豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2012-02-29 08:36:31 | 日常生活







Garlic Day    Wed. February 29 : rainy

After the New Year started I bought a calendar with half price. After I started writing in my schedule at home I found that it starts from Monday! Many of the calendars sold in Australia are this style. As Saturday and Sunday lay side-by-side it is convenient to write in holiday schedule. However, it’s inconvenient for me so I colored all Sundays in yellow with the highlighter. In my hometown, Aomori the “Garlic Day” events are held every 4 years.  

test chart for color blindness

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2012-02-28 09:11:32 | 食事







My birthday in leap year   Tue. February 28 : rainy

I happily become 67 years old today. Since I moved to Australia I don’t feel calm on my birthday in a leap year. A lot of OZs take holiday on February 29 claiming as they have the right to, “Why should we work an extra day in a leap year?” and eat out with their family on February 28. People might consider me as a cunning man. Although today is a weekday I see a lot of people walk on the beach before it gets dark. 

best season to die

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2012-02-27 21:14:59 | 植物







Star fruit    Mon. February 27 : rainy

This is a 5-10cm fruit tree originally from Tropic Asia. You can eat it raw, make salad, sugar or pickle it. Its cut end has star shape. It tastes sour and slightly sweet. Since it contains plenty of fiber and fluid it gives crunchy texture. If you cut it too thin the crunchiness gets spoiled so you should cut it in 1cm or more. When it is fully ripened it tastes sweeter. As it contains oxalate it is said that if you eat it too frequently you might have urinary stones.    

special treatments for stars


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2012-02-26 21:17:01 | 教養?







Oscar dog     Sun. February 26 : fine

I have difficulty understanding all English in the movies but I was able to understand 99% of “Artist”. It is a romantic comedy that gives picture of the transition period from the Hollywood silent movie to the talkies, portraying the heroine who runs past the era and the forgotten hero. Who attracts the audience more than the major characters is Jack Russell who has won Paw Oscar Prize. “Red Dog” from Australia and “War Horse” both missed this prize. 


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2012-02-25 21:23:17 | 教養?







J. Edgar Hoover     Sat. February 25 : fine

Hoover served as the director of FBI from 1924 to 1972 and worked for 8 presidents. He bugged the celebrities, politicians and financers and threatened them for their adulteries, homosexuality, debts and other scandals. Presidents such as Kennedy and Johnson were under his thumb. He is being suspected concerning to the assassination of Kennedy Brothers and Monroe. He was homosexual and kept being single throughout his life. His personal secretary burned his bug files up right after his death. 

FBI and American plots

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2012-02-24 21:05:03 | 教養?







“Ask men to speak, ask women to do”    Fri. February 24 : fine

A lot of fine films are lined up in February, just before Oscar Prize. “The Iron Lady” is about Margaret Thacher who led Conservative Party as the first female Prime Minister in Britain from 1979 to 1990. She oppressed IRA and used force in Falkland Island War. In order to beat inflation she smashed the unions and resolutely carried out tax increase. As she gave favorable treatment to the riches she is called a cruel prime minister. Merli Streep played the role quite well. 


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2012-02-23 21:01:03 | 原発









Mt Fuji’s Day  Thu. February 23 : fine

Playing on words in Japanese today is the Day of Mt Fuji. Mt Fuji is an active volcano created 11,000 years before. When it last erupted in 1707 4cm-high ashes fell over Edo city. Being as the holly mountain women was prohibited to climb it for long time. The English minister-counselor Harry and his wife climbed it on October 15 of 1867. The prohibition to women was abandoned in 1872. The prohibition still remains only in Mt Omine side in Nara prefecture. October 15 is the Prohibition Abandon Day in Japan – 10th month (jiyuu or freedom) and 15 (ikoo or let’s go).


Fuji the first, eagle the second

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2012-02-22 21:38:46 | 政治・経済









Present state of Japanese cemeteries  Wed. February 22 : fine

Japanese people rarely respect their ancestors. Few people can go back to name their ancestors to three generations previous. There are Japanese cemeteries in Broome and Thursday Island out of Kowra but they are being both run-down. I visited several Japanese cemeteries in South East Asia and I found there occupied with summer grasses. Our government, the business world and even the common people refuse to do something that is hardly related to their votes or money. It’s an unpleasant to see that only Japanese grave yards are ruined.


Thursday Island

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2012-02-21 20:59:18 | 昔話









Nanking Massacre  Tue. February 21 : fine

In 1937 Japanese army invaded Nanking and indiscriminately killed Chinese soldiers and common people for 2 months. Numerous miserable states of killing, raping and pillaging have recorded in English and American broadcasting reports. The films of Japanese soldiers assaulting and burying Chinese people alive after invading Singapore in 1942 are being shown at Sentosa Museum. Japanese army forced English and Australian prisoners to work, behead and killed them from starvation. 

Death Railway 

Sook Ching Center


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2012-02-20 21:43:26 | 原発









Masochistic escape from Cowra  Mon. February 20 : fine

As Japan did not join in the Geneva Convention Japanese army abused English and Australian prisoners who were caught in Singapore. This event has become famous since the 30th Oscar film “Bridge on the River Kwai” came out with its theme song “March of River Kwai”. On the other hand, although Japanese prisoners who were caught by Australians were treated warmly 1104 prisoners armed with knives and forks, tried mass escape recklessly and 231 of them killed themselves in 1994. It was the era when the prisoner was treated as an unpatriotic and the family was ostracized in the village. 

Japanese cemetery in Kowra 

tragity in Kowra


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2012-02-19 21:43:06 | 昔話













Air-raid on Darwin  Sun. February 19 : fine


Today back in 1942 Japanese army bombed indiscriminately Darwin of Northern Territory with their 242 carrier planes. They threw even more bombs than they did in Perl Harbor attack. The town was burned completely and more than 243 people were killed. Continuously Japanese army attacked Broome, Townsville, Windom, Horn Island and Cairns (July 30). They repeated bombing 97 times until November next year. 


They have been broadcasting repeatedly the news of 70th anniversary of Darwin bombing and QM2’s entry on Cairns’ TVs. Groupie motor-boats and kayaks have been gathering around the huge ship. Sailing boats are also to come by evening when the wind condition gets better.


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2012-02-18 21:53:48 | トリニティー・ビーチ







Queen Mary 2 (QM2)  Sat. February 18 : fine

QM2, the most luxurious cruise ship in the world will come to Cairns and anchor on the offshore of my apartment. QM2 entered service in 2004. It is 345m of length, 40m of width and 151,400tons. It can carry 2592 passengers with 1253 crews. Its 109-day cruise of Asia and Australia this time is $22,000-275,000 per head but the restaurant fee is an extra charge. After calling at Osaka, Hiroshima and Nagasaki QM2 will return to England.


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2012-02-17 21:41:24 | 教養?







Hothouse-existing media   Fri. February 17 : fine

Looking from abroad the information and comments in the papers and on TVs in Japan are surprisingly lowbrow and irresponsible. They seem to have wishful thinking that “These low levels should be fine because most readers and audiences are Japanese” or “Foreigners would never complain because we broadcast it only in Japanese language”. They should consider their job having the point of view that “We are talking to the world”. They should contemplate whether people can understand it properly when it is translated into different languages and also whether they can persuade the opponents in a debate about the topics. 

Japanese smiling with pity

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2012-02-16 21:08:45 | 政治・経済







Japanese monkey    Thu. February 16 : fine

In a certain country all those on the top in public offices and enterprises and also those at the bottom in farms and fishing flock around tax. In order to reconstruct the public finance you need not only to abolish extra-governmental organizations and reduce the number of politicians and officials by half, but also to sweep the structure of sponging. Monkeys that are used to be fed by people tend to hope to keep the situations as they are now and never go try searching for their food. They keep fighting each other about their share. Unfortunately, you cannot expect them to regret.

Japanese medical care for aged

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2012-02-15 21:19:14 | 政治・経済







Remora    Wed. February 15 : fine

The politicians who plunder the budget having some cozy relationship with the government office and flow into illicit channels, those enterprises and institutions that flock around money, Ministry of Finance that wants to gather as much taxes as possible from the whole nation in order to show their power to the enterprises, institutions and politicians. The total asset of Japanese government is estimated to $8T. $3.9T out of it is the asset of independent administrative agencies and their related institutions that are the posts for former government officials. You need to rid the parasites before a tax increase.

parasitism and inquilinism

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