Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

1 The Sixth Step/いざ日本へ (The Sixth Step/Going to Japan)

2024-04-02 09:09:33 | 6thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 5)

Hi everyone!




How are you doing today? 




さて、今日から、AndyっちとHit-chanの体外受精治療の新しいシリーズ、The Sixth Stepを書いていきたいと思います。
So, from today I want to begin a new series of our IVF treatment, The Sixth Step. 




In the prior series, The Fifth Step, we couldn't end it with good news even though the clinic told us that there's 70% chance of success. Needless to say, Andy and I were very disappointed and helpless with the result. 







Even though we're lucky enough to have May-chan. it's been more than a decade that Andy and I are doing infertility treatment, so when I got the last pregnancy result turning out negative, "Oh well, I might have to start thinking about the timing to end this long journey..." the thought crossed my mind. 




In this long 10-year journey of infertility treatment, Andy and I never had moments to march to a different tune, which would be very rare and blessing. So, even when we recieved the negative result of pregnancy test in the last IVF treatment, both of us naturally started facing to the same direction, "Do another transfer with one of the frozen eggs in Japan", without discussing it after we individually contemplated and resolved the unwanted result in ourselves for a coule of days. 






On December 27th, we got the pregnancy result. 



Then, I was on a flight to Japan alone on Jan. 23rd. So, within 1 month from the pregnancy test, Andy and I made up our minds about me going to Japan alone and doing a transfer there once again.




Needless to say, we wanted to go to Japan with 3 of us together, but mostly for the financial reason and also for May-chan's school schedule, we concluded that I should have gone by myself. 




While I was in Japan, Andy had to do everything around the house and May-chan such as doing drop-offs and pick-ups for May-chan, making lunch for her and all other miscellaneous house chores all by himself besides his full-time job. 
(Thankfully, Andy got a permit to work from home while I was in Japan.) 




Also, my Japanese friend, K-chan, offered us to watch May-chan on Fridays when she had no school. K-chan kindly said, "I can watch May-chan on fridays and help her homework from Japanese school too." 




おうち幼稚園始めました。(Home Preschool)  - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

おうち幼稚園始めました。(Home Preschool) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


It was super nice of her, wasn't it? May-chan and I did home preschool last summer with K-chan and May-chan really loved her already, so we accepted her kind offer. 




Anyways, this is how Andy and I decided to do the next egg transfer in Japan again. 




Thank you for reading again!!!




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