Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

Memorial Day 2023

2023-07-09 11:17:18 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello there!

How's your summer going?

So, May 29th was Memorial Day in the US and a lot of people enjoy the weekend by gathering and grilling with their friends and families.

My family was not going to host or go to a party at all, but our close friends, Rheanna and Patrick, kindly invited us to their family gathering.

At their house, we always get a very passionate welcome greeting from their dogs. May-chan got a "Play with us!!" request from them right away after she stepped in the house.

Rheanna had prepped a lot of food for the family day.

The main event of the day for May-chan was the pool!! The water was a little bit cold, but May-chan couldn't stop giggling and laughing for the first pool in the season.

I think this is a typical kids thing, but May-chan kept saying, "I don't wanna get out of here!" even though she was shaking a lot. She enjoyed swimming there as taking some warm-up breaks.

May-chan remembered about their nice trailer which she's let in on the last visit, and "May-chan wanna go in there!" she said.

Andy enjoyed some relaxing time too.

He also did some Daddy's job to entertain May-chan.

What I was looking forward to the most for the day was that I was seeing the 2nd family of Andy and me in MN, the Raymonds. I could see the dad and mom, JT & Maureen and the youngest daughter, Marie there.
(FYI, Rheanna is a daughter of the Raymonds too and Marie's her younger sister.)

Our 2nd family, the Raymonds, and we open presents together in the Christmas morning every year, but we couldn't do that in the last couple of years due to the pandemic or scheduling difficulties, which was so disappointing for me.

So, it had been about a year or more since I saw the members of the family except for Rheanna.

I was especially glad to see JT&Maureen there because I had heard that they'd been recently having some challenging time. Although, they both seemed doing much better than I had expected, which was a big relief to me.

Rheanna prepped the chicken and Patrick smoked them on the driveway. They look so delicious, don't they?

It was a beautiful day, so we enjoyed the special meal outside. BTW, Patrick built the garage on his own from scratch. Isn't that amazing?

When we're chatting and enjoying the yummy food, I think it's Marie or somebody said, "Wait a sec. Isn't that a bunny there?" and pointed toward the garage.

We looked at the direction and then found this little cute bunny there!

How cute!!

It's so cute, but it's a wild animal, so we had to be careful not to touch him/her and Patrick tried to assist him/her to get out of the garage with a broom.

Phew! The little bunny got out of the garage.

Andy, May-chan and I didn't have any plans for this Memorial Day if Rhenna and Patrick didn't invite us to the casual party.

Thanks to them for kindly inviting us over their house, we could see JT&Maureen and Marie who we had missed a lot and had such a wonderful time with them.

Since we couldn't open presents together last Christmas, May-chan got a present from them that day.

The resent was some cute dolls with washable markers so that May-chan could color and wash them over and over which was perfect for a toy to play in a bathtub or pool.

She colored some dolls and played with them in her bath time that night.

Anyways, this is how we spent Memorial Day this year. We couldn't see everybody from the Raymonds who's our 2nd family this time, but it's still a great reunion and precious time with them.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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