豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2007-02-28 13:44:07 | 海外旅行




My cabin
Wed. February 28 : fine

I have the same cabin as the last cruise. It’s the family cabin that accommodates 4 people. There are a double bed and a double deck bed, so I folded the upper deck. Although there’s no bathtub but a shower it’s no problem. It’s the best location; 20 steps away from the clinic and 15 steps to the crew bar. I become 62 years old today.

the cabin of Yumi and mine
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2007-02-27 13:32:49 | 海外旅行




The northernmost area in Japan
Tue. February 27 : cloudy

Peace Boat passed cape Sata of Osumi peninsula, the northernmost part in Japan at noon. New doctor sees the patients and I only give him some advices. There were 6 patients who had got seasickness, hey fever and so on. It was a favorable start.

Cape Sata
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2007-02-26 20:19:05 | シドニー

神戸を出港し、ピースボートは101日間の世界1周航海に出発します。僕はシンガポールまでの13日間、新しい船医のオリエンテーション。ところで1週間前にシドニー湾にクイーン・エリザベス号とクイーン・メリー号が姉妹入港。世界一の豪華客船・メリーは船体が大き過ぎて旅客ターミナルに接岸できず、500m離れたウルムルー軍港に入港。エリザベス姉さんは本日、ユミがいるヨーキーズノブ沖に停泊しているはずです。(photo by Sydney Morning Herald)



Queen Mary
Mon. February 26 : fine

Today our Peace Boat is departing Kobe Port and starting 101day-cruise around the world. I will spend 13 days inboard giving orientation to new doctor onboard. By the way 1 week ago sister ships, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary entered Sydney Bay. Queen Mary is so huge that she couldn’t be alongside the tourist terminal and got into Wooloomooloo navy port. (photo by Sydney Morning Herald)

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2007-02-25 20:13:38 | 政治・経済

黒川紀章氏が東京オリンピックに反対して知事選に出馬。1週間前の第1回東京都知事マラソンでは3万人が大気汚染をものともせず、コンクリート・ジャングルを疾走。同じ日に行われたシドニー市民マラソンは1万人。数で東京が勝っても、質では問題になりません。石原さんも税金の無駄遣いはやめて、首都の環境をもう少し良くしないと。正午ピースボートは横浜出港。(photo by Sydney Morning Herald)



Sydney Citizen Marathon
Sun. February 25 : cloudy

Mr. Kisyo Kurokawa has stood in the coming gubernatorial election of Tokyo against Tokyo Olympic Games. 1 week ago in the first Tokyo Governor’s Marathon 30 thousand people ran through concrete jangle without minding air pollution. On the same day 10 thousand people participated in Sydney Citizen Marathon. Tokyo won the quantity but not the quality. Mr. Ishihara should stop the waste of tax and improve the metropolitan environment. Peace Boat departed Yokohama port at noon. (photo by Sydney Morning Herald)

Citizen Marathon
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2007-02-24 03:22:27 | 日本国内旅行




Marine Tower and Hikawamaru

People say our beautiful Japan is marine kingdom but it’s a flat lie. In my hometown, Shimokita all the coastlines was protected by the seawall and the signboards on the concrete beach say “good kids never approach the beach”. If you approach the beach, you would be suspected as a degenerate. There are two memorial ships of the ferryboat in Aomori and Hakodate reserving and displayed but they are the nuisances in the red. Marine tower , the highest light house in the world shown in Guinness Book and Hikawamaru are also on the verge of sink. It is no more open for the public since last Christmas.

Marine Tower

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2007-02-23 18:42:44 | 政治・経済




Loyalty patriotism law
Fri. February 23 : rainy

Prince Harry of England is going to Iraq? Although all the representatives except Mr. Ohama in American Congress approved Iraqi invasion4 years ago, no of them sent their children to the battlefield. I petitioned the Diet to establish loyalty patriotism law 10 years ago. Its keystone was that all the representatives who approve the war should send their families to the battlefield. I got investigated by the police for a week on suspicion of violating notification duty. I could walk by myself after all because I had orthopedic doctor, a friend of mine change my cast to inlet without Dr, Shepherd’s permission. Is that the violation of notification duty?

Olympic Game and patriotism

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愛国人は 機械なり

2007-02-22 09:34:58 | 政治・経済




love VS patriotism
Thu. February 22 : rainy

Love makes peace but patriotism makes the war. Patriotism is chauvinism, totalitarianism, and murderous intent. It changes young people to killing machines. The way of how to eradicate the war is eradicating border and patriotism. Patriotism comes from the border between mind and heart. Now our world is on the verge of distinction. So many young people are leaning internationalism on our Peace Boat.

convicts are machine
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2007-02-21 05:02:56 | 東京




Breaking direction and plaster cast
Wed. February 21 : cloudy

I feel sorry for Dr. Shepherd but I have cut off the top of the cast without his permission. He wouldn’t believe it but so many staircases in our beautiful Japan are dusty. Even if you can find a lift, it is priority use for healthy people. In a crowd disables are pushed by bloodthirsty business soldiers. The elderly, expectants and disables are avoided like a plague in any shops. Please forgive me because it the mean to avoid falling down. I’m going to leave Cairns at 1:00pm and arrive in Narita at 8:00pm.

I broke it exactly but a little

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2007-02-20 11:56:58 | 植物





Arranged plant pot of insectivores
Tue. February 20 : rain

Last Sunday, 2 days ago was Chinese New Year’s Day and bonsai market was held in the shopping mall near our house. There were spring three kinds of trees: pine, bamboo , and plum, lucky bamboo, black bean and also insectivores. The pot was arranged with 4 kinds of plant: moray plant, sarasenia, fly-catcher, and sticky moss and it was 1200 in yen.  I impulse bought it because there are so many mosquitoes after flood.


lucky bamboo

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2007-02-19 15:59:18 | 青森





3 temperance principles
Mon. February 19 :rainy

“never regret the past, never expect the future and never bow down to the power” that’s my policy. I have so many memories I cannot proud of. I would say decisively the future of the world should be dismal. I never make a compromise with power. The photo is Sannai Maruyama excavation.

I was winded by short thing

I pretty love rolls

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2007-02-18 10:40:52 | 政治・経済



Life theatre (4/4)manad version:47years old-
Sun. February 18 : fine

My wife, Maki suddenly passed away by cancer. I withdrew from every business except the clinic in Towada. I gave the members and the staff all companies and hospitals for free. Although my asset became a half of former one, I presided 60,000,000,000 yen over the fund for peace. I met Yumi and we have traveled together all over Japan and the world for 16 years. I retired from the clinic and moved to Australia in 2001. This is rough story about my life style and my money, love and peace. I am always taking care of my health. Am I really?

If I have my leg injured, I could not go to Japan.

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2007-02-17 13:01:34 | 政治・経済




Life theatre (3/4)seclusion version : 28-46 years old
Sat. February 17 : fine

With my heart broken I worked as a practitioner in my home town, Shimokita and after that moved to Towada. I founded think tank for anti-nuclear power plant and promotioning local industry, publishing company, agriculture, fishery, alternative energy company, and so on. My wife ,Maki was one of my high school classmates. Followed by prosperity in those days my transportation company in Hong Kong and stronghold hospitals yielded huge amont of profit. I established the fund for the people who fight for peace.

contraption dream theatre
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2007-02-16 08:22:37 | 政治・経済




Life theatre (2/4)endeavor version: 15-27 years old
Fri. February 16 : fine
12 years to make fund and organization for revolution. Transportation of food to Vietnam Liberty Front. I presided think tank of anarchism. I accumulated 400,000,000 yen by woning personnel detachment company of young doctors, transportation company in Hong Kong, and so on. I was disgraced politically by defeat of revolution and split in organization. Most of the fund dissapered in retirement allowance of the dissolution of the organization and purchases of some 10 hospitals where progressive young doctors can work. (As I cannot take photos outside, I 'm writing my old story as half measures)

if you decided once・・・

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2007-02-15 08:51:42 | 政治・経済




Life theatre (1/4)cradle version : 0-14 years old
Thu. February 15 : fine

I spent cold and hungry childfood in Shimokita, northest area in Honshu. I was a Christian until I became 15 years old. How big the difference is between the world of love, God’s ideal one, and real society! I spent my time observing the ants in the keeping bottle from springs to falls , and counting the number of introducing swans everyday in winters. I was questing with my childish brain“the origin of nation, the nature of war and the essence of human” . I was almost sent to mental hospital by my eccentricites. I left home to go to Tokyo when I was 12. (1 month passed from my accident and 3 weeks from operation)

She wept with sorrowful parting
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ニュース速報 : asahi.com

2007-02-15 07:49:48 | 政治・経済
「素直に辞めるアナタが好き」 柳沢厚労相に巨大チョコ



breaking news : asahi.com

“We love you who resign honestly”
Mr. Yanagisawa was presented huge chocolate

On Feb. 14, Valentain’s Day NGO Peace Boat presented a huge chocolate to Yanagisawa, the Welfare and Labor Minister who had been criticized by women for his slip of tongue, ”women are the baby producing machines”. It weighted 3.5 kg and came with the message on its surface saying, ““We love you who resign honestly”. The members of NGO hope for his resignation in a month saying, “He must give us a return gift on March 14.” They also sent some chocolate to Nakagawa, the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Minister last year but there was no reply. How will Mr. Yanagisawa react to their re-challenge?
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