Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいちゃんの初日本 vol.9 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 9)

2020-01-30 15:26:52 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

Okay, this is vol.9 of Japan trip diaries.

Needless to say again, May-chan and I had a strong support from our family when we stayed at my parents' house.

I said that May-chan and I had the most time together with my dad especially because he was home during the day time due to his work shift, but of course, my mom helped us in so many ways as well.

I talked about this here before too, but my mom has had some medical issues and not been in the best condition. So, she sometimes stayed in her room all day but still did laundry for all of us every single day.

Also, when she felt fine, she went to a couple of places by bike and got snacks or veggies for May-chan, which even made me feel that she was more active and energetic. Haha.

She also did some research around her house and found a couple of places that I could take May-chan to like, "I found a park nearby which has a swing May-chan can ride!" or "I found this free play room hosted by the city!"

As fot the free play room, she also talked to one of the staff and asked if May-chan and I (Non-city resident) were eligible to use it beforehand, which was very helpful.

Both us and my mom stayed home most of the time, but we sometimes just got out of the house to get some fresh air together like, "It's so nice out today, so why don't we walk outside a little bit?.

On this sunny day in September, we went to the part whch my mom found for May-chan together for the first time.

May-chan looks so happy. My parents' room is on the 4th floor, and I had to carry May-chan and the stroller down the stairs all the way from the 4th floor to the 1st floor, but my mom always kindly carried the stroller for me.
(I didn't want her to work too much because of her medical condition, but she said, "This is not a big deal!" and always did the favor for me.)

My mom pushed May-chan and...

I also pushed her too. Yeah, May-chan was a VIP. Haha.

Right next to the May-chan's swing, there were a couple of swings that adults could ride, so I said to my mom, "Let's try it!

Neither my mom nor I remembered when we rode on the swing last, and it's probably for the first time in more than a decade. Though, it was very nice and comfortable to feel the wind on the swing.

I was very interested in the city's free play room that my mom found for May-chan, but I ended up missing a chance to go there because I was too tired or the weather was bad or something,

May-chan wasn't able to walk yet when we're in Japan, so all she could enjoy in the park was the swing. I bet that she'd love to run around if we could go there now.

Around my house in MN, I have to drive to a park nearby, which is kind of a lot of work, so it was super nice and easy that we could walk to the park and back home at my parents' house.

My mom's medical conditions has been still up and down even after May-chan and I got back to MN, so I really appreciate all the precious time that May-chan and I could hang out with my mom in Japan like this.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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めいちゃんの初日本vol.8 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 8)

2020-01-28 13:38:51 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi there!

How's your life treating today?

This morning, I had a dentist appointment and brought May-chan with me there, but it was kind of tiring becuase she cried so hard while I had a cleaning there.

May-chan has already had some teeth and needs a regular care at the dentist as well, so they and I are thinking to have her at the clnic every 6months and make her gradually get used to the environment. Though, I think that I should get her and my appointments at separate times next.

Okay, this is vol.8 of May-chan's 1st Japan trip.

On September 19th, May-chan and I visited my best friend, Aki.

I've mentioned this here a couple of times before, but Aki's my best friend in Japan and one of the only 3 guests who kindly came to our wedding all the way from Japan.
(The other 2 guests from Japan were my mom and sister, Skatch, so Aki's the only non-family guest who crossed the Pacific ocean just for my wedding. Yeah, she's very special to me.)

Aki and I met when we both were hired for a same job in a same year and enjoyed our single lives together to travel to Universal Studio in Osaka or Hokkaido. Of course, we hung out very often at the time too. So, every time I get a chance to go to Japan, I see her.

From my parents' house and Aki's house, I need to take a bus and a train to the closest train station to her house. And then, Aki usually came to pick me up at the station, but it became more work to do with her 2nd girl, Nana-chan, and my May-chan since we needed another child seat to carry 2 babies at the same time. So, I decided to take a taxi from the train station this time.

On the train. I brought the stroller with me at the time, but it ended up not needing it since May-chan and I could get a seat both on the bus and the train and didn't need to walk around almost at all either.

We're here! There's this comfy mattress in the living room, so May-chan really enjoyed crawling around on it.

It was actually the first time for me to meet Nana-chan. So cute!! May-chan and Nana-chan are exactly 5months apart, so she was around 4months old at the point.

She's 5months younger than May-chan but used the same size diaper as May-chan's, so Aki kindly told me, "You can use Nana-chan's diaper for May-chan so that you don't have to carry lots of stuff with you!" (Thanks!)

Long time no see! I think that it'd been about 1 year and a half since the last time we saw each other in person.

We sometimes get in touch to keep each other updated, and I heard that she had to deal with multiple issues and chores at once when she's pregnant with Nana-chan. So, I was very relieved that she seemed doing well in person and heard that most of the things were settled down then.

We're planning to have lunch together, but I said to Aki, "We can do some delivery or something easy! Or I even grab something on the way." Though, she kindly cooked for us.

As a Japanese, this combo meal, rice, dishes and miso soup, was very nice. (Thanks for cooking for me! It was delicious!)

Again, I met Nana-chan in person for the first time on the day, but she's such a calm, happy and adorable baby.

She didn't cry at all even when I held her, and her cute smile melted my heart.

Needless to say, she still needs lots of nap time. Her sleeping position and face are cute too.

This little person still needs some nap time too. She seemed so comfy to sleep even at somebody else's house too. Haha

After both girls woke up from the nap times, Aki's older daughter, Sat-chan was coming from her kinder soon, so we walked to the point to pick her up.

Aki tole me, "Sat-chan was really looking forward to seeing you guys!!" and it was so true! She was such a sweet big sister and played with May-chan so well.

Every time I see Sat-chan, I'm very impressed by her growth. When I saw her on the last trip, she was very shy and didn't talk to me a lot, but I was super happpy that she was so chatty and shared a lot of stories with me this time.

We tried to take a picture of all of us, but it's kind of hard to capture the moment when everybody looked at the camera with the 3 little ones.

Though, I think this one turned out to be pretty good. Yeah, Nana-chan's looking somewhere else.

May-chan and I stayed with them untill 4pm or so and promised to them, "We'll come and visit as many times as possible while we're here!!" and left their house.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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めいちゃんの初日本 vol.7 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 7)

2020-01-26 12:44:57 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello everyone!

How's your day going today?

Okay, this is vol.7 of May-chan's 1st Japan trip.

After our life rhythm was settled down at my parents' house, May-chan woke up, ate and played with my parents mostly at certain times in the morning.

I think that my dad held her like this pretty much everyday.

During our stay, my mom did all the laundry for everyone including us, and every time she went out to the balcony to hang the laundry, May-chan followed after and watched her doing the chore.

So, on September 17th, May-chan and I visited my big brother's family.

Their house's a little bit inconvenient to get to by train or bus, so I was originally going to get a taxi. Though, my brother kindly offerred me, "Oh, I'll come to pick you guys up!" So, I took the sweet offer.

It was actually a super nice day, and I found all the rice field pretty much ready for the harvest time.

I took this selfie while we're waiting for my brother to come to pick us up, but both May-chan's and my faces turned out to be terrible due to the wind and the sunlight.

There's one unexpected thing on the day. The city people were working on cutting weeds on the road, and it caused a big traffic jam and took 40mins for my brother to come to my parents' house. It's normally only 10min drive.

Okay, again, what's the biggest surprise was that how much May-chan's cousin, Fu-chan (2y7m), had grown up since the last time I saw her.

Like this, Fu-chan nicely played with May-chan first, but...

She got so jealous of May-chan when her Dad&Mom tried to play with May-chan since Fu-chan's an only child and usually got all the attention and love.

So, when her Dad held May-chan or something, Fu-chan suddenly turned to be so upset and started crying, and it happened a couple of times on the day. Haha

Of course, her Dad treated her like a princess and did all of her favors like setting the indoor slide or giving her a candy etc... Still, she was upset whenever her parents paied too much attention to May-chan.

What's funny and interesting to me was that Fu-chan said that she wanted to try to eat baby food when I was feeding May-chan.
(The Fu-chan's behavior recalled me that a lot of kids pretend to be like that when they have a younger sibling.)

お昼ご飯は料理上手な兄が作ってくれました。ちなみに、兄が絶品特製カレーをAndyっとHit-chanに振舞ってくれた時の記事はこちら。日本2018(Japan2018, vol.39)
For lunch, my brother cooked for me. He's actually a very good cook. FYI, here's the old article about when he made his delicious homemade curry for Andy and me. 日本2018(Japan2018, vol.39)

Ta-da! He made this beef bowl.

Without a lie, it was super delicious!

After the yammy lunch, he also made me a cup of coffee and served it with a candy. Yeah, it was a great hospitality.

Before Fu-chan got upset, my sister in law held May-chan too.

I just appreciate them for having a great time with me and my family every time I visit them.

He also drove us to my parents' house too, and it was so helpful to save my energy.

We can't see each other even once a year, but Fu-chan is an only cousin for May-chan around her age. So, I wish I can make as many chances for them to play together in person as possible from now on.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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Hit-chanの36回目の誕生日 (Hit-chan's 36th Birthday)

2020-01-24 11:28:58 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)

How are you doing today?

Today, I'll put May-chan's Japan trip diaries aside and want to talk about a recent event that I enjoyed.

So, January 5th just right after the new year started was my 36th birthday!!! (applause)

On such a special day, my loving husband, Andy was in NY for work and couldn't celebrate my birthday with me.

Even after he's back from NY, his work kept him busy and time flied again. I'm writing this article on the 16th, but we haven't celebrated my birthday together yet. Haha.

We're planning to make some special dinner tomorrow, on the 17th, and Andy said that he had a couple of things to give me too. So, I'm looking forward to it.

So, for my birthday, Dad&Mom kindly invited, "Let's go to eat breakfast together on your birthday!" instead of Andy in NY.
(I bet that they felt bad for me not having anybody to celebrate my birthday with on my birthday. Yup, they're always sweet.)

They also said, "You choose where we go. Any place you want to!" So, I picked up this place where I'd been to a couple of times before.

行ったお店はBenedict'sというレストランなんですが、レストランの様子はこちらの記事で詳しく書いております。怪人さんとデート 新米ミネソタンさんと朝食デート
It's called Benedict's, and I wrote about a couple of dates with my friends at the restaurant on the articles. Brunch Date with Kaijin-san Breakfast Date

When I told mom that I wanted to go to this place for my birthday breakfast, she asked me, "Shoule we make a reservation?" So, I answered, "I don't think we need to." since they're not that busy on my previous visits.

Though, my birthday was Sunday, and they're super busy!!! (Dang!)

I said to mom, "Sorry! I forgot it was Sunday." and then she smiled and kindly said, "Oh, that's no problem!" Hehe.

I think that we waited for 20mins or so at the front and then finally got a table.

When I had breakfast at this restaurant before, they took my order wrong and served breakfast potatos instead of hashbrown, but it was a good mistake! I actually loved the breakfast potatos more than their hash brown. So, I told Dad&Mom, "Their breakfast potates are really good!"

Then, mom asked me, "What are they like?" Though, I actually remembered that they're so tasty but didn't remember what they're like at all. So, my answer to mom was like, "Oh well, I think they had sauce on or not. Maybe, cheese sauce??" It was super vague and helpless.

This was my plate. 2Eggs, Chicken sausage and breakfast potatos.

As you just say the breakfast potatos in the picture above, they didn't come with any sauce.! They're simply but prefectly seasoned mostly with salt and pepper (and probably some herbs too). I'm sure that they're exactly same before and I thought that they're delicious, but my memory's just bad. LOL

Instead of toasted bread, I got a pancake beacuse May-chan loves it.

May-chan also loved the breakfast potatos too. Plus the delicious food, she enjoyed the unusual atmosphere too.

This is Dad's plate.

This is Mom's plate.

Oh yeah, of course, I gave a piece of my breakfast potatos to Dad&Mom just to want them to try it too and they both liked it too, Dad even said, "It really tastes potato, and I actually liked it more than the hash brown."

Thank you for taking me out, Dad&Mom!!

Yup, I just turned 36 years old!

After the wonderful breakfast, Dad&Mom were going to come to our house and wanted to take the check, but our server didn't stop at our table for a while.
(Every time I run into this situation, I miss Japanese style restaurant which has a bell to call a server at a table or gives you a check when you finish your order so that you can bring it to the register at the entrance anytime you want to leave.)

Anyways, my sweet Dad&Mom said, "You can take May-chan and go now. We're gonna follow you guys after we pay the bill." So, May-chan and I left the restaurant first and headed back home.

At our house, May-chan was so excited to get all the attentions from Granpa&Grandma.

Grandma let her do this acrobatic move on her lap and...

Grandpa held her like this and...

played with the toys together.

So, May-chan made this cute smile.

Not only the nice breakfast time, but also Dad&Mom gave me universal gift card AKA money as my birthday gift too. (Thank you!)

Mom shared this story behind about the gift with me, "I actually went to the new United Noodles to get a gift card, but they said they only sell it at one in Minneapolis." The story made me even happier since I got to know that Mom kindly went to my favorite grocery store just for me.

Anyways, this is how I spent my birthday without Andy, and it actually turned out to be wonderful thanks to my sweet Dad&Mom!

Okay, thanks for reading again!! Bye for now!!

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めいの初日本 vol.6 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 6)

2020-01-22 12:10:37 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

Okay, this is vol.6 of May-chan's 1st Japan trip.

When May-chan and I stayed at my parents' house with 4 other people, my parents and my twin sisters, and my dad was the one who spent time the most together with us.

He works on the 3rd shift, was often at home during day and liked being in the living room too, so we naturally did a lot of things together.

When my dad came home from work in the morning, I usually gave May-chan breakfast. So, he sometimes helped me to feed her too.

Of course, he loved his granddaughter a lot and was really pleased to help me like "Okay!" whenever I asked him for help like "Can you hold her a minute???" or "Can you help me to change her diaper??"

On the last article, I wrote that we went to a mall for the first time after we began to stay at my parents' house. At the time, I actually bought some things at the grocery section to cook something particular.

When I booked this trip and decided to stay at my parents' house, I came up with cooking something for my family during the stay. I had 2 things on my mind, but it was still pretty hard for me just to go out to a grocery store to get ingredients with May-chan. So, it was a great chance for me to get all the ingredients at once when we went to the mall with my dad, sister and sister's boyfriend a couple days before.

Anyways, this is waht I made for my family.

Do you know what it is?

Yeah, I made Tacos with tortillas that I brought all the way from MN.

In general, I'd say that my family eats better food in Japan than what I eat in MN, so there's not much food that I want to introduce to them except this one, Tacos.

確か、日本に帰った時にもタコスを作ったのかな? その時に、タコスの材料を揃えるのが思いのほか難しかったのを覚えていて、常温でも大丈夫なトルティーヤはミネソタから持って行く事にしたんです。
Maybe, I think that I made Tacos for my family when I visited them last time too, it was a lot of work to find all the ingredients for my Tacos in a typical grocery store in Japan. (It doesn't mean that you can't, but you might have to go to a couple of different stores.) That's why I brought tortillas from MN this time.

Luckily, I could find all the ingredients that I wanted at one place this time.

My tacos is usually made with ground beef seasoned in Korean BBQ or Teriyaki style. Beside my usual Korean BBQ style meat, I also cooked some meat with this Taco seasoning that I found at the mall too.

I used this brand.

Everybody in my family works on different schedules, so I asked when they're home beforehand.

Very happily, everdybody said, "It's sooo good!" for my tacos and Switch (my siter1) nicely said, "I liked the Korean BBQ flavor better probably because I'm Japanese." , which made me happy too.

I also made my dad and myself taco rice bowl with the left over meat for lunch on the next day, and my dad was really pleased with it and kindly said to me, "Thanks for cooking for me! It was great!" Yeah, his words were worth it.

At MN home, Andy and I usually don't eat dinner together at the same table. (We individually cook whatever we want to eat and eat whenever we like to eat.) So, it made me super happy that my family loved my dishes during the stay in Japan.

2 days after the taco party, my younger brother family came over from Itami. (About 1 hour drive from Kyoto.)

What surprised me about their visit the most was that my nephews had grown up a lot!!

They're 3rd grade and 5th grade now, and the 5th grade one would become taller than I am next year for sure.

It's also very interesting for me that both of the boys really looked like my brother at their age.

They're always so nice to get some treat for me and broght a couple of Japanese sweet called "Mitarashi-dango" and "Taiyaki" which I wouldn't be able to buy in MN. Of course, I loved them both.

May-chan's more comfortable and less shy with men in general, and the day applied to it. My younger brother is a father of 2 boys and used to hold a baby. So, May-chan was happy to be held by him for a while.

He started working at a sushi restaurant even though it was not something that he wanted to do the most at the point. Since then, he's been working so hard at the same company and now he's an area mamager at work and a father of 2 boys at home.

I remember that he struggled with finding what he wanted to do at his younger age, so he made me so proud of him when I saw him and his family then.

My younger brother isn't good at getting in touch with us and easity becomes a stranger, but his wife's so sweet and sends us a New Year's greeting card to MN every year too. She also responds all the texts or emails in the family instead of my brother so that we can plan things together. So, I bet that my brother couldn't have accomplised this much of wonderful things in his life without her.

I don't see my nephews even less than once a year, and they're still very shy with me. Though, I'm glad to see them doing so well.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!

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