豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-03-31 18:58:13 | 動物




Australian mantis
Mon. March 31 : cloudy

Becoming able to swim when I was 9 years old has changed my life. I finished all the homework within the first day of summer holiday and from the second day I spent the whole day in the mountains and the sea every day. There was no TV in those days. I was feeding mantises butterflies for 3 generations in 3 years and confirmed that they were never mutated to butterflies. This discovery has mutated to pretty nice medical thesis 15 years later. I cultivated scallops that I had caught in a sunken boat and that experience was linked to the success in building scallop firm 20 years later. The goal of broadcasting is brainwashing audience to become consumptive. It deprives skills of looking things straight, free ideas, and imagination.

mantis that failed to mutate to butterfly

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2008-03-30 20:24:30 | スポーツ

LOSERとは本来は失敗者・負け馬の意味ですが、最近では自己制御を失ったダメ人間の意。酒・タバコ・薬・賭けの4大中毒以外にもゲーム・TV・PC・携帯・過食・過労・運動不足・買い物中毒など。いずれも少なからぬ人格崩壊を伴い、自分や周囲の人間を不幸にします。TVの魔力はカウチ・ポテトだけではなく、チベットの惨状を嘆いた直後にスポーツ観戦に夢中になれることです。スポーツは観るものではなくて自分でやるものでしょう?(photo bySMH)



Sun. March 30 : cloudy

The word, loser originally means defeated person or horse but recently it means a loose person who has lost his or her self control. Besides top 4 kinds of addiction – addiction to alcohol, cigarette, drugs, and gamble there are others of games, TV, PC, mobile phone, overeating, overworking, shortage of exercises, and shopping. Every case has some grade of dissolution of personality and makes oneself and other people unhappy. TV doesn’t cause only the whammy of couch potato but also that of making people become absorbed in watching sports just after you mourn over miserable Tibet. Sport is not for watching but doing by yourself, is it?

couch potato
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2008-03-29 00:03:40 | スポーツ

五輪ピックは既に歴史的任務を全うしました。政治・商業主義・薬物に汚染された職業運動屋の祭典なんて永久に中止すべきです。北京五輪の2週間は世界中の誰もが無料でTV中継を享受でき、政治的無関心を増大させ、運動不足で不健康になります。豪州では18歳から飲酒・喫煙は自由。「喫煙はあなたを殺す」と豪州のタバコにはラベルされています。飲酒年齢を21歳に引き上げ、「飲酒はあなたを殺す」との表示義務が現在検討されています。TVを有料にして不健全なスポーツ中継も排除すべき時期かも。(photo by SMH)



Olympic kill you
Sat. March 29 : cloudy

Olympic game has had enough historical responsibility. That kind of festival must be stopped permanently because it is held by professional athletes polluted by politics, commercialism, and drugs. Everybody can enjoy Beijing Olympic Games on TV free of charge for 2 weeks all over the world. It will encourage political indifference, shortage of exercises and unhealthy lives among people. People over 18 years old can legally drink and smoke in Australia. The label of Australian cigarette says “Smoking kills you”. The Council is considering raising the age you can drink to 21 and making it obligatory to putting the label saying “Drinking kills you”. I think it’s also a good time to start charging people for watching TV and stopping broad casting sports.

the former(4 years ago) Pan Australia Swimming Contest that select Olympians

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2008-03-28 20:28:10 | スポーツ

豪州はスポーツ大国。イアン・ソープは引退しましたが、五輪代表選手を選考する全豪水泳大会で世界記録が続出。無名のカップル・ステファニーとイーモンが揃って世界記録を達成。豪州水泳界2組目のゴールデン・カップル誕生の期待も膨らみます。それにひきかえ水泳ニッポンは今は昔。陸上も水泳も球技も格闘技も駄目。金メダルが期待できるのは早食い競争くらい。TVゲームや携帯や塾通いで日本人はますますひ弱になりそう。僕の学生時代は読書と運動に忙しくて塾も予備校も受験勉強も無縁でした。(photo by SMH)



Australian nice athletes even naked
Fri. March 28 : fine

Australia is a sport kingdom. Although Ian Thorpe had retired many world records have established one after another in the Pan Australia Swimming Contest that select Olympians. Unrenowned couple, Stephanie and Eamon has set world record together. They are hoping to be a second golden couple in Australian swimming history. On the other hand, “the swimming kingdom Japan” is an old story now. Track and field, swimming, fighting sports, and many other kinds of sport are hopeless. It could be only the quick feeder contest that we can expect to win the gold medal. Japanese seem to be becoming weaker and weaker because of TV games, mobile phone, and cram schools. When I was a student I was so busy reading books and exercising that I was immune from cram school or studying for exams.

swim suits made by Speedo
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2008-03-27 21:26:05 | 植物




Rambutan and quarabef
Thu. March 27 : fine

The Rambutan is the fruit that people say it’s a nice even when naked. It tastes almost the same as litchee or longan but the drawback is that it’s difficult to peel the skin. It’s hard to eat it elegantly on a fruit plate using a knife and a fork but it’s no problem to eat it wildly using a cutting board and a food chopper. What is more difficult is how to deal with the unidentified fruit, quarabef next to rambutans. Cutting the solid outer skin and scooping the stiff flesh to eat, it has quite complicated taste. It takes like 30% of mango and 70% of bamboo shoot with almond, beef tongue, and powdered green tea.

assorted fruits
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2008-03-26 20:47:40 | 植物





Bread fruit
Wed. March 26 : fine

OZs eat chocolate eggs and cross bans on Easter. I eat absolutely no chocolate and little bit of bread. People say if you had a bread tree, 5 members of your family would never starve. You can get 200 bread fruits that are 30 cm in their diameters from single matured bread tree. You eat them by either baking or steaming them. They contain a lot of carbohydrate and taste like sweet potatoes that I never eat. If you cut them into slices and grill just like making biscuits, you can preserve them for a long time. The cause of the rebellion on War Ship Bounty was also the bread tree.

cross bans

War Ship Bounty

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2008-03-25 15:56:05 | ケアンズ




Breakfast in Sheraton
Tue. March 25 : fine

There are 6 restaurants in Sheraton Mirage but only the lounge besides the swimming pool serves breakfast. Most of the guests there are Caucasians. Most people who walk around in the city of Cairns are Mongolians, such as Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans, meanwhile, most passersby on the 500m main street in Port Douglas are Caucasians. There is only one restaurant for each Japanese, Chinese, and Thai but Korean one. Some Chinese mafia has killed 2 Koreans, one of them is a brother of a popular entertainer in Japan. It may be a cleaver choice to prevent from secularizing like disorder in Gold Coast or Cairns.

cappuccino in Sheraton

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2008-03-24 21:54:20 | ケアンズ




Sugar cane train
Mon. March 24 : fine

There are sightseeing boats for Great Barrier Reef arrive and depart from Marine Mirage and there is also a small rail station. The trucks for transporting sugar canes were converted into sightseeing trolleys. They run leisurely beside the beach, the golf courses, and the sugar cane field for about 1 hour. They go out of service during harvest time. They run during only high sight seeing season as they have irregular service. From economical viewpoint it will be better to accept some party travelers but Port Douglas has carried on building the secured, clean, and elegant town acknowledging itself as the global resort spot and adult’s getaway.

sugar cane
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2008-03-23 18:41:33 | ケアンズ




Marine Mirage
Sun. March 23 : fine

We went to Jade Inn last evening where Mr. and Mrs. Clinton had dinner before. It was a small Chinese restaurant in the town and their menu was not so attractive. So we had dinner at Zai, the Japanese restaurant. They tasted the second class and cost the first class. By the way, the garden at Sheraton Mirage is immense and the facilities are excellent, but the detail of the guest room is dilapidated. The TV was fuzzy. Sheraton also has a deluxe mall called Marine Mirage at the port. I don’t see so many customers. I worry about the management.

Port Douglas

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2008-03-22 18:06:04 | ケアンズ




Sheraton Mirage
Sat. March 22 : fine

It’s the most luxurious hotel in Cairns where Mr. and Mrs. Clinton have stayed before. As it is surrounded by natural forest and golf course the security is perfect. The building is floating on the huge swimming pool. We are spending our Easter holiday in Port Douglas that is 1hour drive from City. As both sides have been decreasing their popularities local people hope Hiraley’s win in presidential election.

Clinton Mirage

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2008-03-21 20:49:22 | 植物




Large size vegetable in Australia
Fri. March 21 : fine

Easter holiday starts today. It’s Australian big holiday that comes 1 month earlier than Japanese one. There is also 1-2 week summer holiday from Christmas to the New Year. Besides them workers are guaranteed to have 40-day paid holiday a year and child care leave for both parents, so OZs spend half of the year for fun. There is no way to avoid obesity for them as there’s no over time work system. Visiting Japan, OZs are surprised by small houses and tiny vegetables. They see miniature vegetables displayed in the department stores and they find the reason by themselves why Japanese people are small. Most Australian vegetables are big because of good climate.

non-portable water melon
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2008-03-20 21:02:02 | ケアンズ




City after rain
Thu. March : fine

Rainy season seems to finish soon. Even it is called the rainy season rain doesn’t last for a long term like the one in Japan. As rain in Cairns falls after midnight it doesn’t spoil night life. Even if it starts raining it will stop in short time. Asian people don’t seem to like rain. They run in the rain and they even bring umbrellas on fine days. OZs, irrespective of age and sex walk bravely in the rain. There are no games delayed because of rain in England deprived sports such as rugby, golf, tennis, and horse shows.

rainbow in Yorkys Knob

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2008-03-19 21:57:56 | 食事





Hatched monster fruit
Wed. March 19 : fine

Monstera is the Tricky Fruit. For a week after purchasing it, its skin stays quite hard. You cannot even dent it with your finger. On the 7th day its base starts to pop up but you need to wait for another 3 days. When the cracks expand equally all over the surface of the fruit the skin can be peeled easily. Hold it with your both hands and gnash it like when you eat corn, and then you can experience its texture like a banana, the taste like a pineapple, and the flavor like a mango. It’s not exquisite but it is worth to try it. As I’m short-tempered and cannot enjoy waiting for 10 days I’m not going to need it for a while.

beauty and beast

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2008-03-18 21:37:51 | Weblog

一昨日の選挙でケアンズに初の女性市長が誕生。開発推進派の前市長は土建屋との親密な関係を問題にされ、シティーで多くの票を集めたにもかかわらず、市北部のビーチやテーブル・ランドで票を獲得できず僅差で敗退。同時に行われた10人の市会議員選挙でも環境保護派が多数を占めました。日本と違って美観を損なう品の悪い選挙看板や騒音公害もない静かな選挙戦です。(photo by Cairns Post)



Stop the development
Tue. March 18 : fine

The first female mayor was born in Cairns in the election the day before yesterday. Former mayor, the development advocate, was defeated by a narrow margin. He won a lot of votes in City but lost in northern suburban beaches and Tableland. The environment conservationists have won the majority force in the 10 councilor election took place at the same time. The election campaign was very different and quiet one from the one in Japan which brings coarse public signs or noise pollution.

election in Australia

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2008-03-17 08:00:11 | 教養?




Mon. March 17 : fine

I am a master of speed-reading in Japanese. I can read 4 paperback books a day. On the other hand I’m not good at English books. I’ve been challenging to master speed-reading in English for 3 months in my English conversation school. I simply have to keep reading without using a dictionary or a pen, or moving my mouth. I skip the words that I cannot understand and do not go back or stop. It takes 4 minutes to finish 1 full A4-sized page for me now. Can I shorten it to 1 minute in the next 2 months?

English school in Sydney
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