豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-01-31 22:44:33 | 教養?




publicity strategy of “Avatar”
Sun. January 31 : fine

The film, “Avatar” has drawn an all-time box-office record. The publicity strategy is quite cleaver saying such as “A super work that director Cameron of Titanic spent for 12 years” or “We hope you experience the high degree of perfection CD and 3D by big screen”. A lot of people go into depression after seeing the film. Is that true? “When I returned to daily life from the film I completely went into depression. After seeing the film again I could recover”. 20th Century Fox must be gloating over their success.

crazy science
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2010-01-30 20:09:23 | ケアンズ




My home miserable
Sat. January 30 : cloudy occasionally rainy

The day after cyclone passed I went shopping to the supermarket and found the nests of the metallic starling fallen off onto the car park there. 9 nests dropped due to being the palm tree branch snapped off by strong wind. Those nests were completely empty. The chicks were mooching bite to their parent birds on the leaves. Because they were just about to leave their nest they could flew up to the leaves, I assume. Will all of them be able to leave their nest safely? I hope the wind and the rain wouldn’t become any stronger. At my home we had moved all the furniture on the terrace into the living room so nothing has been damaged.

metallic starling
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2010-01-29 20:04:17 | ケアンズ

ケアンズの夏は雨季で、おまけにサイクロンの季節。サイクロンにはABC順に女性の名前がつけられます。先週末から立て続けに2つのサイクロン、ネヴィルとオルガがケアンズ来襲。風雨すさまじい当日、スーパーに奇妙な女性が登場。「ハーイ、私の名前はオルガよ。ご機嫌いかが?」10年豪州に住んでいますが、時々OZが理解不能になることがあります。豪雨の中をスパイダーマンが駆け回っていたとの情報も。(photo by Cairns Post)



Cyclone attacks
Fri. January 29 : cloudy occasionally rainy

In Cairns summer is the rainy season and also the cyclone season. They name cyclones after some female names in the alphabetical order. Since last weekend we’ve been continuously attacked by two cyclones, Neville and Olga. On the day with furious rain and wind a strange girl appeared in front of the supermarket. “Hi, my name is Olga. How are you?” Although I’ve been in Australia for 10 years I am still not be able to understand OZs fully. I have some other information that Spiderman was running around in heavy rain. (photo by Cairns Post)

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2010-01-28 19:59:37 | 政治・経済

愛国心は国家間の緊張を高め、人種対立を扇動します。小市民は五輪や国際サッカー運動会で溜飲を下げます。OZの多くは英国から乳離れをしたいと考えています。世論調査では立憲君主制維持27%に対し共和制44%。現行国旗支持45%に対し新しい国旗(イギリス国旗なし)の制定27%。現在の国歌に満足と答えた人が36%に対して60%が国歌を替えたいと望んでいます。中東人、インド人、蒙古系アジア人に対する反感も一部でくすぶっています。(photo by Cairns Post)



Argument about national flag and anthem
Thu. January 28 : cloudy

Patriotism increases international tension and instigates ethnic conflicts. The petite bourgeoisie feels great satisfaction by seeing Olympic Games or Soccer World Cup. Most OZs want to be independent from England. According to the public-opinion poll, 27% of the people want to keep constitutional monarchy and 44% support republicanism. 45% want to keep the current national flag and 27% want to change it to the new flag (without English flag). 36% are satisfied with the current national anthem and 60% want to change it. Some OZs have ill feeling toward Middle Easterners, Indians and Mongoloids.(photo by Cairns Post)

Australian national anthem
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2010-01-27 22:54:24 | 政治・経済




Drinking restriction on national holidays
Wed. January 27 : cloudy

Yesterday was a national holiday. When Tuesdays are the national holidays 40% of OZs are absent from work because of sickness on Mondays. In other words, they wag off to enjoy 4-day successive holidays. There are 14 national holidays in Japan but 10 days in Australia. Two of them, Australia Day and Anzac Day are awful days because OZ’s patriotism is highly uplifted then. To praise the forerunners’ great work selling liquor is prohibited until 6:00pm on those days. After 6:00pm every pub is crowded beyond capacity. To tell the truth, I want to ban drinking all weekdays on the contrary.

alcoholism paradise
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2010-01-26 11:22:02 | 昔話




Australia Day
Tue. January 26 : cloudy

It is said that Japanese National Foundation Day is originally the day when Emperor Jinmu ascended the throne 2670 years ago (Late Jomon period). Australian National Foundation Day is originally the day when Admiral Arthur Philip arrived in Sydney from England with the convicts on January 26 in 1788. The troop had 1200 people in total including 778 convicts, the sea soldiers and their families. Most of the convicts were the thieves in the slum districts of London. A total of 150,000 convicts were kept sending to establish the colony until middle 18th century and many aborigines were sacrificed as well.

jail 200 years ago
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2010-01-25 10:11:50 | 教養?




Musical “Oliver”
Mon. January 25 : cloudy

We went to see the 86th performance of Cairns Civic Musical that has its 57-year history. It was the splendid stage as we had expected. The entrance fee was $35. The author of its original work is Dickens, as well as the film “The Christmas Carol”. The story is about the boy who is abused and recovers in the early 18th century, the era of widening disparity due to the Industrial Revolution in England. At the same time there were people who were poor and stole things and revolted to the government. They have sent to Australia from England and built this rich country. It must arouse OZ’s sympathy. Tomorrow is Australia Day.

Miss. Saigon
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2010-01-24 10:06:49 | 教養?




A story of selection, “Avatar”
Sun. January 24 : rainy

The 3D film, “Avatar” directed by James Cameron of “Titanic” has been hitting all over the world. Being also premiered in Cairns I went to see it and I experienced to be in the crowded theater in Australia for the first time. The beauty of computer-graphic images is superb. The story takes place in the 21th Century. The ex-marine who attends “Operation Avatar” turns to fight with earthmen, the environmental destructors. It reminds us of American natives combat with the pioneers or the small ship that fights with the whale catchers. There has been some restriction of showing at the cinemas in China, the big resource hunting powers in the world.

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2010-01-23 10:58:00 | Weblog




Tropical boiled beans and phoenix salad
Sat. January 23 : cloudy

Cut the pod of Royal Poinciana into bite-size. Boil plenty of water with a tea-spoon-full of salt, boil it for 3 minutes, cool it down in cold water and drain off the water. After sprinkling salt and squeezing arrange it on a plate and tropical boiled peas is made. If you dress it with mayonnaise, that makes phoenix salad. With only one pod of Royal Poinciana you can cook 2 kinds of dishes for one person. The cooking time is 5 minutes. Adding a blossom of flower of Royal Poinciana you can enjoy some sense of the season. It’s quite handy and economical. It’s colorful and crunchy, too. It tasted green-smelling, bitter and disgusting.

organic ingredience
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2010-01-22 23:16:23 | トリニティー・ビーチ




Unopened gate
Fri. January 22 : fine

Esplanade goes 800m from north to south. On its northern end there is a solid iron gate. That is a mysterious mansion that was traded with the highest price in Cairns’ history. According to the newspapers article the buyer was the investment group from New Zealand and the price was $9M. You can see a lot of palm trees and several South Pacific style cottages in the spacious site behind the high fence. What do they do in there? As a matter of fact the gate was being kept open yesterday. There were several guards and the trees were blocking, so I couldn’t see inside.

mysterious mansion
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2010-01-21 23:07:46 | トリニティー・ビーチ




Moore Street
Thu. January 21 : cloudy occasionally rainy

It’s the 2-lane road that goes for 700m from north to south running parallel to Esplanade. There are a lot of service apartments on the both sides of the street. My VUE is one of them and the developer builds the apartment and sells its units. The buyers can decide whether they want to live in the unit, rent it other people, or rent it to some hotel companies. The hotel rents the units as the “condominium” to the tourists. As each site is quite spacious the street is quiet with full of green.

looking from opposite side...
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2010-01-20 22:49:31 | 植物




Dragon fruit
Wed January 20 : cloudy occasionally rainy

My morning walk starts from the front gate of our apartment, goes for 500m to the south along Moore Street, climb for 500m through the hill forest, descends steps onto Esplanade to go and return for 2km and return to the back gate. It’s a 3km long course. There are several kinds of birds singing, and the wild plants and garden plants are living together in the hill forest. Bananas, papayas, guavas, lemons and some other trees bear fruits. I found a young tree of dragon fruit with only one flower. Dragon fruits have just started to be displayed at the green market.

string cuctus
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2010-01-19 22:44:17 | 植物




Seeds of Royal Poinciana
Tue. January 19 : cloudy occasionally rainy

I saw the seeds of Poinciana were being sold at the green market last week. They are eaten in South East Asia but they don’t seem to taste so good. You never want to pay for such stuff. You can see a lot of Poinciana flowers and the seeds near my apartment. I have tried one of the beans. It was pretty crunchy but rather unsavory with the smell of grass. They say the pods are also edible but they are not so good. Good drinkers might be able to enjoy it as substitute for boiled soybeans or broad beans.

flame tree
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2010-01-18 21:48:55 | ケアンズ近郊




Dengue fever and malaria
Mon. January 18 : fine

When I went to the tropical rain forest for bird watching I found the list of the kinds of wild birds and mosquitoes that live around there on the sign at the parking area. There were 72 kinds of mosquitoes on the list. It has been raining at night everyday during the rainy season and has caused the plague of mosquitoes. 500 people were affected and one person was killed by dengue fever in Cairns last year. Yellow-fever mosquitoes mediate it. 500,000,000 people are affected and 1,000,000 are killed by malaria a year in the world. The anopheles transmits it. There is no vaccination against them so guarding it with the insect repellent spray is the only way to prevent the infection.

fine weather after the heavy rain
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2010-01-17 21:44:43 | 植物




Bowen mango (Kensington Pride species)
Sun. January 17 : fine

We had the bonanza crop of mangos this year. There are a lot of homes that plant mango trees in their back yards and people threw away mangos that are more than they could eat into the garbage bins. The bins were too heavy for the rubbish vehicles to pick them up and that has caused frequent accidents. Several different kinds of mangos are displayed at the green markets. Among them Bowen mangos are highly esteemed by OZs. They weigh around 500g each. The finest ones that are packed in 10 a box are $15. I also like R2E2s that weigh more than 1kg each or pelican mangos. Mangoes are from vanish tree family, so some people get a rash.

garbage truck
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