豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-05-31 15:58:05 | 教養?


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2010-05-30 15:50:17 | 政治・経済

音楽はレコード、録音テープ、CD、そして今やワンクリックで購入してHDに収納。街のレコード店は激減。書籍も本棚からHDへ。本屋も図書館も消えそうです。映画はビデオ、DVD からHDへ。レンタル・ビデオ店や映画館も風前の灯火。音楽も本も映画も消耗品。良し悪しは別として、消費者は安さや便利さを求めます。



Bookshelves will be gone
Sun. May 30 : fine

The storage of music started from the records via audiotape and CDs and now you can buy music by downloading it and store it in HDs. The number of the record shops has been decreasing remarkably. The books have moved from the bookshelves to HDs as well. The book shops and libraries seem to be disappearing. As for the movies, they are moved from the video tapes, via DVDs to HDs to be stored. Video rental shops and cinemas are on the verge of extinction. Music, books and movies are all expendables. Right or wrong, consumers desire cheaper and handier things.

apple and universal gravitation
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2010-05-29 15:40:31 | 政治・経済




3 devils in Japanese communication and media
Sat. May 29 ; fine

There are 3 industries that hold fast to their vested interests neglecting the national interests. The first one is the cell phone business including the 3 biggest companies in Japan, NTT, Soft Bank and au that cling to the “Galapagos” national isolation. The second one is the big distributing business including 2 biggest distributors, Tohan and Nippan that want to keep the “resale system” and to neglect the electronic books. The last one is the media: the major capitals, Yomiuri with NTV, Asahi with TV Asahi, Mainichi with TBS, Sankei with TV Fuji and Nikkei with TV Tokyo that never give up the “monopoly of radio wave”.

"Aozora Bunko", the only electronic publisher in Japan
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2010-05-28 15:44:19 | 政治・経済

iPadはSIMフリー端末として世界中で流通していますが、日本ではソフトバンクのSIMロック端末で販売。世界基準から外れたガラパゴス状態だと外国の強豪会社や優れた技術が入ってこないので、ガラ携業者は当面安泰。出版界も電子図書を発行していないのでiPadで日本語の本は読めません。消費者意識が低いので日本企業はやりたい放題。(photo by Kobayashi Shoji)



Galapagos iPad
Fri. May 28 : fine

The iPads has been distributed in the world as the SIM-free terminals but they are sold as SIM-locked terminals from Soft Bank in Japan. Under the Galapagos circumstances that are out of universal standard, Japanese phone companies temporarily will not have to worry about being invaded by compete companies or excellent techniques from overseas. The publishing industry hasn’t published any electronic books yet so you can’t read any Japanese books on iPad at all. Japanese firms have everything in their ways since the consumer’s awareness is being so low.

poor Japanese IT circumstances
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2010-05-27 15:40:28 | トリニティー・ビーチ





Sacred bound guarded by pinwheels
Thu. May 27 : fine

I have seen a lot of pinwheels made of weeds lining on the grass after the person in meditation had been gone. It seemed she had a sacred bound around her not to have her meditation practice disturbed by dogs. I used to make masks, pipes, boats, pinwheels and others when I was a child. By the way, I say the lady having big breakfast at the café after the practice.

windmill in Iwate

big breakfast
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2010-05-26 15:37:30 | トリニティー・ビーチ




Meditator on the beach
Wed. May 26 : fine

Winter is coming and it has become a little colder. Today’s highest temperature is expected to be 29 degrees and lowest, 21. I feel pleasant with this chilliness early in the morning when I go jogging. The sun rises from the sea in Trinity Beach. There is a young lady who is meditating on the grass bathing morning sunlight. Full of the spirit she has would not let the dogs running on the beach approach her.

I'm a master of sleeping meditation
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2010-05-25 15:35:42 | 植物




Tue. May 25 : fine

It is called wild sugar apple as well. It belongs to the custard apple from myrtle family. For its sweet and creamy taste it is described “the ice cream from woods” or “the fruit for countess”. Putting the ripen fruit into the freezer you can easily make ice cream. It may be nice for a person who has a sweet tooth but one bite was just enough for me.

custard apple
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2010-05-24 23:00:06 | 植物

ポリリネシア原産の15mの高木。果実は直径30cm。1本の成木は200個の果実をつけます。ポリネシアでは今でも主食にしている島があるとか。果肉に澱粉を含み、蒸し焼きや丸焼きにして食べます。 火で乾かしてビスケット状にしたり、果肉を葉で包んで土に埋めて発酵させると長期保存が可能となります。味はサツマイモに似ています。



Bread Tree
Mon. May 24 : fine

It is a 15m-tall high tree originally from Polynesia. The fruit has its diameter of 30cm. One mature tree yields about 200 fruits every year. I heard this fruit is the staple diet on some Polynesian islands. It contains starch in its flesh and it is eaten by being baked in a casserole or roasted whole. If you dry it in the fire like biscuits or bury the wrapped fruit under the earth to ferment it, you can keep it for a long time. It tastes like sweet potatoes.

bread tree
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2010-05-23 01:03:50 | スポーツ




Sun. May 23 : fine

Polo needs the spacious stadium. The rules are almost the same as soccer; one inning has 7 minutes and one game has 6 innings. One team has 4 players and each player rises on 4 different horses in turns, so one team needs 16 horses. In Japan there are only 3 players who have registered to play polo so it’s impossible to have games. In Australia almost every town has a polo team and also a children’s team. Kangaroos sometimes jump into the game at Trinity Beach Polo Stadium.

kangaroos in polo stadium
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2010-05-22 01:02:06 | ケアンズ近郊




Running machine for horses
Sat. May 22 : fine

The number of horses being bread was 1,500,000 in the early Showa era and it is now 60,000 including 40,000 racehorses in Japan. In Australia there are 2,000,000 horses; 15,000 of them are racehorses and most of others are pet horses. Many OZs are familiar with horse riding. There are racecourses even in the small towns. Horses in the racecourse of Tolga village in Table Land that has the population of 300 were doing exercises on the machines.

ninor sport
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Wii Fitのランニング・マシン

2010-05-21 01:00:38 | スポーツ

ユミは週4日フィットネス・クラブに通っています。母の日の特売でWii とWii Fitのランニング・マシンのセットが半額。ユミがあんまり欲しがるので買ってあげました。TVゲームで頭が良くなったり、健康になったりはしないと思うけど。案の定、運動量が少ないとの理由から1日でお払い箱。DVD再生機としても使用できるからいいけど。



Running machine of Wii Fit
Fri. May 21 : fine

Yumi goes to the fitness club 4 days a week. She found the half priced running machine for Mother’s Day sale that would come with Wii and Wii Fit in a set. She wanted it so much so I bought one for her. I don’t think a TV game makes the human cleverer or healthier, though. As I expected she kicked it to the curb from the reason of it giving too small amount of exercises. I suppose that is OK because I can use it as the DVD player.

sit-up machine
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2010-05-20 00:55:34 | 動物




Thu. May 20 : fine

Geckos have big eyes because they are nocturnal. As they can’t shut their eyelids they keep their eyes clean by licking them by their tongues. They have hook-shaped fine folds on the pads on their fingers. They can even walk on the vertical walls or smooth surface by catching the small unevenness with these folds. They make sound for threatening and courting other geckos. They are carnivorous and catch insects or others to eat. Most of them live in the woods so sometimes you can find them on the windscreens or windows of your cars when parking under the tree.

domestic gecko
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2010-05-19 22:16:54 | 日常生活




Diana and Venus
Wed. May 19 : fine

Venus is the second closest planet to the sun. It’s a minus fourth magnitude star, the third brightest star being followed by the sun and the moon. You can see it for 3 hours each in the morning and evening. 3 days ago, on May 16th Venus and the moon showed great approach. Not having good camera, I fixed my digital camera on the rail of our terrace and shot it with maximum zooming in. The moon looks right-left reverse in the north and the south hemispheres. And the constellations look upside down.

great approach in Japan
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2010-05-18 22:55:33 | 植物


僕の朝の散歩道にもシティーの公園にも棒状の実が落ちています。OZに名前を聞いたら「Weenee Tree(ウインナ・ソーセージの木)だよ」と適当な返事。植物図鑑やネットで色々調べても現時点で本当の名前は不明。分かったのは、JASの規格ではソーセージの直径が20mm以下はウインナ、20-36mmはフランクフルト、36mm以上はボロニアと呼ばれること。


(これはゴールデン・シャワーの実でした; 2011年1月19日)


Weenee Tree?
Tue. May 18 : fine

There are lots of stick-shaped fruits fallen on the ground beside my morning walkway and also in the parks of City. When I ask some OZs what the name of the tree is they always give me a doubtful answer, “It’s a Weenee Tree”. I’ve checked many illustrated flora guides or internet but I haven’t got the correct name yet. What I have learned is that according to JAS standard the sausage of its diameter of under 20mm is called Weenie, 20-36mm is called Frankfurt and more than 36mm is called Boronia.


(This is a fruit of golden shower; 19/01/2011)

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2010-05-17 23:05:31 | 植物




Sausage Tree
Mon. May 17 : fine

This is a 15m-tall high tree originally from Africa. Its fruit is hard and has the length of 50cm and the weight of more than 6kg but it’s not edible. The premature fruit is poisonous and so it’s utilized for medicine. The view of that tree with countless fruit hanging on it is splendid. Some people misunderstand and say, “Sausages grow on a tree!” As it’s dangerous if the fruit falls, they are not suitable to be planted in the parks or along the streets. In the botanical garden the staff cut down all the fruits on their early stage. The flowers bloom at night and fruit bats gather them.

sausage tree
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