豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-09-30 19:53:10 | ケアンズ




From great comfort to downturn
Wed. September 30 : fine

One of my friends from Japan visited me in Cairns, so I walked in City after a long time. After the International Hotel that was popular among Japanese tourists was sold to Sebel Hotel whose tenants such as the high class Japanese restaurant, Yamagen, the café, the florist have all withdrawn. And other Japanese restaurants and souvenir shops around there have also been closed. Cairns tourism is facing a structural change. The direct flights from Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka to Cairns have been abolished. Cairns cannot have the great comfort time by hospitalizing only Japanese tourists any more. On the other hand, the number of the tourists from China and India has been skyrocketing and so as that of restaurants that offer yam-cha or curry.

Sebel Hotel

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2009-09-29 19:58:58 | 植物




Tue. September 29 : fine

There is often a single-flower vase in Japanese toilet, but ten-flower vase at my house. We arrange long-lasting 10 anthuriums or orchids in the guest toilet. They sell not only vegetables and fruit but also flowers reasonably at Cairns green market. Anthuriums are $0.30 each and last 4 weeks. Orchids are $0.70 each and last 3 weeks. Anthuriums are originally from tropical Africa and the parts that look like flowers are actually their bracts. Paradise bird flowers are $1.50 and lilies are $3.00 each but they both scorch within a week. It has just been 13 months since us moving here but we have had no guest yet.

Asian skunk-cabbage also has bract
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2009-09-28 19:41:08 | トリニティー・ビーチ





Red sand
Mon. September 28 : fine

Sydney was hit by the sand storm on September 23. Since the next day, the 24th the sand dust has flown in Cairns, the blue sky and the horizon has disappeared and the sun looks red. Fine red sand has faintly clanged on the front grasses of the cars. The field of vision is around 500m and the mountain range of the tropical rain forest looks blurred. A half of Australian country consists of red sand desert. The sand dust has attacked the whole Australian east coast of 4000km and it finally reached New Zealand yesterday. It will not easily end, until it rains. To avoid absorbing it and getting health damage I have been staying home shutting all the windows.

sand storm in Sydney

red sand desert

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2009-09-27 23:01:45 | 植物




Flower of dragon fruit
Sun. September 27 : fine

Dragon fruit is a kind of perennial lianoid cactus that grows 10m high. Its Japanese name is “string cactus”. In Australia the producers set a 2m-pole to guide the branches in umbrella shape. The flowers bloom at the top of the branches. Its body is burly but the flowers are unexpectedly elegant. It yields avocado-size fruits but you can sometimes see coconut-size ones in Cairns. Dragon fruit originally comes from Latin America. In Japan they are produced in Okinawa but they are not tasty because the climate may not be good for them. Since the force-ripening is not suitable imported ones are lack of sweetness. They are to be eaten in the tropical areas. The flesh is either red, white, yellow or pink, and the pink one is quite sweet and tasty.

lianoid cactus
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2009-09-26 21:11:25 | 植物




Banana flower
Sat. September 26 : fine

Although a banana plant grows 4m high, it’s a grass but a tree. Its stem runs underground and the part aboveground is a leaf bundle called pseudostem. So, it has an elongated shape resembling that of bamboo shoot or onion. A banana bud is the same size as that of a coconut and it hangs from the pseudostem. The leaves that look like large petals are bract (leaves that wrap the bud), the fruit steel has 4-8 fruit tiers and each fruit tier has 10-20 fruit fingers. These fruit fingers are the real flowers and each of them grows into a banana fruit. Each pseudostem blooms just once. Edible banana has no seed. After booming the pseudostem decays and produces the sprouts that will grow into pseudostem the next year.

banana farm
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2009-09-25 21:07:21 | 植物




Fri. September 25 : fine

The weight of sheep is 40kg for male and 35kg for female. Only the one who is confident with his or her muscle can shear. By the way, a bunch of banana weighs around 30kg. 2 bunches of them are heavier than me. 90% of Australian bananas are yielded in Innisfail or Tully that are next to Cairns. People who work during the harvest time are mainly Japanese students. They receive 30kg of banana bunches that are cut down on their shoulders and convoy them to the trucks, and then get $1.35 each time. Still, they are likely to earn more than $13.50 per hour. As they don’t take half-sitting posture they don’t have to worry about getting lumbago but sunburn and encounter with snakes.

hourly earning is $9
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2009-09-24 22:19:02 | 政治・経済




Thu. September 24 : fine

An experienced shearer shears 300 sheep a day. It takes 1 minute per sheep. It is a physically hard labor and lumbago is their occupational disease. The best 5 Australian agricultural exports are ①flour ②sugar ③beef ④wool ⑤wine. But regarding to the total experts, the mineral resources such as iron, coal and aluminum are predominant overwhelmingly. Recently, many shearers change their jobs to miners and the shortage of shearer has been a big problem. There are vocational training schools for the shearers all over the country but they are not so popular. Shearer’s wage is quite high but it is a seasonal work. You make $7 per head. Is there anyone who would like to challenge it?

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2009-09-23 22:20:11 | ケアンズ近郊




Inspection tour of sugar factory
Wed. September 23 ; fine

Sugar is the Australian second largest agricultural exports followed by flour. The sugar factory is like a huge mixer. It needs only sugar cane and water. The strained lees (bagasse) are burned in the boiler to generate the electric power that is use as the motive power in the factory, and the surplus power is sold to the power company. The cold ashes are sold as the fertilizer and the foreign matter that is made during the production process is sold as the livestock feed. Our guide said that the factory emits no industrial waste. Although they make $10M additional money only by generating power, they charge $13 per adult and just let us lick some newly produced sugar.

Australian second biggest sugar factory
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2009-09-22 20:43:01 | 動物





Tragic end of my home
Tue. September 22 : fine

As our apartment, VUE stands on the top of the hill beside the beach it will be safe, even if the flood, the high tide or the bush fire hit. The security is also perfect. A sunbird couple has built the nest at the carwash bay beside the entrance. As the height was about 1m it was far from the condition for the safe location. As was expected, a cat attacked the nest and killed all the newly-hatched chicks. I wished they would have built their nest on the terrace of my study. The sorrowful couple is looking for the location to rebuild their nest on the sky corridor of VUE. This place is also dangerous because it is the territory of offensive exotic bird, common myna. The tropical paradise is where the law of the jungle prevails as well.


common myna
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2009-09-21 19:27:21 | 動物




Greenants (Weaver ants)
Mon. September 21 : fine

They are the green ants you can always see at the sky corridor of VUE. It seems that it is a good idea that the powerless geckos without having any night territories eat these ants. But these greenants are quite fierce and they have strong poison (formic acid) even if they are smaller than 1cm. Once they get furious, they would even attack humans and bite to give you uncommon pain. They attack big enemies with some military discipline. Uncannily they often make a circle to call a strategy meeting. During the meeting they carefully arrange guards around them. Powerless geckos finally become the weaver ants’ prey when they lose their power due to hunger.

weaver ants
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2009-09-20 21:00:41 | 動物




Poor gecko
Sun. September 20 : fine

Geckos are quite big eaters. They are nocturnal because they are often attacked by birds during daytime. They continuously eat the insects that gather the street lights or the windows after sunset. Better feeding spots are occupied by stronger ones. There are no walls on the both sides of the sky corridor of VUE except the elevator hall that has the glass wall just like the green house. The ones that poorly eat horseflies and flies there during daytime are powerless geckos. There is no danger of bird attack as it is inside the glass. They cannot stand out during night because other geckos chase them. It seems that there is a big gap between the rich and the poor in the geckos’ world, too.

moonlight geckos
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2009-09-19 21:58:31 | 植物

①食虫植物・ウツボカズラ。 ②やたらに愛想の良いオジギソウ。 ③絞め殺しの木・ガジュマル。 ④空中で生きるビカクシダ。 ⑤山火事で発芽するユーカリ。 ⑥パッション・フルーツの花。 ⑦さかさまの木・ボアブ。ボアブが星を破壊?星の王子様が出会った不思議な人は①体面を保つことに汲々とする王。 ②賞賛の言葉しか耳に入らない自惚れ屋。 ③恥じながら酒を飲む呑み助。 ④夜空の星の数の勘定に夢中な実業家。 ⑤1分ごとにガス灯の点火や消火を行なっている点燈夫。 ⑥自分の机を離れたこともない地理学者。 ⑦戦争ばかりしている地球人。



7 mysteries of Australian plants
Sat. September 19 : fine

①The insectivorous plant, the pitcher plant ②The quite amiable plant, the sensitive plant ③The strangulating plant, the banyan tree ④The living in the air, the staghorn fern ⑤The eucalyptus sprouts in the bushfire ⑥The flower of passion fruit ⑦The tree up-side down, the boab. The Boab will destroy the stars? The 7 mysterious people whom the petit prince met are: ①The king who only cares about how to uphold his honor ②The conceited person who can only hear the words that applause him ③The drinker who drinks with a shame ④The businessman who is crazy about counting the numbers of starts in the night sky ⑤The lamplighter who is turns on and off the lamps every minute ⑥The geographer who has never left his desk ⑦The earthmen who always fight.

petit prince
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2009-09-18 22:12:28 | 動物

VUEの空中庭園でナナフシを見つけました。グレート・バリア・リーフが「現代7不思議」の最終候補に残っています。日本滞在体験のあるOZに聞きました。日本人の7不思議は?①何故都会に住みたがるのか? ②何故血液型や星座にこだわるのか? ③何故シルバー・シートに健常者が座るのか? ④何故みんなが大学に行きたがるのか? ⑤何故美味いものを食べたがるのか? ⑥何故そんなに働くのか? ⑦何故ケータイに夢中になるのか?



Stick insect
Fri. September 18 : fine

I found a stick insect at the sky garden of VUE. Great Barrier Reef has climbed onto the shortlist of the New World 7 Mysteries. What are the 7 Japanese mysteries? The panel is the OZs who have stayed in Japan. ①Why do they want to stay in big cities? ②Why are they obsessive about their blood types and asterisms? ③Why none-handicapped people sit on the disability seats? ④Why everybody wants to go to universities? ⑤Why do they want to have tasty food? ⑥Why do they work so hard? ⑦Why are they have keen interests in mobile phones?

mysterious stick insect
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2009-09-17 18:53:37 | 政治・経済




Thu. September 17 : fine

Mr. Kuruo Hatoyama is 35 years old. He joined France Theater in Asakusa when he was 18 and performed comic chat on stage with his stage name, Chuji Abesada. He has been working as a Beat Takeshi’s attendant for 4 years. His height and weight are almost the same as Mr. Yukio Hatoyama’s. He lives in the one room apartment made of wood and plaster with his parturient wife. His catch phrase is “the most important thing is my own life”. Finally, his expectation is that “Please maintain the power as long as you can. Then I wouldn’t need any livelihood support during that period”. Watch out to some mistake like Mr. Higashikokubaru has made.

my look-alike

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2009-09-16 19:32:17 | 政治・経済





Ichiro and Eijiro
Wed. September 16 : fine

In 1946 when the Liberal Party won the general election and became the leading party, the president Ichiro Hatoyama was there just waiting for becoming to the prime minister. However, he was purged by Mac Arthur. In 1951 he had come down with stroke just before he was depurged. Studying under Eijiro Kalergi (the model of the exile, Lazlo in the movie, “Casablanca”) in his sickbed he advocated “politics with fellowship”. In 1954 after unpopular PM Shigeru Yoshida who was aristocratic tastes and called “one man” resigned he was a prime minister for 2 years and made “Hatoyama boom”. Changing Yoshida’s pro-American foreign policy he solved the long standing problem, the diplomatic relationship between Japan and Soviet Union. He also put the conservative merger between Liberal Party and Democratic Party into action. What about Ichiro Suzuki? Baseball does not become any news in Australia.

Mr. Shigeru Yoshida and Mr. Ichiro Hatoyama

Eijiro Kalergi
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