Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

Andyっち43歳の誕生日 2/2 (Andy's 43rd BD 2/2)

2022-11-30 14:43:13 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Okay today, November 30th, is our loving and spoiled queen, May-chan's 4th birthday!!

It's a very happy and celebrating day, but our life has been very hectic and chaotic in the last couple of days due to an unexpected factor. So, I was thinking to postpone to celebrate May-chan's birthday until last night, but I changed my mind this morning and baked a cake so that we could have a small party tonight since we're going to stay busy for another week or so anyways.

I'm going to share here about what makes our life so hectic and chaotic or a small BD party for May-chan sometime soon, so let me share the rest of Andy's BD party here today.

Okay, this is about the 2nd half of Andy's 43rd BD.

McGarry's Pub, an Irish family tradition. — Cead mile failte

Local Irish Pub in Maple Plain, Minnesota. Great food, friendly atmosphere, entrenched in family tradition. Farm to Table from family owned Miscneach Farms. Stop...



In the 1st half on the celebration, we hung out with our close friends, Tom, Kat and Mere-chan at this nice Irish pub called MaGarry's.

When we're back home, we had a present and cake time.

Ta-da!! I handmade the cake. The BD is not a huge fan of sweet stuff, so it was mostly for satisfying myself.

3 of us sang the Happy BD song together and Andy blew the candles as usual. Yeah, you can tell how much the BD boy was tired at the time already.

I should had taken a picture of the cake before I stuck the candles in, but the decoration was a smile face.

It was a very chocolaty cake with chocolate sponge cake and chocolate cream.

May-chan loved the cake much more than the BD boy did, which made me so happy.
(I sliced and froze the leftover so that May-chan or I could eat a slice whenever we wanted. The cake was very soft and I was pleased how the cake turned out to be.)

                     ちなみに今回はこちらのレシピを参考にさせていただきました。 I referred to this recipe for the cake.

Before the BD boy would fall asleep, let's get onto it! Haha.

A card from each of May-chan and me and...

The first box was a new wallet. Andy's old one was very worn out, so why not?

Then, the second and third boxes were...

plastic food storage containers. They're Korean brand. I reused the box of a kettle that I bought in Japan. Haha.

Why plastic containers? Yeah, it's because he'd been saying, "I want some small containers so that I can freeze in small portions when I make chili or something."

So, I bought 6 of 2 different sizes which looked good for freezing by 1 serving of soup or whatever.

The points that I cared to choose the containers were the sizes and square shape, not circle one, which could be nicely organized and piled up in the freezer.

This one was from May-chan.

As always, I wanted her to handmake something for Daddy and this was what we made together.

It's key chains made with plastic shrink sheets.

(アマゾンでShrink Plastic Sheetsで検索したら色々と商品が出てきます。)
When I was a kid, I enjoyed doing the shrink plastic sheet crafts at a school event or something, so one day I came up with an idea doing it together with May-chan. I searched for the tools and materials on Amazon and easily found them.
(If you search by Shrink Plastic Sheets, you can find lots of options.)

For some reason, May-chan wasn't in the best mood when we were working on the craft, so I kind of had a hard time to make it done. Still, we made it.

You want to use permanent markers to draw or color on the plastic sheet, but it's kind of difficult for the 3 year-old to do it since the marker colors got mixed up before they got dry.

All the presents were very practical, but Andy really liked them.

So, this was all about how we celebrated Andy's 43rd birthday and it went really good!

Thank you for reading again!!! Bye for now!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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Andyっち43歳の誕生日 1/2 (Andy's 43rd BD 1/2)

2022-11-29 17:50:58 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello folks!

How's everything in your life today?

So, November 15th was my loving husband, Andy's 43rd birthday!

The other day I mentioned here, "Today's Andy's 42nd BD!", but I was a year behind. LOL

Just in case, I was double-checking with Andy, "Honey-chan, how old are you turning?" and at that time, he answered, "42!" To his answer, I once wondered, "Wait a sec. Isn't he turning 43??" but the BD boy said 42, so I exactly wrote it here.

And a couple days after, he told me, "I'm turning 43 years old." and "Oh yeah, that's what I thought! Why did you tell me you're turning 42 the other day?" I asked him.

Then, he said, "Oh, you asked me how old I was at the time, so I answered 42." Grr...

I was asking him, 'How old are you TURNING??" but this kind of minor miscommunication often happens between us even after 12 years of happy marriage. Haha.

Anyways, for celebrating his birthday, the BD boy said, "I wanna hang out with Tom&Kat for my birthday. We haven't seen them for a while and I kind of wanna eat out."

Andy actually had a few business lunches on his BD week and enjoyed fancy steak 3 times already, so even the steak lover wanted to eat something other than steak for the eating-out.

So, he picked up this Irish pub called McGarry's.

McGarry's Pub, an Irish family tradition. — Cead mile failte

Local Irish Pub in Maple Plain, Minnesota. Great food, friendly atmosphere, entrenched in family tradition. Farm to Table from family owned Miscneach Farms. Stop...



Andy had been to this place some times and he said I'd probably been there once or twice as well. Though, I don't remember that at all, so it pretty much means that I'd never been there, right? Haha.

Recently May-chan learned a concept of what eating at a restaurant was like. So, she was so excited and and trying to hold a server by saying, "Excuse me!!" in Japanese. Haha.

Here they were!! Tom, Kat and Mere-chan! Mere-chan's bigger for sure!

It's almost impossible to capture the non-stop 2 girls in a picture, but May-chan really loved to see the pretty Mere-chan. She couldn't help playing with her.

Mere-chan didn't be shy with me and hesitate to let me hold her at all probably since she had been at daycare since she's a baby or I was babysitting her for 6months.

I ordered Potato & Leek soup. With the first sip, I thought, "It's kind of salty!" once, but it was probably because I took lots of cheese and bacon from the top. As I dug into the bottom, I didn't mind the saltiness at all and really liked it.

May-chan and Kat ordered Chicken tenders. They used potato chips for the outside crumbles, so they were super crispy outside and tender inside. Of course, they're so good and May-chan was having them a lot too.

Kat also had this Caesar salad.

Tom and I enjoyed Fish & Chips.

The BD boy tried this grilled sandwich.

This is just my personal opinion, but restaurants in MN are just pricey for okay food for most of the time, but I bet that MaGarry's chefs had much passion and skills to serve satisfying food. Everybody loved the delicious meal.

It'd been a while since we say Mere-chan last, so she impressed us how much she'd grown up. Though, she's exactly in the age when kids can't stay still for a minute, so I easily imagined that Tom & Kat would have a hard time to calmly eat out with her these days.

This Irish pub was kids friendly and served decent quality food, which made me feel like hanging out with Tom, Kat & Mere-chan there again.

So, this is all about how we celebrated the first half of Andy's BD, which turned out very successful.

It was a very short notice, but Tom, Kat & Mere-chan kindly came and celebrated Andy's BD together with us. I really appreciate for having such nice friends in our life.

Thank you for reading again!!! Bye for now!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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ステイトフェア2022 5/5 (State Fair 2022 5/5)

2022-11-28 11:46:46 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

Okay, this is the last article about our fair day.

From the first in the morning, we enjoyed greeting all the barn animals, playing at the arcade and of course, eating lots of fair food. In the early afternoon, we started feeling getting back home.

So, we decided to go and see around a couple of more things before we left.

We stopped by Kubota booth, which was what Andy wanted to do. He just wanted to check some lawn mowers or snow blowers.

On the way to the next place, we found this long line. The line was to a pizza stand and that's the only stand making such a long line we saw at the point.

When we're at the fair with Dad&Mom, May-chan really loved a kids ride, so I wanted to let her try more this time.

I was amazed how much she'd grown up by watching her go on a ride by herself. Time flies and kids grow up so fast too.

FYI, at the fair they sell coupon books called Blue Ribbon Bargen book and if you want to enjoy kids rides a lot, you definitely should buy the coupon book.

I've purchased the coupon book a couple of times before and knew it's pretty easy to get discount as much as the price of the book. Though, I wasn't sure exactly what we wanted to do for this visit and didn't buy it.

Though, when I was in a line to buy the ride tickets, I saw a lady getting a very good deal with the coupon book.

So, I googled how much you can save with the discount. If you buy the ride tickets without any coupon, the prices are like this.

$1 for an individual ticket
$25 for a 28-ticket sheet
$50 for a 60-ticket sheet

With the coupon book which was $5, you can get $8 off on a 28-ticket sheet, so even if you don't use the coupon book for any other purchase, it's still worth buying the coupon book only for the ride ride tickets.

Yeah, I'll definitely buy the coupon book next year. Haha.

I picked up this cute honeybee ride, but it moved around way quicker than I'd expected and got me motion sickness shortly after. So, I had to keep my eyes close and wished it done as soon as possible for the most of the ride time. Haha
(May-chan was doing fine, but I assume that some adults would get motion sickness like me.)

After the honeybee ride, "I can't take any more ride." I told Andy.

Most of the rides seemed too small for Andy to go with May-chan, so we let her do this swing again since she really loved it on the first time. As you see in the picture, she loved it again.

We still had a couple of tickets left, so Andy picked up this to enjoy with May-chan for the last ride at the fair.


Andy was a little upset when he's back to me, so I asked him why. Then,

"May-chan and I were going up stairs and then this father and 2 kids were coming after us. I know May-chan was a little slow, but the father told his kids, 'You guys can go ahead!' and let them go ahead of us without asking us."

And then, he kept telling me,

"After the father and 2 kids, there was another family coming up too. The kids also tried to pass us, but the parents told them, 'Hey guys, you need to wait.' and kindly told us, "Sorry about that!"

In comparison between the 2 opposite parenting styles, Andy and I reminded ourselves that we wanted to be like the second couple so that we could teach May-chan how important it was to know good manners in a society.

Anyways, we checked another motor vehicle booth and...

I chose this crape for my last fair food this year.

A little after noon when it's getting more busy and busy, we decided to leave the fair ground.

This is a picture around noon. Can you see how crowded in the back?

This is a picture in the morning.

The fair opened until 11pm at the latest and the visitor base would change at night too. So, I recommend families with kids to go there before it gets dark in general.

Okay, this is the last article about State Fair 2022. Luckily, we had a great time there again.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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ステイトフェア2022 4/5 (State Fair 2022 4/5)

2022-11-27 09:09:56 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi folks!

How's your day going today?

Okay, I updated 2 articles about Thanksgiving in the last 2 days, but today let me go back to State Fair story again.

朝一で動物と触れ合い、久しぶりにゲームセンターで遊んだ後、Hit-chanがめいと一緒に行きたかった Miracle of Birth Center という、出産間際の動物たちが集められている建物に行きました。
We greeted the barn animals first in the morning and then had much fun with some arcade games together. After that, we headed to the place called "Miracle of Birth Center" where there were animals giving a birth during the fair week and I had wanted to take May-chan.

If you're lucky, you can witness the moment of an animal giving a birth. Even if you're not lucky, you can meet very cute baby animals there.

May-chan's favorite, chicks.

They become big in a short time, but baby chicks are super cute, aren't they?

In the gate...

there were a mom sheep and baby sheep.

Besides that, we saw horse, cow and pig mamas there too. This building was super popular and busy, so we left there shortly.

We got May-chan popcorn and ice cream on the first visit, so May-chan learned, " Fair=Ice cream & Pop corn"

So, why not? Fair day is a special day. I got her ice cream again.

This veggie section is also what we always check at the fair. Giant pumpkins!

May-chan's curious of all sorts of vegetables there.

In the same building, Andy swung by the beer section which was a must-check place on his fair list.

What were we watching there? We were watching a bee hive there. May-chan was actually fascinated by it.
(We usually get Dandelion honey at the fair and like using it for cooking.)

One of the things that I wanted to check that day was the art building.

They displayed these glass craft pieces and...

wooden craft pieces and...

students' art pieces there. You can enjoy tons of art and craft pieces.

Oh well, I say this to good singers as well, but "How many wonderful artists and creators are on the earth??" I always get impressed in the building. Haha

All the art and craft pieces were evaluated there, but to be honest with you, I had no idea in the difference between 1st place pieces and the 2nd place ones like, "Why did this get the 1st place and why did that get the 2nd place??" To me, every piece was just amazing.

Look at this one. This one was made by a 6th grader. Isn't it crazy??

We have artist May-chan in our family, so maybe, her work piece will be one of those at the fair someday.

Okay, this is all about the middle of our 2nd fair day.

The next article will be the last one about the fair.

Thank you for reading again. Bye for now!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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感謝祭2022 (Thanksgiving 2022)

2022-11-26 15:12:57 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

I was going to update this article yesterday, but oh my, I was only 20-30% as active and productive as usual because I was having bad cramps from my period, so I'm updating this today.

I'm still having bad cramps today and lying in bed most of the day taking Advil or Tylenol, so it's really frustrating that I can't do much even though I have tons of stuff to do. I hope tomorrow will be better.

So, on Thanksgiving day, my family had a special Thanksgiving meal together.

Mom kindly already had prepped side dishes and cooked a turkey which took most time, which was usual in our family. Andy and Brad also helped finishing some side dishes too.

Brad was cooking his vegetarian Ham this year too.

Dad was setting the table.

What? Me and May-chan? What were we doing then?

May-chan was playing with her favorite penguins and I was taking pictures. Hehe.
(Of course, I helped cleaning up after dinner.)

Thanks to all except for May-chan and me for working so hard, our Thanksgiving dinner was ready!

Mom carved the big turkey.

My favorite side dish, carrots and cranberry & walnuts.

Mashed potato, which Andy worked so hard on mashing lots of potatoes.


Brad's vegetarian ham. He always enjoys the same brand vegetarian turkey, but he tried the ham since turkey ones were sold out. He said he liked his usual turkey version better.

My plate was like this. I was very thankful for everyone cooking the delicious dinner.

Dessert was mom's special pumpkin pie. It was yummy too.

After the special dinner, we individually enjoyed a calm and peaceful time by watching football games or YouTube.

May-chan was having much fun with playing her favorite animal card game with Grandma.

Unfortunately, my physical condition was not good at all due to bad cramps in my period, but still I could enjoy such a wonderful family time since everybody had let me lie down in bed as much as possible.

Thanksgiving day is the day when you want to thank something or somebody around you, so this year, I'm very grateful for my sweet family as always and also especially for some smart people who invented pain-relief medicines.

Again, I thank that my family had a wonderful Thanksgiving together.

Okay, I hope that this article is still timely enough.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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