豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2006-07-06 17:53:57 | 日本国内旅行




Tsubakiyama hot spa
July 6 : Thursday : cloudy occasionally rainy

Yumi’s home town, Fukaura is a simple and beautiful town that is surrounded by the Sirakami mountain region, one of the worldwide heritages, and it is facing the long sea shore of the Sea of Japan where we can see fantastic sunset. Also it’s abundant in all the sorts of delicacies and hot-spring resorts. Administrators and third sector developers have unfounded belief and say the development and the advertisement will bring many tourists. Lodging, and eating and drinking in the spa equipment that looks like the high-class resort hotel are surprisingly low rates, from 500 Yen to 5000 Yen. I thought that would based on small profits and quick returns but unpredictably enough all facilities are almost empty. Perhaps, in several years they will be all closed down. The mayor would say that it was quite useful for the activation of the town. Residents who could get money as the construction workers or facility employees may not complaint about that.

Tsubakiyama 10 years ago

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