豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-11-30 23:49:52 | 青森









Mysterious Akita

Tue. November 30 : fine

Yumi has gone to Japan to do several things since November 7 and she’s been staying in her hometown, the Town of Fukaura in Aomori prefecture. She’s sent me the photo of a mysterious dog in her neighborhood. Today is the 19th 1001 anniversary. The 15th wedding anniversary is crystal wedding and the 20th is china wedding so the 19th may be rare earth wedding. As China is not willing to sell rare earth to them Japan is making eyes at Australia.


ugly-cute Wasao 


1001st aniversary



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2010-11-29 01:25:25 | トリニティー・ビーチ









Mysterious mansion

Mon. November 29 : fine

A skeleton in the closet in the mysterious house nearby, the $11M mansion is becoming clearer little by little. It is likely to be a luxurious accommodation. There are 6 cottages on its 5 acre site and the maximum number of the guests a night is 12. Staying overnight without meals costs $2,500 or more. The guests access there by their car, boat or helicopter. They have the membership system so the public are not accepted.


never opening gate


Trinity Beach Place(with sound) 

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2010-11-28 01:08:46 | 動物









Ant lion

Sun. November 28 : fine

“Drinking, Gambling and Buying” in contemporary Japan seems to mean “Medicines, Depression and Lotteries”. Some cheery news were broadcasted in such stressful Japan. According to the common view an ant lion never evacuates, however, the pupil on the 4th grade of a primary school in Chiba prefecture confirmed the evacuation while working on his free study during the summer vacation. I also used to feed ant lions when I was a child but I didn’t imagine Japan to be such a debt hell with no way out.


ant lions in Cairns



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2010-11-27 00:09:09 | 東京









Hell of alcohol

Sat. November 27 : fine


English scientists made a comparative study of 20 different kinds of psychotropic agents. The result is that alcohol is mote dangerous than any other drugs such as heroin or cocaine. Alcohol leads not only people to their own health damages such as obesity, diabetes, hepatopathy, alcoholism or dementia but also other people to serious damages such as accident of drunk driving, child abuse, domestic violence, fighting or murder. Those celebrities, the Crab Boy followed by Tsuyoshi involved in drinking disturbances gave Shingo a hard time.



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2010-11-26 00:04:53 | ケアンズ







Hell of gambling

Fri. November 26 : fine occasionally rainy

I hear that Casinos are legal in more than 120 countries and there are more than 2,000 casinos in the world. 11 prefectures in Japan have been inviting casinos to set up. Japanese are ill-fitted for Gambling, though. So many people go personal bankrupt and family breakdown. Koich Hamada lost $5.1M in one night. Net game addicts who never bet money are being the problems in all Japan, China and Korea.



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2010-11-25 21:20:41 | 動物







A snow white kookaburra

Thu. November 25 : fine

There was an albino kookaburra in Casino Zoo where we took photos with the koala. An Albino is inherently lack of melanosome, its feathers and skin are white and its pupils are red. In many cases it has a visual impairment, it has high risk of having skin cancer caused by absorbing UV and it is easy to be found by natural enemies, so it rarely survives in nature.




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2010-11-24 21:54:31 | ケアンズ







Bungee jumping

Wed. November 24 : fine occasionally rainy

Although he is an unworthy son I feel a little reluctant after he left. He stayed only for 30 hours but I regret thinking that I wanted to have him try more delicious food or experience more. Among them my biggest repent is that I could not let him experience the great feeling of bungee jumping because he was feeling sick after overeating the stake.


at the same place 13 years ago

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2010-11-23 21:48:35 | 食事







One kilo stake

Tue. November 23 : fine occasionally rainy

I left my parents and became independent when I was 12 years old. My son also left his parents and lived in the dormitory. I thought he was trained strictly in the dormitory but he is actually very faddy. He never eats sea food, mushrooms and Japanese food and only eats meat and bread. It may be too late to train him better but I forced him to eat 1kg of stake.



children hardly know parental love

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2010-11-22 21:21:14 | 動物







Happy home doesnt need pet cat

Mon. November 22 : fine

My son and his wife come to Australia for the first this morning. They have a pet cat so they will fly back to Japan tomorrow noon after staying in Cairns for 30 hours. What a stupid thing! We are the only parent and only child. Which is more important parent or the cat? What? The cat?! Then, which is more important a koala or the cat. I suppose there is no way to persuade them.


Wake up!

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2010-11-21 23:31:06 | 食事







Choking banana

Sun November 21 : fine

A banana to be eaten raw I bought at Mossman flea market was 30cm long. Several different kinds of bananas, from small Monkey Bananas to 40cm-long bananas for cooking are displayed in the stores in Cairns. Yumi eats serials with bananas or blue berries every morning but I rarely eat bananas. I don’t like fruit with poor juice. I finished the whole Mossman banana being almost dead for choking.

big banana

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2010-11-20 23:27:14 | ケアンズ近郊









Flea market under huge trees

Sat. November 20 : fine


The northernmost village, Mossman: Here the flea market opens under the huge trees every Saturday. The number of the stands is under 20. There is a woodwork stand as well. Most big wood works or building materials sold in Japan are cloth fulled and fake. All the goods here are made of pure tree. Because there are so many wood materials fake woodworks are more expensive. They are reasonable but they don’t mach the modern interior of our house.





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2010-11-19 23:21:26 | 食事







Fresh food materials

Fri. November 19 : fine

I have been cooking for myself since I was 12 years old with half a century’s experience. Even a Michelin 3-star restaurant isn’t tasty for me. The tongues of the cooks who use so much seasoning to kill the original tastes of the food materials are insane. My cooking formula is using fresh materials and adding them the minimum hands; short time economical cooking. I go shopping twice a week and I never use more than one hour a day for house chores.


so honest Yumi




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2010-11-18 23:16:33 | 日常生活









Ocean view terrace

Thu. November 18 : fine


Scenic restaurants make people feel happy. However, as for the view the terrace of VUE is better. If you feel full, you can have a nap on the lounge. You can also see dolphins and whales. As for taste of dishes, my hand-made cuisine is much better, and our tea and fruit as well. Our cakes and ice cream after dinner beat, though.





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2010-11-17 23:11:18 | ケアンズ









Ocean view restaurant

Wed. November 17 : fine


The restaurant we have discovered this month is Thala Beach Lodge near Port Douglas. It’s the hotel surrounded by tropical rain forest that is on the top of the hill near the shore. High tea is $12 and staying is $700 per night. We didn’t know there was a beach named Thala Beach. There are probably more ocean view restaurants that we have never known yet in Cairns.


high tea


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2010-11-16 22:32:22 | 植物







Agave flowers after then

Tue. November 16 : fine


2 months ago the agave trees bloomed, and then they produced seeds and the seeds set on the trees. Just like a parent turtle with its child turtle on its back the agave trees were swinging in the wind and now the child has bloomed. When the child sets seeds, the grandchild might sprout. However, the base of the parent’s stalk has been withered. It seems that the grandchild and great grandchild will fall down as well when the parent turtle fells down.


2 months ago


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