Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2 第二子妊活日記、第一の案 (2 Infertility treatment diaries, Plan A)

2020-10-31 11:59:32 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Today I want to share another article of 2nd step series (Our infertility treatment records).

So, Andy and I were starting to try to have our 2nd child in the beginning of this year.

After some discussion between Andy and me, we came to the thought that we want to try another IVF at a clinic here in MN using our frozen embryos which had been stored at the clinic in Japan where we did our first IVF. So, when we didn't get pregnant naturally at the end of August, we started doing some research to see if the idea would be really possible or not.

The first thing that I did was that I asked the clinic in Japan who did our first IVF and had stored our embryos if they would cooperate our most ideal plan.

Needless to say, it's impossible for us to practice the plan without the cooperation from the clinic in Japan.

I probably mentioned this before here when Andy and I did our first IVF with them, but the clinic in Japan was super nice to us. They have such a organized system to communicate among the receptionists, the doctors and the embryologists in the clinic, so they always gave me quick responds with exact answers to what I had asked them.

After the conversation with them via emails, I received the respond saying that they were willing to cooperate the transportation from their clinic to a clinic in MN as far as we would find an agency for medical organism transportations.

At the same time when I was exchanging emails with the clinic in Japan, I also did some research about agencies who would do international embryo transportations from the clinic in Japan to a clinic in MN.

When I entered words like, "International transportation, embryos" or something on a web search, it hit several agencies. So, through the forms on their websites, I directly asked them if they'd be available to our needs and how much it'd cost for that.

As the result of my research, I found out that any of those agencies are available for international transportations.

I just researched about Japanese transportation agencies since our embryos have been stored in the Japanese clinic, but I saw some similar agencies in the US as well. So, depending on your needs, you can choose either a Japanese company or an American company.

According to my research, there are 2 ways to deliver your frozen embryos from Japan to a clinic abroad. One is that a certain person picks up the embryos and carries the package all the way from one clinic to the other which both Andy and I preferred. In this way, a certain individual brings the package onto a flight with him/her too. So, there's less risk to lose or mishandle the package. For the safer option, the cost will be more than the other way. Besides the cost, the agency offering the service said that they'd paused the option due to COVID-19 pandemic.

The other way to deliver your frozen embryos is that they deliver the package as a specified special material. I asked some agencies about their services under COVID-19 pandemic, and they said that they'd been still available and actually done with some transportations already.

So far, I found that we could get cooperation from the clinic in Japan and also there's a way to transport our frozen embryos from the clinic to here even under the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances though it's not the way we preferred. Everything seemed very well for us to do our first plan at the point.

Then, Andy and I also had to make sure another most important thing to practice our first plan. We needed to ask any clinics here in MN if they would accept our frozen embryos from Japan and do an IVF for us.

Basically, I make all the research and contacts with everybody on Japanese side and Andy does the same thing on the US side. So, Andy made some phone calls and sent emails to some clinics in MN.

So, this is how Andy and I started getting things prepared to try to have our 2nd child.

This story is going be so long, so I'd like to end this article here today.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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ぬいぐるみを洗ってみた。(Handwashed stuffed Animals)

2020-10-29 12:01:17 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

Here in MN, 2 days before I'm writing this article (Oct. 20th), we got a lot of snow!! I'm such a homebody, but I played in snow with May-chan 3 days in a row. (Good for me!)

When you play in snow, it's very important to get yourself bundle up for protection from the coldness, but you also want to make sure that you're water-protected too.

Anyways, May-chan received so many stuffed animals when she was born, and there are 35 stuffed animals for total including Andy's childhood friends. (Yeah, I just counted them. Haha)

Among those many friends, May-chan has picked up 7 as her bed buddies and slept with them together lately. Though, I started noticing that they're getting dirty and one day decided to wash them.

I wondered how to wash them a little bit, but I had to wash 7 friends all at once, so I threw them all in the bath tub and washed them there.

Like this.

How did May-chan pick these 7 friends as her bed buddies? It's pretty much a random choice and I occasionally handed May-chan one sitting by me at the time. Then, she started telling me which one she wanted to take her with to bed.

She slept with just the pink bear at first, but gradually added one by one. It's 7 buddies now, but I bet that she'll add more to the team.

I told May-chan, "Let's bathe them today!" and asked her to do it together.

For the first 5 mins or so, she seemed entertained by the new play and helped me wash them, but she got bored shortly after that and I did all the work alone. Haha

I used a laundry soap bar that I bought in Japan to wash the friends. They're dirtier than they looked and the water in the bath tub got so dirty afterwards.

I assume that they should be air-dried, but you know, May-chan was going to sleep with them that night just as always, which means that I had to dry them by then. So, I used the dryer.

Done!! Probably because I used the dryer to dry them, the actually turned back to be so fluffy and soft!

This is all about the story that I washed the stuffed animals, but I also want to introduce another May-chan's friend who she really loves to chat? with today.

Here's her best friend, Palmer which is our neighbor friend, Mr. K's dog.

Mr. K often walks by our house with Palmer, and Andy became friends with him first through chatting with him when he passed by our house. Mr. K is very nice and friendly enough to let me be less shy, so I can be comfortable to enjoy talking with him now.

May-chan loves Palmer and always gets so excited to see him. Whenever Mr. K and Palmer passes by our house for walk, they kindly stops for us and play with May-chan.

May-chan and Palmer are such good friends and always enjoy doing same things together. They both like this small mound of dirt and climb up on it together too.

This is the moment when May-chan's saying "Shh...!" since Palmer just barked. Haha.

Mr. K is also very generous and sweet to play with May-chan, so May-chan doesn't get shy with him at all though she does with others.

Maybe, you can easily imagine this but Andy and I are sure that she's going to be a big animal lover in the future.

Although, neither Andy nor I likes to own pets, so if May-chan asks us, "Daddy, Mommy, I want a puppy!!" or something in the future, I'm going to tell her, "Oh, when you have your own house, you can as many pets as you want!!" LOL

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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初めてのパンプキンパッチ (The first-time Pumpkin Patch)

2020-10-27 12:36:19 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How are you doing there?

So, we're going to have Halloween at the end of this month, but MN department of health or other relevant resources to COVID-19 advises against typical Halloween events such as door to door trick or treating or gathering at parties. So, Andy and I are thinking to give up our usual way to enjoy Halloween this year too.

We usually don't host or go to a Halloween party or something, but still get some candies, decorate the house and make Jack-O-Lanterns so that we can greet and welcome trick or treaters every year.


Holloween 2019! - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Holloween 2019! - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Just like I said first here, there's advice from MN health department about COVID-19 and we want to follow them, but we'll still want to find a good compromised way to enjoy Halloween in the year of Corona.

We usually get pumpkins at a nearby grocery store, but this year we hesitate to go in a store with all of us together. Luckily, we got to know that there was a temporary pumpkin patch close to our house and decided to go there together.

This place is a popular diner just open in summer.

We pass by this diner very often since it's so close to our house, but I got to know that they're open as a pumpkin patch there this year. I'm not sure if they open this temporary store every year or not.

We hadn't gone out with all of us for a while and it was the first time for May-chan to visit a pumpkin patch.

It was outdoor and not crowded at all unlike other popular pumpkin patches at farms or something, so we could easily keep social distance from anybody else there. (We're the only customers at the time.)

From this selection of pumpkins, each of us picked one.

May'-chan was having much fun too.

We all could find 1 favorite pumpkin and finished the payment. (May-chan picked one on her own this year too!)

A couple of years ago, Andy and I were late to go to get pumpkins and couldn't find any at the grocery store near out house.

So, I worked at Caribou back then and saw a small garden store selling pumpkins on the way to work, so I stopped by the shop and got a couple of pumpkins there that year.

Their pumpkins were nice and good shaped, but so pricy!! I don't remember the exact number, but I think that I paid about $50 for 2 medium sizes and 1 small size which we usually got.

So, I was a little bit worried about the price at the newly found store in the neighbor, but it was a little over $20 for 3 pumpkins. (Phew!)

Their pumpkins were actually in good shapes too, so I want to buy pumpkins for Halloween every year if they're open there again.

We usually carve pumpkins to Jack-O-Lanterns a couple of days or a day before Halloween, so I want to keep the pumpkins safe until then from the monster May-chan for sure.

Yeah, right from the day that we got the pumpkins, the monster May-chan treated them so harsh already!

May-chan has been really into playing with light switches lately, so she wanted to use the biggest pumpkin to reach the newly found switch. Haha.

I moved the pumpkins to the other side right after this, but I don't know if they're going to be safe until Halloween.

Anyways, this is all about May-chan's first pumpkin hunt! Thank you for reading again!!!

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多分一番大変な庭仕事かな。(Maybe, the most tiring yard work)

2020-10-25 12:05:34 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

I shared the beautiful autumn walk on the article before the last here.

We have lots of maple trees around our house and they entertain us with the beautiful red leaves in the fall season.

Though, once the wonderful season ends, tons of leaves fell on the ground and the most tiring yard work that I think, yeah, cleaning the leaves, awaits us.

In the season, I try to rake the leaves fell on the driveway and the front patio a little by a little everyday and gather them on one spot.

Though, the number of fallen leaves is literally tremendous. One day, Andy and I decided to clean the leaves as much as we could at the point.

By the day, I made a couple of piles by raking some leaves day by day, so I moved the piles onto the tarp like this and carried to the back end of the yard.

According to Andy's knowledge, it's illegal to burn leaves in residential yards in MN. He said that everyone used to do it, but they found that it produced toxic gas or something and banned it.

Andy and I once tried to clean all the fallen leaves in our yard on our own some years ago, but we learned that it's not worth it and it'd be much better to pay professionals to do it then. So, since then, we've paid a landscaping company to do it for us every year.

We're planning to ask them to clean the leaves in our yard this year too, but the timing for that is important as well. If you ask them too early when the leaves are still left on the trees, you'll have to deal with the unfallen leaves on the trees again after they once clean your yard.

I said that we're thinking to pay someone this year again, but they reason why we still cleaned the leaves by ourselves that day was because the forecast was saying that it's going to rain at night on the day. So, we wanted to clean the leaves already on the ground once before they got wet and heavy due to the rain.

Was it last year or so? Andy bought this blower, so he used it to gather the leaves and make piles on some spots.

Like this. The blower is actually too big and heavy for me, so I've never used it so far.

While Daddy and Mommy were working hard on the leaves, May-chan was doing a great job on playing allone by walking around the yard.

Yup, the Daddy's sand box was great too! As far as she's playing in there, I don't have to worry much about her getting hurt or something.

There were tons of leaves in the back yard too. Andy made a couple of piles there with the blower already. They're really a lot, weren't they??

For our own sake, we both worked hard and accomplished the goal of the day, "Clean all the leaves on the ground at this point".

Why not?? She of course enjoyed playing in the big pile of leaves.

Yeah, she threw the leaves we just collected and got so excited. LOL

She seemed super happy and I couldn't help shooting a video of that.

10/11/2020 This is the way MN kids play in fall(これぞミネソタキッズの秋の遊び方)

I'd say that it was only 1/3 of the entire number of the leaves on the trees that we cleaned on the day, so just as we expected, there were more leaves falling off and sitting on the ground after. (I completely understand the nature, but it makes me feel a little bit empty and helpless like, "I worked so hard...".

So, Andy and I are going to ask professional guys to deal with the rest.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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1 第二子妊活日記、二つの案 (1 Infertility treatment diaries, Two ideas)

2020-10-23 12:50:07 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hi there!

How's your life treating you??

So, I shared pretty much everything about how Andy and I could have May-chan here on my blog, but if I rephrase it here in short words again, we did 7 inseminations in MN and then did 1 IVF in Japan. Thankfully, the first IVF brought us the wonderful daughter, May-chan, and I gave birth to her at a hospital in MN.

May-chan was super tiny!!!

Even before May-chan was born, Andy and I were talking that we wanted 2 kids ideally. And then after May-chan was born, I started feeling like having another child more even though parenting itself had been a lot of work both mentally and physically because I started wanting May-chan have a brother or a sister in her life for sure.

After all, May-chan has given us enough happiness as her parents without a doubt, but for May-chan, Andy and I both think that it's helpful and worth for her to have somebody who she can share things with other than us. Especially in case that she wants to complain about us, we think that a sibling would be perfect for her to do it with.

I personally grew up with 4 siblings and appreciate my brothers and sisters for helping and being so nice to me every time I go back to Japan. Andy also has Brad in his life. Brad is definitely one of Andy's best friends and he's always there for me too.

This is the picture taken in the year that I moved to MN. Everybody was 10 years younger than now!

My twin sisters. They're now so reliable and help me in a lot of ways. What a good old memory!

Anyways, Andy and I decided to try to have another child in the natural way from the beginning of this year to the end of August.

Though, from our past experiences that we took 7 years for total to have May-chan after 7 inseminations, neither Andy nor I expected so much to be able to get pregnant in the natural way. It was like a winning lottery for us to get pregnant naturally, so...just as we imagined, I didn't get pregnant by the end of August.

If I didn't get pregnant naturally, Andy and I were thinking about 2 brief ideas for the next step.

The first idea is that we're going to do another IVF here in MN using our embryos stored in the clinic in Japan.

The second idea is that we're going to do another IVF at the clinic in Japan where we did the last one.

In our case, we did the first IVF in Japan and they grew 4 embryos in very good qualities there. We luckily got pregnant on the 1st try and had May-chan, so they still have 3 frozen embryos in very good shapes at the clinic.

Here are our embryos. May-chan was the one on the lower right. (Yeah, it's very weird, isn't it?)

So, if we would do another IVF, we'd like to use those very-good-quality embryos.

The only difference between the first idea and the second idea is the location where we want to do the next IVF, here in MN or in Japan.

So, Andy and I discussed it and reached the conclusion which we'd do some research if the first idea would be possible or not since the second idea, doing another IVF in Japan, seemed more challenging both in our personal situation, having May-chan now, and the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Okay, I assume that this series will continue with more articles, so I'll end this one here for today.

At the point when I'm updating this article, Andy and I still don't know how we want to do for having our 2nd child yet. So, I want to keep recording here about how we will do our 2nd-time infertility treatment from now as Second Step series. I hope that this will be a help for somebody somewhere.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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