Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

リア充な休日3/3 (Family Quality Day 3/3)

2023-06-04 13:19:30 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi there!

How's everything goin in your day?

So, I've been talking about this very productive and fun family day that Andy, May-chan and I had the other day. This is the last article about it.

We started the full-of-events day from a medical appointment and then had a great time at Como zoo & conservatory. Then, we had a nice and casual lunch and also Andy and I got a nice hair cut on the same day. As the final event of the day, we visited our precious friends, Rheanna and Patrick after the hair cut.

Just by us getting closer to the door, their 2 lovely dogs welcomed us so vigorously. They're German and Australian Shepard. Pretty big.

I once thought that May-chan might get scared of the big dog's passionate greetings, but she actually kept giggling and smiling.

The dogs were super excited to find someone who'd love to play with them, so they kept giving a "Let's play with me!" look to May-chan. Haha.

I'm not sure what this play name is, but May-chan and they're playing by pulling the toy from each other.

I was also wondering, "The doggies might pull May-chan down." since they're bigger than her, but how smart they were. They were controlling their power very well for May-chan and enjoyed the game.

It was very nice out that day, so we hung out at their yard for a while and then were invited to their fancy trailer.

For Japanese friends, trailers are like camping cars without the vehicle part.

Like this, they pull the trailer by a pickup truck or other big cars.

In Japan, most of people want to choose a compact car for the convenience in driving on narrow roads, but here in the US (MN), a lot of people love to own big cars like pickup trucks so that they can attach a trailer with their car only when they want to go camping. I think that's more convenient than owning a camping car.

Inside their trailer, you can have pretty much everything you'd need to live. The fridge is a decent size and you can use a gas stove, microwave and also oven too.

Some people in the US live in a trailer house too, so their trailer seemed livable enough too.

This doesn't have anything to do with their fancy trailer, but I couldn't help showing this to you here.

It's a miniature house handmade by Rheanna. Wow! She said, "I made like 50 miniature books by hand, haha!"

This is another one. Her amazing craft works remind me of the Japanese famous toy, Sylvanian Families.

The trailer had a TV connected with Wi-Fi in the house, so May-chan enjoyed watching Peppa Pig there too.

The interior of the trailer was very nice and comfortable, which even made me, who's not an outdoor lover, feel like "I could go enjoy camping too!"

Rheanna utilized the lovely trailer besides camping and told me,

"When I wanna be alone, I come in this trailer and close the curtains and pretend to be somewhere calm and quiet."


Literally, the size is a decent 1 room apartment room in Japan, so I can easily imagine how comfortable and nice it is coming in here to stay away from your busy life and enjoy your private time sometimes.

Anyways, this is all about our very eventful day. We did a lot in one day, but everything went great and we had a wonderful day.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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