Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

感謝祭ウィークエンド (Thanksgiving Weekend 2019)

2019-11-28 10:51:39 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)

How are you doing today??

It's Thanksgiving today! We're going to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner at Dad&Mom's house too. (I'm just a eater as always though.haha)

So, this Friday is Black Friday which is a huge sale day, but our family tradition on the day is going to Christmas tree hunt together.

These 2 events on Thanksgiving week have been our family traditional for some years already, and we added another big event to them from this year, which is May-chan's 1st birthday!

We're planning to enjoy today, Thanksgiving, at Dad&Mom's house and stay over there tonight and then go to Christmas tree hunt in Friday morning and come back home after that. Then, everybody's going to come over our house on Saturday and celebrate May-chan's 1st birthday together.

I hear that some people do a big party for their kid's 1st birthday, but we'll do May-chan's very simply. (You know, May-chan's not going to remember it anyways. haha)

Though, the weather forcast says that a big storm will hit the central area of US.

The original source

The picture above is the snowfall outlook map from Friday through Sunday this week.

Minneapolis is located on the left top in this map and included in the area where would get heavy snow.

The Christmas tree hunt on Friday is also May-chan first tree hunt, so this forecast makes me wonder how it would go.

Anyways, we're taking off shortly to Dad&Mom's house. I hope that you're having a great Thanksgiving weekend!!

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自家製紅生姜 (Homemade Pickled Ginger)

2019-11-27 17:47:57 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How's your day going?

Here in MN, we got a lot of snow from last night and the view of our back yard turned out like this in the morning.

Look! Andy grilled pork chops the night before yesterday and left his grill out. So, it got lots of snow on the top. LOL

So, this is another story from my summer diary.

If you've read my blog for a while, you might know this, but my favorite food in the world is Takoyaki. Haha.

When I was in Japan, I made it at home, of course, but even in MN, I shipped a Takoyaki plate here from Japan and make it sometimes at home too.

I said I make it sometimes, and it's only about a couple of times a year.

In general, most of Japanese products are relatively expensive here in MN even though they're pretty cheap in Japan.

Ingredients for My favorite Takoyaki are not exception either, and it costs kinf of a lot if you buy everything at an Asian grocery store here.

So, I make some ingredients at home so that I can save a lot of money. Like Tempura crumbles.

Speaking of pickled ginger, I can buy it at a store here too, but not only because it's kind of pricy and made with artificial color but also I want to generously use it as much as I like for my favorite food, I became to make it at home from some years ago.

On the day in July that I wrote on this article, I could get a very fresh ginger at United Noodles.

Usually, people use young ginger to make this pickled ginger, but you know, it's hard to find it here, so I usually use regular ginger root.

Look! It looks nice, doesn't it? Though, I actually left it for a couple of days after I bought it, so it had lost a little bit of freshness.

The size was very big too!

I peeled off the skin and cut it into the size as I liked. Then, I left it out in the room over night to get them dry. If you leave them out too long and get them dehydrated too much, the texture becomes so chewy.

This is what I dried over night. It looks pretty much same as fresh ones.

So, I use these 2 kinds of vinegar to pickle them. Rice vinegar and Ume Plum vinegar. If you pickle ginger just with this brand's ume plum vinegar, it gets too salty, and that's why I mix it with rice vinegar.

I always this brand's ume plum vinegar for my pickeled ginger and ordered a set of 2 bottles on Amazon this time too. Though, I have a story about it too.

When I opened the box, one of the bottles was completely broken and all the vinegar inside was gone.

So, I first tried to contact with the seller through Amazon account, but they said, "It's ruined in the process of shipping, so please contact with Amazon service center."

Then, I tried to contact with them via email, but they didn't have an address for it or something, so I ended up having a chat with them.

All I wanted was either getting a new bottle or refund for the half the price since I could get one bottle fine.

Though, the first offer from the service person was, "We can give you 15% off coupon that you can use on a next shopping.", which made me think "???" So, I treid to tell her my request more specifically and said, "I don't need the coupon. I'd be happy if you can send me another bottle or refund the half of the total price."

Then, she answered, "We can give you 30% off coupon." and made me so frustrated!!

Let me make it clear again. I was talking with a human being. LOL

While I was having a chat with her, Andy was walking by me, so I vented it out to him, "This shouldn't be this hard!!" Then, he sat in front of my laptop and typed some words like "Why isn't it possible to get refund for what I didn't receive." in a very appropriate and rational way.

"Okay, we'll get you refund and pay it back to your credit card." LOL
(They actually got me refund for the total price of the order, not just the half of it.)

I don't remember every single word of the chatting conversation since this happened while ago, but this is how things went.

Obviously, the service person was just doing her job according to their manual, but this episode made me feel that things would have been much easier if I could use more proffesional English and expained things to her more professionally.

As the resulf of this a little bit frustrating chatting, I could get one bottle of ume plum vinegar for free.

Anyways, I mixed the 2 kinds of vinegar, poured it in the jar and put it in the fridge.

This is 2 days after and looks pretty much same as the 1st day.

To be honest, I hadn't checked the flavor at all and just had kept it in the fridge until this point when I wrote this article. So, I decided to try it.

It's been 4 months since I made it.

I tried it, and it's pretty good. It's a little bit on the salty side and has a little bit hot spiciness from the ginger too.

I make pickeled ginger at home like this but use 99% of it for Takoyaki, which means I won't have to make it for another couple of years.
(I store it in the fride, and it's good for a couple of years according to my past experiences.)

I actually have a big octopus in the freezer now, so I want to host a Takoyaki party (I'm the only guest though. Haha) sometime soon!!

Thanks for reading again!!!

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時差ぼけ解消したよ! (May-chan's jet lag is over!!)

2019-11-26 10:44:31 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

How are you doing today?

So, I've been working on catching up with all the pictures and stories that I haven't shared here, but it's also good to talk about something timely sometimes too, isn't it? (Even though I said it, I took about a week just to finish writing this article, so it might not be timely anymore. Dang.)

May-chan and I stayed at my parents' house in Japan for 7 weeks from September to October and had a great time with my family and friends there.

It was awesome that we could spend such a long time in Japan, but we had a hard time to fix May-chan's jet lag when we're back home in MN.

May-chan is our first child, so neither Andy nor I had any knowledge about kid's jet lag in general, and we both were surprised that it's supposed to take much longer to fix jet lag than we expected.

Besides the basic difficulty, May-chan unfortunately got a cold from a couple days before we left Japan, which was the very first time in her life and might have made the fixing process harder than what it's supposed to be.

Here's the articleabout the time right after we arrived MN, and I talked about her condition.

I wrote about this on the article that I linked above, but there were 2 important information that you should know to fix your kid's jet lag.

1: It's harder to fix a jet lag after a trip, "From Japan to the US" rather than "From the US to Japan".

2: You can shift your sleep time only 1 hour a day in general. (Which means that you usually take 14 days to fix the jet lag betweeen MN and Japan since there's 14 hour difference between them.)

I've written May-chan's diary since she's born and recorded things like her diet and sleep schedule. So, I was already writing down the time and hours of her sleep cycle on the note but made a chart with the data so that I could grasp her sleep cycle better.

This is the one that I first made. I colored the time range of when May-chan slept.

その後、最初に作っていたチャートをどこかで間違ってしまい、新たに書き直し。(笑) 真ん中に引いている縦の黒線がお昼の12時です。
Then, I messed up with the first one at some point and made a new one. Haha. The black vertical line is noon.

The chart starts from October 23rd which was the next day after May-chan and I flew back home from Japan, but we let May-chan sleep as much as she wants anytime since she was sick at the point.

After a week or so, she was pretty much recorvered thanks to antibiotics, and I finally started working on fixing her jet lag.

The red line is the day that I started adjusting May-chan's sleep cycle.

On the first day, I actually hadn't researched anything about tips to fix kid's jet lag online and treid to move May-chan's bed time about 5 hours ahead at once and woke her up 5 hours earlier then the time she woke up the day before.

Though, it turned out to be a big fail. Not only May-chan, but also I was useless even when I was up, and we both ended up taking short naps at weird timings.

So, I gave it up after the first trial and looked up only information about kid's jet lag, and it taught me that you should shift the bed time only one hour a day.

On the first day that I started adjusting May-chan's sleep cycle, she wnet to bed at 6:30am and woke up at 4pm.

So, my plan was that I would wake her up at 3pm and put her in bed at 5:30am on the next day and then wake her up at 2pm and put her in bed at 4:30am on the day after...which is pretty much that I kept waking her up 1 hour earlier than the day before.

If this way went well, I could get May-chan back to her normal sleep cycle which was "go to bed at 7pm and wake up at 7am".

On Day 2, May-chan was actually up 2 hours earlier than Day 1 without me waking her up and mede me feel, "Oh great! If she'd keep doing this, it wouldn't take 2 weeks!!" Though, things didn't go that easily and went back and forth everyday.

Still, I could surely shift her bed time back to normal, and May-chan started going to bed around 7pm in 10days or so.

"Phew, we're so close!" I was starting to be very relieved, but there was another problem coming up next, which May-chan suddenly started crying in the middle of night.

Even when she fell asleep around 7pm, she woke up and cried in 4-5hours or even a couple of hours sometimes

She sometimes woke up in the middle of the night before too, but back then, if we put a pacifier back in her mouth or she did it on her own, she calmly went back to sleep right away.

Though, in the process to fix her jet lag, once she woke up in the middle of the night, she didn't go back to sleep at all and cried harder and harder standing up and holding the side of the crib.

I usually waited for 5mins or so and saw how she would do by herself, but she didn't stop crying until I held her up and cuddled with her in our bed. (Once I cuddled with her in our bed, she went back to sleep shortly.)

To be honest, I didn't want to make it a habit and tried to make her sleep in her crib, but I ended up cuddling and sleeping with her in our bed when I ran out of my energy.

At the same time when May-chan had a hard time sleep through the entire night, she also had some minor problems too. She got dry skin and rash on her thighs, which is still going on, and also hives probably from food allergy. Plus, I wasn't sure if the room temperature was warm enough for her since the weather was getting colder at the time too. For those multiple facts, I couldn't tell if the reason why May-chan woke up in the middle of the night was just because of the process to fix her sleep cycle or something else.

Anyways, I tried to see how things would go with May-chan's condition by putting vaseline on her skin frequently, keeping a possible allergen away from her diet and adding more clothes on her pajamas.

To make a long story short, her night cry was from adjusting her sleep cycle, so she stopped crying in the middle of the night in a couple of days after she fit back in her normal sleep cycle.

As my chart above again, I started adjusting her sleep cycle on October 30th, and she stopped crying in the middle of the night and started sleeping through the entire night on November 14th, so it means that I took 2 weeks to fix her jet lag after all.

Oh well, after the a little tough 2 weeks, I realized how nice and easy it is that May-chan wakes up and goes to bed in the same schedule.

Okay, this is all about my jet lag story!! Thanks for reading again!

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持つべきものは優しい友達、再び (Sweet, Precious friends again)

2019-11-20 13:15:50 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How's your day going?

So, yesterday, I wrote that we did a project with our back garage and had a big help from our family friends for it.

And today, I want to share another story which made me feel that I was bleseed with wonderful friends again.

This was on a warm sunny day.

Andy was out of town for work, I did house sitting for a week during his trip.

So, I was having a busy week just with May-chan and started getting very tired around the end of the week.

In Thursday morning of the week, I got a call from my friend, Kat.

"Do you wanna come over our house for dinner tonight?"

She said.

To be honest with you, I usually don't get phone calls except for Andy, so this call from Kat was really surprising to me.

She didn't say why you called me and invited May-chan and me for dinner at the time, but I ended up knowing that Andy asked her, "By any chance, can you take Hit-chan out? She's kind of tired of watching May-chan all by herself for a week."

So, we ended up making a plan that Kat and her boy friend, Tom would over to my house after work.

They're kindly coming to see me after work, so I decided to cook dinner for them.

Tom actually was worried if it's going to be extra work for me to cook for them and kindly asked, "Should we get and bring something?" Though, Kat said, "No, we don't have to do it. Hit-chan wants to cook for us."

Yes, I actually love cooking for somebody.

Plus that, cooking itself is kind of my meditation and makes me relaxed too. (Kat knows who I am!)

Sadly, I ususally don't cook for Andy so much since we don't have dinner time together so often.

Here they are! I really appreciate them for coming over after work.

I wondered what I should have cooked for them but decided to make something familiar to American people in general.

Fried Noodles

Fried Rice

Homemade pot stickers

It kind of makes me nervous when I see how others like my cooking

Tom got us some dessert on the way, which were 3 kinds of cheese cake.

Every one was delicious.

Thanks to them, I could enjoy a real conversation with adults and feel refreshed that night.

Again, I really appreciate them for coming over to see me after work in such a short notice.

I personally don't have so many friends, but all of my friends are so sweet and wonderful, and that night Tom&Kat reminded me of it again.

Okay, this is all today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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我が家の裏ガレージ (Our back garage)

2019-11-19 15:30:12 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

Here in MN, we've go in the snowy winter already, but I want to talk about this which happened in July when you still could walk around just in T-shirt.

We have 2 garages with our house, and the one is connected with the house and the other one is in the back yard.

I only use the front door to park my car but don't even step in the back garage more than a couple of times a year.

So, what do we use the back garage for?? Yeah, we store things like our lawn mower and snow blower, and our brother, Brad, had actually occupied most of the space with his car stuff.

Brad occupied most of the space in the back garage for some years and finally moved his stuff out last summer after Andy asked him to million times. Haha.

Like I said first, I don't use the back garage at all so was half-listen, no, zero-listen to what he talked about the garage. LOL Still, I could get that he was saying that rain leaked inside the garage.

It's a little bit waste of his time and energy, but Andy always kindly explains to me what the issue is and how he wants to fix it about his projects in general. Sorry, but I just can't care about so much about what doesn't really bug my personal space. He actually knows it and still tries to explain things for me.

Anyways, Andy wanted to fix a couple of parts of the back garage last summer and asked some friends for help since he couldn't handle it by himself. So, this is about the day that we had the friends over our house and did the project together.

Dad&Mom, Brad, Lorin, Abe, and Tom&Kat kindly came over to help us on their precious weekend.

As for the pile of sand in front of the garage, Andy ordered it for the project a couple of days before.

May-chan, Kat and I were not counted as a worker for the project, so we went out for a walk close to our house.

We stopped by a Caribou first, walked on the usual trail and then hung out at the park by the trail. Kat treated me an iced coffee. Thanks!

May-chan didn't have stranger anxiety at all so she really liked playing with Kat outside on such a beautiful day. (She still doesn't get so shy with strangers that bad though.)

If I remember it correctly, May-chan tried to ride on a swing for the first time on the day.

We took a picture of us too.

While we're just having fun and relaxing time, the project had been done already.

The insulation in the wall was the biggest concern for Andy, but luckily, water didn't go in so much.

After the project, we had delivery pizza together and then ended the day.

Andy says that the project was still just a small part of the entire project for the back garage, but everything went very smoothly on the day thanks to the big help from our family and friends, which made Andy relieved and happy.

The day reminded me that "Sweet and kind friends are priceless."

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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