Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

祝・4年振りプレゼント企画(第九弾)(Hit-chan's WakuWaku Present!)

2021-09-29 09:43:02 | プレゼント企画 (Present Events)
This event has been finished. Thank you to all who joined the event!!

Hello there!

How's everything going in your life?

Just as the title says, I'd love to host another present event after a long time!


Hit-chanのワクワクプレゼント当選者発表!(第八弾)(Hit-chan's WakuWaku Present!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Hit-chanのワクワクプレゼント当選者発表!(第八弾)(Hit-chan's WakuWaku Present!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


The last event was actually 4 years ago, and it was coincidentally also in September.

Probably some people already know this, but I do these things very randomly only when I get a feeling, "I wanna do it!" I don't know why, but now after 4 years from the last event, I got the feeling out of the blue the other day.

The theme of my present event is to send a happy moment to somebody somewhere in the world. So, I randomly draw a winner from whoever wants to join the event and sent a present to the person.

In the last couple of years, there are so many people struggling with the situation in the pandemic. I assume that some people can't do things that they want to do, some people have to work much harder than usual or some people have a big anxiety about their insecure future... Probably, that's why I've felt like creating a happy moment for somebody somewhere in the world especially now.

Anyways, here's the prize!

Yup, coffee beans as usual.

I used to work at Caribou coffee and picked up their beans as the prizes in the past, but this time I picked up the beans from this shop.



もはや。。。(Not Surprised Anymore...) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


もはや。。。(Not Surprised Anymore...) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I mentioned this a little bit on this article, but a guy working at the Mercedes-Benz dealership taught me about the roastery.

この時の話をママにしたら、Hit-chanがお店の名前を言う前に、「あ、Stone House Coffeeでしょ?」とドンピシャで名前を言い当てられるというくらい、地元ではちょっとした有名店のようです。
Shortly after that, I talked to Mom about the story and even before I mentioned the shop name, "Oh, is it Stone House Coffee??" Mom nailed it. I guess that the store is pretty famous in the area.

Mom who had tried the beans said, "They're really good!" and I heard that good feedback when I was starting to think about doing the event again, so the conversation with Mom brought me the idea, "Oh, they're so perfect for the event prize!"

I could order their beans online, but luckily Dad&Mom who lived near the shop did me a favor and kindly bought and delivered the beans to my house. (Big Thanks!)

Here are the 2 kinds of blends that I asked them to get.

Minnesota Morningブレンド
Minnesota Morning

It's a little bit hard to see, but the bean color is like this.

もう1つはMinnesota Niceブレンド
The other blend is Minnesota Nice.

The beans look like this.

The shop sells a lot of kinds of blends, but I personally preferred something related to Minnesota for the prize, so I asked Dad&Mom to get those particular blends. (Big Thanks again!)

Since I have 2 bags, I'd love to draw 2 winners and randomly pick one of 2 kids for each winner.

It's super easy to join this. You just need to enter your name (or nickname) and say "I wanna join it." on the comment form.

You can join this event from any place in the world.

The deadline is the end of Oct. 13th (Wed) in MN time. I think it's 2pm on Oct. 14th (Wed) in Japan time. (I'm pretty flexible about these things, so the final deadline is until I write "It's over!" here.)

I usually don't get so many comments here, but every time I do this present event, I get to know that there are certainly people who enjoy my blog and that gives me a lot of motivation and inspiration.

So, I hope that this event gives you a push to leave a comment here.

Okay then, bye for now!!

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3 再・お家でステイトフェア(State Fair at Home Again Vol.3)

2021-09-27 13:10:38 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

Okay, this is the last article about our State Fair at Home party.

Andy grilled a couple of things in the yard too.

Fresh corn! The season is ending, but they're still sweet and delicious!

Andy's favorite fair food, Pork Chop on a Stick! It's not on a stick though.

The pork chop stand at the fair sells bottles of their spices too. Luckily, Andy's friend got one for him, so we used it this time.

Our grill man did the perfect job on the meat! It's super delicious!

I forgot to take pictures, but we made fried pickles too which was Brad's request. (Yup, they're just deep-fried pickles.) I'm glad that he enjoyed them too.

As you probably know, most of the fair foods are deep-fried. We made 3 deep-fried foods, Cheese curds, Corn dogs and Fried pickles at the party this year.

I cooked all the deep-fried foods, so I kind of got full just by cooking them. Haha.

On the same day, we also celebrated Dad's belated birthday together too. (His BD is Aug.4th.)

This present was from Brad.

This one was from us. (Andy picked it.)

It's inside the fancy wooden box.

What was a bottle of vintage Brandy. (Yup, I got to know what's inside at the time. Haha)

I'm happy to see that Dad liked both presents!

Brad actually had got a cake for Dad's BD that day, but Dad&Mom wanted to get going since it took about 3 hours to drive back to their house, so we ended the party shortly after that.

The cake that Brad picked up was actually one of my favorites, Tiramisu cake, so I enjoyed the cake all by myself for some days. Hehe (Lucky me!)

Anyways, I do hope that we can enjoy the state fair next year just like we used to.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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2 再・お家でステイトフェア(State Fair at Home Again Vol.2)

2021-09-25 12:19:56 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello everyone!

How's your day going today?

Okay, today I want share more about our "State fair at home" party this year.

I first tried to make mini donuts last year, and thankfully "If you have time and energy, I want you to make some mini donuts again." Andy asked me, but the week was kind of busy to me and it's a little bit hard for me to adjust the timing to make them because you had to raise the dough, so I decided not to make them this year.

Instead, I made the copycat of the famous and popular fair food, Sweet Martha's Chocolate Chip Cookies! It's nice that you can take the leftovers home too.


Copycat State Fair Cookies Recipe

If you go to the Minnesota State Fair, you're probably familiar w...

Cheap Recipe Blog


I referred to this recipe.

This is a very typical thing happening to a Japanese who makes sweets with American recipes, which I got very overwhelmed by the amount of sugar used for the cookies, but "This is a fair food. I should follow the recipe for sure." I convinced myself and dumped a mound of sugar into the bowl. LOL

Done! I made a half amount of the original recipe, but it still turned out so many cookies baked.

Thanks to the great recipe, especially Mom and Brad really loved the cookies and took some home too.

焼き上がったクッキーをテーブルに置いておいたら、めいが大人の目を盗んで食べておりましたとさ。(笑) すぐにめいの目の届かない所に移動させました。
I'd actually put a bowl of the cookies on the table for a while, and then May-chan sneaked to grab and eat some. LOL Yup, I moved the bowl to the kitchen counter so that she couldn't reach them.

This is my request, corn dogs. American dogs we call in Japanese.

Andy made the batter last year and it turned out super delicious, but the batter that I made this year turned out too soft. Failed.

For the future reference, the batter should be very thick and sticky. (I made it like the thickness of pancake batter, which turned out too soft. The flavor was pretty good though.)

The weather was nice that day, so we hung out in the yard for a while too.

Okay, it's going to be the last one about this State Fair at Home party next.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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1 再・お家でステイトフェア(State Fair at Home Again Vol.1)

2021-09-23 08:59:36 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hi folks!

How's everything going in your life today?

Okay, I've talked about this several times here, but for both Andy and me, MN state fair is the biggest annual event that we're really looking forward.

Ever since I moved to MN from Japan, we'd never missed it for 10 years, but the event itself was canceled due to COVID-19 in 2020.


State Fair 2019 2nd Day vol.1 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


State Fair 2019 2nd Day vol.1 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


This is from the fair in 2019.

We, the fair lovers, still wanted to feel the atmosphere of the festival last year and had a party to cook and enjoy some fair foods at home.


1 お家でステイトフェア (State Fair at Home Vol.1) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


1 お家でステイトフェア (State Fair at Home Vol.1) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


This is about it.

This year, in 2021, the fair is back, and we were so excited to go there again for sure and already had 4 tickets so that we could go there twice.

Though, from shortly after we purchased the tickets, the COVID-19 case number in MN was getting increased again due to the Delta variant. Of course, we really wanted to go, but we considered about the risk not only that May-chan who's unvaccinated got infected but also that she might be the one to carry the virus though she wouldn't get seriously sick or something. So, it's very sad, but we decided not to go to the fair this year again. Yup, the tickets weren't refundable. Arg!

Instead of going to the fair, we invited Dad&Mom and Brad had a "State Fair at Home" party at our house again.

Mom brought this delicious looking Cinnamon rolls.

She also made this icing too.

I'm honestly not a big fan of Cinnamon rolls (I don't like strong spice flavors in general.) but "This one isn't too Cinnamony, so I think you can eat them." Mom said, so I tried a small slice.

Yeah, Mom was right as always. The cinnamon rolls weren't too spicy or sweet but very yummy!

May-chan actually loved the Grandma's Cinnamon rolls. She ate it without the icing almost every day for breakfast or lunch for some days after the party and finished all the leftovers just by herself. Haha.

The next fair food that we cooked was Andy&Brad's favorite, Cheese curds. Andy always makes the batter for them.

I'm always in charge of deep-frying. Done!

Of course, Andy enjoyed them as usual, and May-chan also seemed to like them.

It's a big hit for Dad&Mom and "These are better than the ones at the fair!" they gave us the best feedback.

Just as when we're at the real fair, we didn't cook and eat all the foods at once. We cooked and ate one food and took some time to hang out a little bit, and then made another food in a while.

なので、めいはグランマと一緒にいっぱい遊んでもらっておりました。(その間、Hit-chanは貴重な自分時間 ♪)
In the hang-out time, May-chan played a lot with Grandma. (Which means I could be having some Me-time! Yay!)

Okay, this is just the beginning of the party and there's more fair foods coming out soon!

Thank you for reading again!!!

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日本食品のオンラインショップ (Online shops for Japanese groceries)

2021-09-21 08:01:27 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hi there!

How's everything going in your life today?

さて、昨年の10月頃だったんですが、Hit-chanが日本食品を手に入れるのに大変お世話になっていたお店、Tokyo Centralのオンラインショップが閉店してしまったという話をしました。
So, it was last October when my favorite Japanese online grocery store, Tokyo Central, closed.


今年一番のがっかりニュース (The Most Disappointing News of the year) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


今年一番のがっかりニュース (The Most Disappointing News of the year) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


こちらミネソタにもいくつかアジアンスーパーはあり、Hit-chanがいつも行っているのはその中でも一番大きいUnited Noodlesというお店で、こちらのお店にも生鮮食品や地元のスーパーでは手に入らないお野菜などをよく買っています。
Here in MN, there are some Asian grocery stores and the biggest one is my favorite, United Noodles. I usually get perishable products or vegetables that I can't buy at local grocery stores.
(Though, it's 40min drive to United Noodles from my house, so I go there less than 5 times a year.)

このUnited Noodlesというお店は結構規模が大きく、日本食品以外にも中国、韓国、インドと色んな国の物が売られており、見た事のない調味料などがあり、それはそれで楽しいし、韓国のコチュジャンや中国のオイスターソースなども簡単に手に入るので有難い限りです。
Again, United Noodles is the biggest Asian grocery store in MN and sells a variety of product from some different Asian countries such as China, South Korea, India besides Japan. So, it's really fun and interesting for me to just walk around the store and see all the unfamiliar condiments or something. Plus, it's very convenient that I can easily find other Asian countries products like Korean Gochujang or Chinese Oyster sauce that I frequently use in my cooking.

その代わり、やはり日本食品に特化していたTokyo Centralに比べて日本食品の品揃えが少ないのと、恐らく輸送料がかかっているのでお値段の方も比較的高くなっています。
Instead of that, the selection of Japanese products at United Noodles is much smaller than Tokyo Central who's specialized in Japanese products. Plus, the prices are relatively higher probably due to the shipping, which is rationally understandable.

Tokyo Centralのオンラインショップが値段、品揃えにおいて良すぎたので、それに代わるオンラインショップを探すのはほぼ不可能なんですが、アラフォーのHit-chan、それでもたまに「日本のお菓子が食べたいなぁ。」と思う事があり、Tokyo Central閉店以来、2つのオンラインショップから注文してみました。
I'd say that Tokyo Central was too good in the prices and the selection of Japanese products, so it's pretty much impossible to find a shop to substitute for them. Still, I sometimes get cravings for Japanese snacks, and I've tried to order some things from 2 different online Asian grocery stores since Tokyo Central closed the online business.

The shop that I first tried was this.

Asian Food Grocer

It's kind of comfortable for me to make my first order from them since the shipping is only $5 for over $30 purchase.

It's a Chinese shop and they don't have a big selection of Japanese products. Depending on the time to shop, there might be many products sold out. Still, the prices are relatively reasonable, so it's nice to shop from them when you don't want to spend much.

I forgot to take pictures, but the delivery was very smooth and the box was well packed too.

Then, the shop that I secondly tried was this.


It's also a Chinese store and really big. They sell not only food products but also cosmetics, stationary and many other things.

The prices are neither extremely cheap nor expensive. (Compared to other stores selling Japanese products.)

At this shop, the shipping is free for an over $75 purchase, which is helpful too.

What I really wanted to order from the shop was Japanese mayo since our stock was running out at the time and also Japanese snacks too.

Here it is!

The delivery was smooth and the box was well packed as you can see in the pic.

Ta-da! Yup, most of them were my personal snacks. Hehe.

United Noodlesでは手に入らないお菓子がほとんどです。
I can't get most of them at United Noodles.

This is it. What I wanted most.

キューピーマヨネーズに関しては、United Noodlesでも手に入るのですが、お値段が確か$8くらいするんです。
Yeah, United Noodles sell Kewpie Mayo too, but the price is around $8. (Oh No!)

なので、Tokyo Centralがまだオンラインショップをしていてくれた時は、$4くらいで売っていてくれたので、いつも数本まとめ買いしていました。
When Tokyo Central was still open, they usually sold Kewpie Mayo around for $4, so I always bought some bottles at once.

ただ、このTokyo Centralの$4くらいの値段が他に比べると破格だったので、Amazonを含め、その他のお店ではだいたいUnited Noodles と同じくらいの$8くらいが相場だと思います。
$4 at Tokyo Central was crazy cheap compared to other sellers, so I believe that around $8 is an average price for Kewpie Mayo such as Amazon or United Noodles.

At TESO, they're selling the Mayo for $6.29 which looked relatively cheap, so I ordered 2 bottles this time.
(Though, I just checked their website and didn't see it sold on their website anymore. I'm not sure if it's temporarily sold out or permanently discontinued. Instead, they're selling Kenko brand Mayo, which is a different Japanese brand, for $5.49 as of 9/12.)

Look! It's Dekavita C! The moment when I looked at this on their website, I got a strong craving for it for some reason and put 2 bottles in the cart. Haha
(I used to drink this soda in Japan.)

I ordered these instant ramen noodles too. Each one was $1.99.

Like I said, both shops did a great job on the delivery and packing, so I'd like to shop with them whenever my snack stock gets low.

それにしても、Tokyo Centralが無くなったのは痛い!改めて、無くしてから気づく有難さでございました。
Oh well, it's still a huge loss that Tokyo Central closed their online shop! Again, I'm feeling how important it was after I lost it.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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