豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-11-30 20:02:18 | 植物




De facto for 18 years
Mon. November 30 : fine

“De facto” means “actual” in Latin. The opposite word is “de jure” meaning “legal”. In Australia a live-in couple is called de facto. A couple that keeps de facto more than 1 year is given the same right and duty as de jure. Even though a child doesn’t have both parents, he or she is never discriminated. OZ’s don’t like to obey any power or authority of the government or churches, and so de facto is majority. We neither have any children nor are married legally and religiously, so we are always feeling tense. I pick up flowers of plumeria for Yumi every morning.

1001 aniversary last year
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2009-11-29 19:28:21 | ケアンズ





125th anniversary of Cairns’ municipal organization
Sun. November 29 : fine

Cairns was founded in the gold rush as a port town in 1884 and it has been 125 years since then. The railway that sends food and daily commodities to mines was built in the same period and it still remains as Kuranda Railway. The town was created by reclaiming land from mangrove coast and it has a geographical feature of frequent flooding now and then. People are concerned that the town will sink due to the global warming. Captain Cook’s Endeavor landed on Sydney, Cairns and Cook Town in 1770. It will be the 240th anniversary next year.

Kuranda Railway

history of Cairns
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2009-11-28 20:47:32 | スポーツ




Marlin coast
Sat. November 28 : fine

As the ultraviolet ray is very strong Australia has so many patients who suffer from skin cancer. So, people are warned to bathe sunlight as little as possible. Therefore I rarely go out and have a nap from 11 to 3, while the sunlight is strong. I swim after 5 o’clock when the swimming pool is under the shade. But it is bothersome to go out in the evening. The public pool at Marlin Coast that locates 10 minutes far from my apartment is no problem because they set up the sunshade net every fine day. The entrance fee is $2.

public pool at Marlin Coast
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2009-11-27 20:44:10 | 住まい




Continued; repair of our swimming pool
Fri. November 27 : fine

The repair of our swimming pool will be finished soon. The cost is $12,500. It is paid from our management budget. The management fee at VUE depends on the utilizing area but I pay $5,500 per year. As there are 55 units the total management budget is $300,000. It is used for the allowance of the resident manager, the couple, maintaining 3 lifts, the pool and flower beds, the costs of cleaning and electric of the public spaces, repairing costs, fire insurance premium and so on. It looks like Australian people aren’t aware of fund for reconstruction.

levy and food expense are totally $300 per month?!
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2009-11-26 20:22:44 | 教養?




200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth
Thu. November 26 : fine

Darwin is the capital of Northern Territory and its population is 120,000. It locates in 131 degrees east longitude and 12 degrees south latitude. It’s a scorching town having both temperatures of maximum and minimum are more than 3 degrees higher than those of Cairns. The first cruise (exploration of South America) of Beagle was carried out in 1820-1830. The second cruise (around the earth) with Darwin was carried out in 1831-1836 and he called at Sydney and Tasmania. The third cruise (exploration of Australia) was carried out in 1839-1843 and called at a port of Darwin but he wasn’t on board. So, he never came to Darwin. This year is the 200th anniversary of his birth and 150th anniversary of his publishing of “The Origin of Species”.

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2009-11-25 20:16:25 | ケアンズ




Geography of Cairns
Wed. November 25 : fine

It locates in 146 degrees east longitude and 17 degrees south latitude. Cairns is in the same longitude as Noshappu Point of Cape Nemuro. It’s in the same latitude as Manila and Mumbai of Northern Hemisphere. It has tropical rain-forest climate and it is the land of everlasting summer. The summer temperature there is between 23 and 32 degrees and the sea water temperature is 28. The winter temperature there is between 17 and 26 and the sea water temperature is 23. You can wear short sleeve shirts throughout the year. During the rainy season in summer it rains like a shower at night. Sometimes cyclones come. Its population is 145,000. Nara was founded 1300 years ago, but Cairns, 130. There are an international port and a domestic airport. The main industries are tourism, shipbuilding, agriculture, mining and fisheries. It takes 7 hours from Narita and there is 1 hour time difference.

tropical night
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2009-11-24 00:54:39 | スポーツ




Paradise Palms
Tue. November 24 : fine

There are 5 golf courses in Cairns. 2 of them are homely clubs that have the membership system. The visitor fee is $18. Other 3 courses are well known as gorgeous public courses. The green fee is $100. Paradise Palms that was developed by Daikyo-Kanko and sold oneself later is the latter. Most of the courses in Australia are flat and easy but it is an extraordinarily tricky course. I have already been tired of golfing, so I haven’t done it for more than 2 years. The reason I visited here today is to use the annexed swimming pool. It takes 10 minutes from my apartment by car. The entrance fee is $3 but the pool is almost empty.

annual pass is $100
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2009-11-23 00:47:30 | 住まい




Fixing our swimming pool
Mon. November 23 : fine

It’s usual that there’s a swimming pool in the hotel, the motel or the apartment building in Australia. It’s not rare for the detached house to have a swimming pool. It’s usual even for the first-class hotel not to have a swimming pool in Japan. If it did, it would not be so good and you have to pay extra charge of around $40. By the way, the swimming pool of our apartment building cannot be used for a week this week due to fixing and checking it. In the meanwhile I have to use some other pool. I can always go to the sea in a minute on foot. I can have fun in the sea but it’s not suitable for exercises.

hotel beside the sea also has a swimming pool
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2009-11-22 21:48:35 | ケアンズ




Sugar cane train
Sun. November 22 : cloudy

In Port Douglas the sugar cane train runs every Sunday and holiday. It goes 4km- railway along the mangrove forest and the golf course in 20 minutes. So, it runs 12 km per hour. A return ticket costs $3.5. The 2 engineers, 3 conductors and a train master are all elder volunteer workers. When the train reaches to the terminal station at the golf course they cut off the locomotive to divert it on the human-powered turn-table. Although the landscape isn’t good and it isn’t a comfortable ride the train appeals to families.

station at port
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2009-11-21 21:37:28 | ケアンズ




Flare trees in Port Douglas
Sat. November 21 : fine

The street trees of Phoenix Canaliensis line up on both sides and central divider of 5km-access road from Captain Cook highway to Port Douglas. But this time of the year the trees that add colors to the town are flame trees. There are a lot of expensive shops for the visitors from all over the world, however, we aren’t interested in such shops. Our target is the free market that is held in the seaside park every Sunday. There are more than 300 stalls and we are still excited each time we visit there.

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2009-11-20 21:31:03 | ケアンズ




Banyans in Kuranda
Fri. November 20 : fine

I am a stay-at-home person and I go out only twice a week. Besides going to the green market every Friday I go driving once a week. My monthly destinations are Palm Cove, 15 minute drive from my apartment, Kuranda, 30 minutes drive and Port Dougras, 60 minutes drive. Kuranda is a fancy highland village with its 500 populations surrounded by tropical rain forest. The street trees of the major street are banyans. Plenty of hippies and artists have moved in this village and you may sometimes find nice craftworks and pictures at the market in the forest unexpectedly. There are lots of butterflies and birds but loafers or junkies.

butterfly sanctuary
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2009-11-19 21:26:51 | ケアンズ




Thu. November 19 : fine

Poisonous jellyfish breed on the Cairns beach from November to May. It is safe to swim in the pool that is protected by jellyfish free net. Lifesavers guard swimmers 365days a year on every beach. When they find someone drawn they grab the surfboard or plastic tubular float and jump into the sea. They wear red swimming cap made in cloth and red bikini swimming pants. I asked them to pose standing beside the surfboard with the float and looking up the sun but they denied my request.

life saver contest
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2009-11-18 21:14:54 | 日常生活




Herbivorous man
Wed. November 18 : fine

Although I’m not a gourmet I don’t want to eat unhealthy or tasteless food. Eating seasonal fresh food stuff cooked in a simple way is best and most luxurious. I’m good at cooking, too. I don’t like French cuisine or Japanese tea ceremony cuisine that is cooked too sophisticatedly. I am not a good eater of meat and fish but I’m not a vegetarian. I eat meat on the day that has the number 2 or 9. I eat fish on the day that has the number 3 or 7. So it’s my standard of having 2 meat dishes and 2 fish dishes every 10days. There are a lot of local vegetables and fruit through the year in Cairns. Even in winter 50 kinds of fruit and 100kinds of vegetables are displayed at the green market.

green market in Cairns
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2009-11-17 21:09:09 | ケアンズ





Seafood except fish
Tue. November 17 : fine

There are about 10 fish stores in Cairns. They display a lot of kinds of fish but not so much quantity. They don’t sell small fish or nameless fish like they do in Japan. They also display some other kinds of seafood except fish. They are lobsters, bugs, oysters, mussels, scallops, pipis, squids, ocellated octopus and so on. OZs don’t eat seaweed or urchin egg. As for fish eggs they sell bottled caviar and Salmon roe but cod roe. They display fish heads and bony parts, too but someone says they are the bait for mad crab pots.


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2009-11-16 10:38:59 | 動物




Mon. November 16 : fine

They say a Japanese eats 100 prawns a year. 90% of the prawns are imported. In those 5 major countries they are exported from, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, China and Thailand there are big issues of destroying mangroves and abusing antibiotics. In Cairns a lot of empty sugar cane farms are utilized for prawn farms but natural prawns are reasonable and good in Australia. If I eat them indoor, Yumi scolds me, so after preparing a finger ball I shell them on the terrace looking out the sea. I easily eat 20 prawns at a time.

king prawns
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