Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

降って湧いた話 (Something Totally Unexpected)

2021-04-08 10:09:02 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How's your life treating you today?

So, I'm writing this on the last week of March, and I've got allergy symptoms all of sudden from this week.

I don't remember that I struggled with pollen allergy so much when I lived in Japan, but since I moved to MN, I've needed to deal with my sneezy and runny nose twice a year, for 2 weeks in spring and for 2 weeks in fall.

The pictures that I share here don't have anything to do with today's topic, but I took these shots when we played in the yard in the middle of March.

Today when I'm writing this is Friday, and besides I've got all the tiredness from the entire week filled up in me, the allergy medication that I took this morning made me so exhausted. So, I ended up letting May-chan watch TV so that I could take a strong nap.

As for the title of this article, Andy and I recently faced to a big problem to force us to make an very important decision.

The problem is ongoing and we still don't know what to do about it, so I can't tell much here yet. Though, we've (mostly Andy) been doing a lot of research and trying to figure out what we can do to solve the problem. Of course, I'll share it with you guys here when we decide what to do.

So, when we found the big issue, both Andy and I were in panic a little bit like "What are we gonna do??!!" since we might have to make a big change in our lifestyle.

In short words, we found a big issue, but there's no choice to ignore or leave it for a long time. We'll have to decide what to do for the problem sometime soon, but any choice we'll take is going to be very important and also life-altering in a way.

Even though we got in panic and overwhelmed by the big problem, as we were considering about all the potential choices, we gradually started noticing a different aspect of the fact, "Wait a sec, if we'll try to work on solving this problem, we'll be able to not only solve the original problem but also make our long-cherished dream come true!!"

In other words, we faced a big problem that we couldn't ignore, which made us very disappointed, but while we were thinking about what we could do to solve the problem, we realized that we could add a plan even to make our long-cherished dream come true on top of solving the problem.

I'm talking about the best case that everything will work out in the way we want it to be, so it's still at a point where we're counting our chickens before they're hatched.

Once Andy and I thought, "Oh..., we got a terrible problem..." but from the point when we started seeing the fact in a different way, we are feeling, "Oh, it was actually a big chance to make something that we didn't think it's possible happen!!" So now, both Andy and I are very positive to believe in the best-case scenario and can't stop coming up with random exciting ideas.

Anyways, this is how Andy and I are feeling that something very exciting will happen to us this year, in our 10th anniversary year, and we're very looking forward to seeing how everything is going to work out!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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