豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-04-30 20:11:23 | 青森





Korean conquest by Hideyoshi
Fri. April 30 : rainy after cloudy

Odagawa Hot Spa managed by Hideyoshi Hashiba in Aomori prefecture has burnt down again by a suspected case of arson. Some local people are whispering that it was done by Mitsuhide Akechi. Mr. Hashiba sees himself as an ascendant of Hideyoshi Toyotomi and he energetically run in general election of Japan. His house imitates Osaka Castle and his hot spa, the Diet Building. I’m sure that the former hot spa building that had burnt down was the Phoenix Hall of Byodoin. Several years ago he built the missile base against North Korea in his premise spending $420,000 on it. Futenma Base issue has been just a big fuss in the media. Even if the US base in Okinawa is removed, leave everything to me, Hideyoshi who has experienced the Korean campaign.

Odagawa Hot Spa

winter war in Osaka
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2010-04-29 19:51:13 | 植物





Thu. April 29 : fine

Because Queen Victoria of Britain Empire said “It is regrettable that we cannot always enjoy mangosteens that are produced in our territory” mangosteens are called “the queen of fruit”. They are $4-5 each. They are 20m tall trees originally from South East Asia. They come into bearing fine fruits only after they are 10 years old. They taste good but you have to spill the large seed out. I think it’s a little vulgar to do that as a queen. Yang Guifei used to be fond of lychees, so they could also be the queen of fruit.

king of fruit

flower of mangosteen
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2010-04-28 19:48:19 | 植物





mamey sapote
Wed. April 28 : cloudy

I found cannon ball tree fruits at the green market, I thought. But they were actually mamey sapotes, the kind of fruit I had never seen. They are 20m tall trees originally from Mexico. The skin of the fruit is rough and firm but thin so you can easily cut it by knife. The fruit has a large seed in the center of it and you can scoop the creamy flesh with spoons. The shopper explained us that they taste like pumpkin pies and their texture is like ice cream. But I think they rather taste like sweet potatoes or dried persimmons.

cannon ball tree

mamey sapote
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2010-04-27 18:53:28 | 食事





Cater peanuts
Tue. April 27 : fine

Mr. Jimmy Carter, a farmer and a pastor, realized the foundation of Palestinian Territories, the restitution of Panama Canal and more. He wan a Novel Peace prize for making his best endeavor to peace, human rights and environment.
The Cater peanuts I bought in Tolga Village are pretty smaller than the ones from China or Chiba prefecture. But they seemingly fit to the climate and are quite tasty like macadamia nuts. They are so great that I want to bring some to Singapore to eat at Long Bar of Raffles Hotel.

Long Bar

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2010-04-26 23:29:13 | ケアンズ近郊




Peanuts from Tolga Village
Mon. April 26 : fine

You can see the peanuts’ signboards here and there along the highway in Tolga Village. Tolga is the producing center of wood and peanuts. There are 40 peanut farmers and it’s the harvest season now. There’s a stall beside the highway and they sell several different kinds of peanuts. The former US president, Mr. Carter was a peanut farmer and he cultivated the small species, “runner”. In Japan this kind is cultivated in Miyoshi city in Hiroshima prefecture. Remembering that I used to obtain some seeds from him and cultivate peanuts in my kitchen garden I bought some “runner” peanuts.

Carter peanuts
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2010-04-25 19:13:15 | ケアンズ近郊




Tolga Village Museum
Sun. April 25 : fine

Today is Anzac Day. It’s one of my gloomy days when OZs patriotism gets uplifted. Tolga Village Museum in Table Land was renovated from the old Tolga railway station. The articles on display are materials from the railway, forestry and World War II. There was a US army base in this village during the War. There is a military alliance between Australia and the US but American army is not stationed in Australia now. Australia has refused the US to bring any nuclear weapons into its country. It is different from Japan that says yes to the US, bears the station costs of US army and buys great deal of weapons and fighters.

Anzac coockies
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2010-04-24 08:58:45 | ケアンズ




Mug shots
Sat. April 24 : fine

You need 2 mug shots shot within last 3 months to apply for visa renewal. It took 10 minutes for shooting and handing the photos at the photo studio. They charged me $15 for 6 passport-size photos. I said to the clerk “I need only 2 photos so please charge me half”. But he refused it saying, “You‘d better draw graffiti on the rest”. Don’t make a sour face then. I have more relaxed face now than I did 10 years ago when I moved to Australia after retirement. It must be a natural result because I exchange greetings with smiles with more than 20 people when I go for a walk every morning.

mug shot on my international driver's licence
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2010-04-23 08:53:51 | ケアンズ





Japanese Consulate
Fri. April 23 :fine

As my visa will expire this coming June I am in the process of its renewal. I need the police certificates from both countries, Japan and Australia. Australian certificate was delivered after a week but Japanese one took two months. The officer explained to me that “If you go to the Aomori prefectural police, you can get it in a week”. I asked him “Why do I need to wait for 2 months, if I apply for it in Australia?” but he didn’t give me a clear answer. I can get the police certificate free of charge but I have to pay $2,200 to the visa- applying agent. My retirement visa is valid for 10 years.

Japanese Consulate in Cairns

Japanese Consulate in Sydney
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2010-04-22 22:47:01 | 住まい





VUE with blue light
Thu. April 22 : fine

For the past one week the flock of lorikeets has gotten into the planting beside the aerial corridor of our apartment building, VUE. They sing so loudly for an hour before sunset that we cannot hear our voices in our room. The swimming pool is illuminated with some blue lights from 6:30pm to 10:00pm. The night sky in Australia also gleams in blue. The broken cruise ship is floating on the night sea with the full-dressed ship. Fruit bats are flying on the pool side eating the flowers in the century plants.

full-dressed ship

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2010-04-21 20:33:26 | トリニティー・ビーチ




Broken cruise ship and rainbow
Wed. April 21 : fine

European flights have been in chaos due to the volcano eruption in Iceland. There is also the luxurious 30kton-cruise-ship of P&O that has been anchored offshore of Trinity Beach due to the electric accident. As far as you can see it in the TV news the passengers look quite pleased because they can stay in Cairns longer than they are scheduled. As the rainy season is almost over the weather is becoming better and better. It was rainy over the sea and I saw the rainbow in the evening. As you can notify in the photo the air planes are flying without any problems.

it's the Queen's Birthday today
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2010-04-20 22:45:56 | 教養?





Show-off Japan
Tue. April 20: cloudy

The average funeral expenses in Japan are $29,000 ($17,500 to pay the funeral director, $5,000 to the restaurant and $6,500 to the temple). They are $5,500 in the US, $1,500 in UK, $2,300 in Germany, $ 4,5000 in Korea and $1,300 in Australia. So Japan is enormously expensive. The average wedding expenses are $54,000 in Japan, $33,700 in the US, $37,500 in UK, 8,100 in Germany, $14,500 in Korea and 10,000 in Australia. The average number of the guests to the wedding reception in Japan is 75. Furthermore, they spend $12,000 on their homey moon on an average. It must be considered to be stupid.

my son's wedding

wedding reception in Australia
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2010-04-19 21:36:31 | 政治・経済




Deflation in Japan?
Mon. April 19 : cloudy

It’s just a process of normalizing Japanese commodity prices that used to be too high. I am always surprised at the high prices when I go to Japan; taxes, lands, houses, electricity, phone bills, airplanes, trains, hotels, cars, appliances, food stuff, restaurants, etc. TVs and computers made in Japan with their bad price-function ratios have reduced their sales rapidly. Reducing 30% of personnel expense for those 3 bureaucrats that have the worst price-function ratios is urgent necessity rather than government screenings. Deflation is the faked information created by some companies and bureaucrats.

hotels in Japan
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2010-04-18 21:28:00 | 政治・経済





One-man Ozawa
Sun. April 18 : cloudy

He is the only politician who is highly evaluated abroad among Japanese opportunist politicians that effort to protect themselves. He has the clear goal and idea of retaining political leadership, emphasizing people’s lives and politics that can change administration. Since winning the election of the House of Representative last year he has realized the change of administration and stopped the politics with cozy relations between the Liberal Democratic Party and a bureaucrat that had lasted for a long time. His stance that doesn’t cater to the public or media is criticized to be “arrogant”. He will be the only politician who can say to Mr. Obama “We don’t need American Bases in Japan”. I don’t mean I speak up for him.

change of power

Domocratic Party
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2010-04-17 21:08:39 | 政治・経済




Futenma Base and Prime Minister’s responsibility
Sat. April 17 : fine

Are there any Japanese who still believe “American army is a guardian god of Japan” or “Nuclear umbrella”? Responding to Japanese national hearts is more important than trying to judge America’s feelings. Not only Futenma but also all the American bases in Okinawa must be moved to the main island or overseas in near future. If you dare to dissolved the Okinawa’s 65-year sacrifice since the war, Japan would not be deserved to a democratic country. If no city in the main island agrees to receive the base, you will have to demand the US removal of Futenma Base. You are not unfortunate or foolish. It is the Prime Minister’s responsibility.

Shuri Castle
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2010-04-16 23:01:36 | 食事





Kangaroo paw
Fri. April 16 : cloudy occasionally rainy

You can get almost all kinds of vegetables you need to cook Japanese food. Vegetables that you can hardly get are Japanese gingers, Japanese basils and Japanese peppers. You can rarely find any edible wild plants except bamboo shoots and brackens. Nevertheless, you can get fresh vegetables reasonably and I have no trouble cooking. As OZs don’t eat Japanese radish it is a little expensive. We were handed four-finger Japanese radish at the green market being said, “Here’s a kangaroo paw for you”. It may be good for a family of four but for our family of two, so we passed it on.

kangaroo paw

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