豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-03-31 21:28:48 | ケアンズ近郊




Mira Mira Falls
Tue. March 31 : fine

Cairns has the world oldest tropical rain forest on its back and Great Barrier Reef in its front. This is the only place in the world that 2 world heritages are neighboring together. The area of the tropical rain forest is 1 million ha and that is same as Aomori prefecture. There are 2 mountains that are the highest in Queens Land and numerous waterfalls in there. Above all the most popular spot for the tourists is Mira Mira Falls that is surrounded by ferns and pine trees. Being different from Japanese ones Australian falls are not deified and people swim in the basin of the waterfall. You will be surprised by bikini style ladies that jump out from the path in the tropical rain forest.

Barron Falls
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2009-03-30 21:05:32 | ケアンズ近郊



Air corridor in tropical rain forest
Mon. March 30 : fine

As there are a lot of snakes and other poisonous animals and plants in the tropical rain forest, going there on the ground to explore is dangerous. If many tourists stepped on the grass, the forest would be destroyed easily. Eco-friendly tour is air walking. Cairns has a ropeway that convey the tourists to Kuranda watching down the rain forest. There are also several air corridors. Mamu Corridor that has been completed recently is easy to access and convenient for the short-stay tourists. The forest is thin and sunshine reaches relatively easily, so you can see a lot of butterflies there.

sky rail
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2009-03-29 20:27:11 | ケアンズ近郊




Dangerous puppet
Sun. march 29 : fine

It is rude to go away without leaving tips after you stopped in front of the street performers in Australia. Parents give their child $1 to throw in. The tip coin should be gold (more than $1) and a silver coin is rude. Silver coins should not be used for donations or tips. Australia and EU refused Mr. Obama’s proposal of further economical stimulus policies. Originally there was no unemployment policy or public medical insurance system in the US. The backgrounds between 2 countries are completely different. Japanese economy relies on only external demand but internal demand. Is it OK to stay as an American puppet?


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2009-03-28 20:18:22 | ケアンズ近郊




Free market
Sat. March 28 : fine

Free markets are held in the parks here and there at weekends. Anyone can open a shop for one day after paying $30-50 to the council, the organizer. Selling alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and guns is prohibited. At the market they sells old books, old clothes, antiques, handiworks, flowers, vegetables, fruit, home-made jam and cakes, paintings and carvings by amateur artists, potteries, glass wares and others. There are also some fast food shops for hot dogs or ice cream, and some amateur bands and street performers boost the mood.

Yumi's free market

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2009-03-27 21:36:33 | 教養?




Japanese toilet
Fri. March 27 : fine

Recently there are a lot of ski tourists from Australia in Hokkaido and Nagano. The first few things they get surprised when they come to Japan are hot spring and the toilets. The hot spring is too hot for OZs and it is also prohibited to bathe with the swim suit. And does the toilet have a shower? That’s suspicious. Bras for men and sumo the loincloth for women are popular in this country. Stay alert. The structure is so complex and they look filthy. The warm toilet seat doesn’t bring any comfort to OZs. There are pros and cons about the high technical toilet but the narrow bathroom is unpopular anyway.

I've never been skiing for 8 years
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2009-03-26 20:08:07 | 動物
3月26日(木) 快晴




Common myna
Thu. March 26 : fine

Seeing “Slum dog Millionaire”, that swept the Oscars, you will be overpowered by Indian energy. The other day when we stayed in Mt. Mitake common mynas started singing from dawn. As they sing nicely they were imported as pets, and then some of them flew away or were released on purpose. They eat honey, fruit, insects, frogs, lizards, or eggs of other kinds of birds. Since they give a strong bad influence on ecology and agriculture they are one of the creatures they should be exterminated in Australia. They might wipe out varied tits, great tits, and bush warblers in Japan.

Indian fishermen

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2009-03-25 21:14:04 | 政治・経済




Childish Japanese and American politics
Wed. March 25 :fine

The problem of political fund misused by Mr Ozawa, the head of Democratic Party has expelled political discussion from the Diet and emerged the quality and the dignity of the representative again. People grieve and the government officials glee. If Mr. Ozawa resigned, the successor would be either Mr. Okada from Jusco or Mr. Hatoyama, the elder brother. The Prime Minister election is a fuss. A half century ago Mr. Shigeru Yoshida and Mr. Ichiro Hatoyama hideously competed over power as the heads of Liberal Party and Democratic Party. Prime Minister Aso and Hatoyama brothers are dragging the feuding. American people are bored with power runaround between Bush family and Clinton family. Japanese and American politics are both in lower levels than North Korean’s.

hyena's child is hyena
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2009-03-24 20:38:56 | ケアンズ

日本でやっと高速道路の料金が値下げ。日本ではハイウエイ(高い道)、豪州ではフリーウエイ(只の道)。 郵政も高速道路も多くの不透明な外郭団体を抱え、ハイエナ役人たちの利権のあさり場になっています。国でも地方でも税金や年金や公的保険料の半分は役人に食い物にされています。外廓団体をすべて民営化すれば、健全な経済が刺激され、国民の消費は増え、内需が拡大します。日本の不況の元凶は官僚主導体制です。



Tue. March 24 : fine

Eventually, Japanese motorway tolls will be cut. Motorway is called highway in Japan and freeway in Australia. Japan Post Office and Japan Highway Office have lots of suspicious affiliate companies where stingy government officers hunt right and money. Both national and local government officers devour half of the tax, the pension fee and the public insurance fees. If all the affiliate companies are made private, sound economy will be stimulated, national consumption will be increased, and domestic demand will be expanded. The main factor of Japanese depression is bureaucratic dominating system.

boycott against tollroad

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2009-03-23 19:09:49 | 政治・経済




Hotel Kampo Oume
Mon. March 23 : fine

Japan Post Office is trying to sell a mount of Hotel Kampos with $100M to Orix Corporation. Is it a slaughter sale? Mr. Hatoyama, kid brother made a strong objection against it and he got a great population. American Council decided to charge 90% tax on AIG’s $100M bonus. Both of them are based on populism policy neglecting essential problems. If they stinted $100M now, obviously $10B damage would follow. Populism never overcomes financial crisis. The people who devour the $10B are financial swindlers in the US and government officials with golden parachute in Japan. You need surgery operations against them but pain killers.

Hotel Kampo Towada
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2009-03-22 10:02:07 | 植物




Humble plant
Sun. March 22 : fine

What I found out about TV talents when I went to Tokyo the other day were that they became older and stonier. Aging is a natural rule but Japanese adults don’t seem to have friendly and cheerful smiles. There is a lot of stress in the cities, I wonder. Recently, there are signs saying, “Never speak to strangers” on school roads even in Aomori area. OZs exchange greetings with even strangers. I give greetings with my best smile not for duty or business purposes to more than 20 people during my walking on Esplanade. Humble plants, a kind of weeds bloom in the grass.

humble plant

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2009-03-21 09:46:22 | 植物




Spider lily
Sat. March 21 : fine

As spider lilies bloom every season and smell good they are planted not only on Esplanade but everywhere in Cairns. They are called Thin- crab lilies in Japan and Hymenocallis in Latin. Princess Thin- crab is a relative of Princess Otohime’s in Dragon’s palace and her another name is Princess Shokujo( Vega). His lover is Kengyu(Altair) beyond the milky sky. Spider lilies are from Caribbean islands. Unfortunately, they have 6 long petals despite spiders have 8 legs and crabs, 10 legs. I think it is better to change their name to octopus lilies.

king crab
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2009-03-20 23:35:33 | 植物





Curious tree
Fri. March 20 : fine

I found some white big flowers that had their diameters of 20cm on the ground when I was walking on Esplanade. They have 4 petals and long stamens and bloom at the top of their branches on 15m high tree. I asked the name to some members of the senile swimming club and they unconfidently answered, “They are white flowers.” or “They are big flowers.” The leaf is similar to Japanese cucumber tree or mangnolia but the flower is completely different. I went to the library to check but I haven’t found the name yet.

mOZ angnolia

world's biggest flower
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2009-03-19 22:55:10 | 動物




Australian tiny mantis
Thu. March 19 : fine

I found a 3cm long mantis at the air garden in our apartment. There are 3 kinds of small mantis in Japan; small mantis, princess mantis, and chick mantis. They have strange names because most female mantis is bigger than male. There are around 2000 kinds of mantis in the world and 1000 live in Australia. It is useless to ask OZs to give you the precise names. Some better answers are; “It’s just a mantis”, “It’s an insect” or “Don’t you know a cricket?” Sometimes they answer, “It’s a kind of gecko”, “It’s a child of coconut crab” and so on.

OZ mantis

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2009-03-18 22:45:05 | 住まい




Air garden
Wed. March 18 : fine

In our apartment the air corridor with brow-by both side leads you from the lift to the entrance on every floor. There are some shrubberies of flowering trees and leafy plants on the one side of the corridor. Birds make nests, small bats hide, and various insects live in the shrubberies. Sometimes the storm makes puddles on the corridor but we can enjoy green circumstances in front of our entrance in spite of living on the fifth floor. I used to know almost all the names of animals and plants living in Japan but some of Australians are difficult to find out what they are even if I ask OZs.

bird nest

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2009-03-17 22:40:58 | 動物




Kangaroos love grass
Tue. March 17 :fine

There are two famous places for kangaroos in a highland town, Mareeba where it takes 2 hours from Cairns by car. You can feed rock wallabies at Granite Gorge. 500 kangaroos occupy the golf course in the town. But you don’t need to go that far because 200 kangaroos gather at the polo ground in our town, Trinity Beach every morning and evening. It takes 15 minutes to get there from my house on foot, so it is one of our morning walking courses.


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