Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

念願のガスレンジと換気扇!(Our dream gas stove and vent)

2022-09-06 13:54:10 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

A little long time no see! Time flies again!! Can you believe it's already September!!

I've started smelling fall and even winter already and kind of getting overwhelmed like, "Oh I still gotta do this! Oh, that one too!" lately.

I mentioned this on the last article, but thankfully I've been having a busy and fun life recently, which took time to write my blog away. I finished sharing only about the half of my Japan trip here yet, but I assume that I'm going to get some more me-time soon and want to pick up the pace for my blog update too.

Okay today, I want to share our family's recent news, not the Japan trip.

ちょっと更新が減ると思います。(I'll update my blog less frequently for a while) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


I wrote about this in March here, but Andy and I were going to work on 2 big projects this year.

One of the projects was already done and shared with you guys here, which was doing another IVF in Japan. And the other one was actually remodeling our house.

降って湧いた話 (Something Totally Unexpected) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


I didn't clearly say what we're going through on this article, but we found a big problem of our house, "Why don't we think about remodeling the entire house because the construction to fix the problem would be as big as remodeling the house anyway?" we ended up planning to remodel the entire house.

If our original plan went as we had expected, the construction would have started while May-chan and I were in Japan. Though, due to the recent economic inflation from the pandemic or other factors, the estimate ended up going over our budget and we had to give up the project.
(You can always find a good thing in any situation. Andy could stay in Japan for 6 weeks which was longer than the original plan since he didn't have to take care of the house project anymore.)

We got over it already, but we both were really disappointed at the time when we found out that our plan wouldn't go successful after we went through all the paper works and meetings with an architect, our bank and builders.

I don't know if this is for making up the holes of our hearts, but just as the title says, we decided to get a new gas range and make a vent instead.

I believe that the hole in Andy's heart made by the disappointment was bigger than mine because he was the one who lead the big project all the time. So, Andy really wanted a new gas range at this timing.

We actually had used an electric range until now and neither of us, who cooked often, liked it so much.

The reason why we didn't like the old electric range was because it took more time to get hot and there was a time lag for adjusting the heat. Even if you want the heat higher or lower, you have to wait some time to get the temperature actually changed after you turn the tab. So, we always had to consider about the gap time while cooking.
(Yeah, we used it for 10 years which was enough for us to kind of get used to it though.)

And the vent.

In Japan, the vent is generally connected outside of the house so that all the smoke or steam produced in the kitchen can go out.

Though, this might be a typical kitchen outside of Japan, but we only had a fan attached inside the microwave over the range which wasn't connected to outside of the house. So, even when we turned on the fan, it just helped to spread smoke or steam around the kitchen inside.

So, Andy and I were talking, "We want a vent some day so that we can get all the smoke or steam out of the house ." all the time.

I'm not 100% sure, but when you make a kitchen, you don't have to install a vent connecting outside with an electric range or IH range, but if you want to have a gas range, you need to put a vent connecting outside over it.

Anyways, we got a new gas range on September 2nd!

We were originally thinking to donate our old one because it's still usable, but Andy found out that they wouldn't take ones used more than 2 years. So, we ended up discard our old one.
(The store delivered our new range also took the old one too.)

On the next day after we got the new range, we had an agency to install a new gas line and make a vent.

They showed up around 8am.

First 2 men showed up and started working on making a new gas line and a vent and then 1 electric technician showed up to help them finish the project too. In the middle of the project, an inspector guy also showed up and made sure that everything was correctly installed.

Look! They made a hole in our kitchen wall! Yeah, that's what they're supposed to do. Hehe.

May-chan and I were chilling out in the dining room and I was watching them working for a little bit. I don't know anything about technical stuff, but even I could tell that they're really good at their job and took care of everything very well.
(I often hear that some people outside of Japan don't do their jobs well, but you know, there are a certain number of professional people anywhere!)

Ta-da!! The stove is gas, but the oven is electric.
(Gas ranges with gas oven were cheaper than gas ranges with electric oven, but Andy got a gas range with an electric oven for me because electric ovens are generally more consistent with the temperature.

Honestly speaking, Andy was originally thinking that they were going to just make a new gas line and vent and installing the stove wasn't included in the project, so he was kind of prepared to do that part on his own. Luckily they actually did everything to get the stove ready to use, so Andy didn't have to do anything on his own.

The new vent is here! The microwave fan vacuums the air and vents it out through the back.

Andy's was the one who first used both the new stove and oven.

He cooked a sausage on the stove and made a tomato tart in the oven for us.


I didn't take any pictures of his tomato tart, but the dish looked like the picture above. Basically it's a pizza with tart instead of pizza dough. He put fresh tomato, basil and mozzarella cheese on top and it was super delicious!

It's been only 4 days since we got the new gas range, but what's super amazing is how easy adjusting the heat is!
(With the old electric stove, we had to deal with the gap time between the timing we turned the setting knob and the timing the temperature really changed.)

The vent works really well! The noise is pretty quiet and of course it smoothly vents steam or smoke outside of the house.

We couldn't make our first goal, remodeling the house, come true, but we could make a big step to our dream kitchen.

The new gas stove and vent has made our cooking life more fun and joyful. I'm really looking forward to baking bread with the new oven as well as making Natto beans using the proof setting too.

Okay, this is all about our recent big news! Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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