Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

美味しいキムチを求めて (Finding Jongga Kimchi)

2021-12-16 07:38:07 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello there!

How's your life treating you today?

So, I talked that Andy and I fell in love with this kimchi named Jongga Kimchi which we found at Mitsuwa (Japanese grocery store) in Chicago.


我が家の晩御飯メニュー 6 (Our dinner menus 6) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


我が家の晩御飯メニュー 6 (Our dinner menus 6) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I talked about the kimchi on this article too.

Since I met the delicious kimchi first in a long long time, I've come to feel, "I really like kimchi!" more and more and started wondering if I could obtain the brand here in MN too.

Jongga USA - The Leading Producer of Kimchi.
It seems that they make the kimchi here in the US, but they don't sell them online probably because they're perishable.

We say "Better leave it to a specialist", so I thought that they might be sold at any Korean grocery stores. Even if they don't have the specific brand, I could ask them if there's something similar to it.

Anyways, one weekend I asked Andy to take me to this Korean grocery store which we'd been once before.

The blue sky was very pretty that day.

The store name was "Hana Market" It seems family-owned, and I kind liked it when we went there last time.


はなマーケットとBWW (Hana Market & BWW) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


はなマーケットとBWW (Hana Market & BWW) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


It's already 3 years ago when we first went there.

We had May-chan with us this time, so I did my best to take a quick look at as many things in the store as possible while Andy took care of May-chan.

They had some kimchi in the fridge section, but not Jongga Kimchi which we're looking for. So, I decided to ask a man who's probably the owner at the casher.

According to him, one in packages was imported from South Korea and one in glass jars was made in Chicago. So, the one in glass jars were more fresh.

English wasn't his first language as well as it's not to me, so I really appreciated that he did his best to explain things about the kimchi with limited numbers of English vocab. When I finish cashing out, I said "Thank you!" in Korean, and then he made a big smile on his face and gave "Thank you!" in Korean back to me as well, which made me smile too.
(This experience reminded of me how nice and convenient using a language is. It's such a useful tool to communicate with others.)

Thanks to the man's advice, I decided to try this one.

Andy and I opened the jar shortly after and tried a bite. It's pretty good.

Compared to our favorite, Jongga Kimchi, it's lighter and less salty. It didn't have as much Umami as Jongga, but still had some for sure.

So, in my opinion, if you want to eat it like salad just as Andy usually does, this less salty and lighter flavored brand should be better for that. And when you want to eat it with rice or make soup with it, you'd probably prefer Jongga brand which's more salty flavored.

BTW, I actually found a good tip to make the light-flavored brand a better match with white rice, which was adding salted rice malt instead of regular salt. Salted rice malt itself has both Umami and salty flavor in it, so it's perfect to upgrade the kimchi.
(Salted rice malt doesn't have strong flavor, so it didn't overpower the original kimchi flavor at all.)

To be honest with you, I still like Jongga Kimchi more.

Here's an updated note. Actually, I need to change my feedback about the Kimchi. I kept eating the Kimchi for a while after I wrote my review about it above, and then I realized that the Kimchi was getting delicious more and more as the days went by probably because the fermentation process kept going on and grew the Umami flavor. So, I'd say that I like the Kimchi as much as Jongga Kimchi now.

It's still really nice that we could find a different type of delicious kimchi on the exploring this time, and I personally got this bonus item at the Korean supermarket.

Rice crispy bars!

Yeah, I know that there are rice crispy bars in the US too, but they're usually coated with tons of sugar or marshmallows, so those are a little different from ones generally sold in Japan.

So, when I found the Korean style rice crispy bars at the store, "Oh! This one must be same as ones in Japan and shouldn't be too sweet! I can introduce the snack I grew up with to May-chan!" I got so excited.

I opened the package right after we got home and took a bite. "Yummy!!"

Just as I had expected, the rice crispy bars were slightly sweetened and had much earthy roasting flavor.

The texture was also literally crispy unlike American rice crispy bars which were chewy from sugar syrup. and it's exact same as ones that I used to eat as a kid.

Anyways, I tried to give a bite to May-chan and she took 1 or 2, but after that, she kept saying, "I don't want it!"

Honestly speaking, May-chan's rejection made me feel "Lucky!" since that meant I could eat the entire package all by myself! Hehe.

Okay, this is all for today.

Thank you for reading again! Bye for now!

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