked well like this...,

I added the half of the canned tomato and...,

Ketchup and...,

Honey and...,

Chicken bouillon, oregano and basil. (Yup, I didn't measure any one of these ingredients.)

I added a hint of soy sauce as a Japanese cook.
(I actually saw this Japanese lady who had an Italian husband making tomato sauce on YouTube before, and she was actually adding soy sauce in her pasta sauce too!)

Oh, I also added some Parmesan cheese as well. Hehe.

I added some water and simmered it for a little bit. I tried it and it was tasty!

I'd say that this pasta sauce was pretty much same as typical Japanese-style meat pasta sauce, so even adults could enjoy it.

I poured in in the ice cube tray and froze it so that I could use them for May-chan's lunch anytime.

The new style sauce was served to May-chan with some spaghetti. I only put a little of the sauce for the first time.

Cool! She started eating it well. Yeah, she loves spaghetti and tomato sauce in general.

Though, she didn't eat the rest of the dish so well. I wasn't sure if she wasn't hungry, didn't like it or simply was tired of pasta sauce. (Dang!)

A few days after, Andy made his pasta sauce and meatballs from scratch for our dinner.

This is his special spaghetti and meatballs. Yummy!

In my house, my Japanee-style pasta sauce is told too sweet, so Andy usually makes pasta sauce for us.

As far as I saw May-chan eating Andy's pasta sauce and meatballs that night, she'd probably prefer Daddy's pasta sauce than Mommy's.

So, I froze Andy's pasta sauce in the ice cube tray too so that I could mix half and half with his and my sauce for May-chan's lunch next.

Yeah, as you read, I'll still have to keep trying to find a way to feed my daughter more vegetables.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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