豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2011-04-30 00:20:51 | 東京






Maid in Akihabara

Sat. April 30 : fine

Since early times the electrics have always been in Akihabara. There were no maids earlier but crowds of fan-boys. When I was a junior high school boy I used to be into crystal set and come to some electric-part shops. It’s an old story from back in 1950s. All the electric-part shops in those days lit acetylene lamps even if there were located in the middle of the electrics shop town. There were also cheapjack shops that sold hand-made radios set or recorders. 


pop culture




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2011-04-29 10:44:37 | 東京








Dark spot around Tokyo University

Fri. April 29 : fine

To tell you the truth, there are at least 6 reactors in Tokyo; experimental reactors of Tokyo Uni, Rikkyo Uni, Tokyo-toshi Uni, Hitachi, Toshiba and Mitsubishi. All those are small scale but still they are real. Being old-fashioned, each one has problems about its safety. As the decommission technique is not completed yet those reactors have nowhere else to go but being kept in the residential areas. The residents are not even aware of the fact that there’s a reactor near them.



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2011-04-28 00:17:26 | 東京






Hotel Sunroute Ariake

Thu. April 28 : fine


There is an international exhibition hall and also two big hotels in Ariake. No one lives around there and no foreigners visit Japan now so Ariake is being completely no-man land. Most rooms are empty in my hotel. One night in a spacious single room is $44. The radioactivity is most exposed in this area among Tokyo. Why don’t you build the extremely safe reactor here rather than moving the Tokyo Fish Market?

Toyosu Market station

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2011-04-27 00:15:15 | 原発









♪Only one in Tokyo, only one in Ginza

Wed. April 27 : fine

I’ve been in Tokyo since today. All the flights heading to Japan have been virtually-empty. I hear that Qantas crews flying to Tokyo or Osaka are not staying in Japanese hotels but in Hong Kong. I headed to my hotel passing through the town of Ginza. Although Tokyo is saving electricity it’s still extremely brighter than Australia. Comparing to miserable Tohoku it’s quite unfair. Reactors should be built in Tokyo, the town of beneficiary.

lonly trip




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2011-04-26 22:53:13 | 原発





25 years since Chernobyl accident

Tue. April 26 : fine

It exploded in flame on the day of 1986. The actual circumstances of human victims are unclear by former Soviet Union who covered up the truth. The site within a 30km radius is still being off- limits now. 500 towns have been disappeared and 400,000 people have evacuated there eternally. The radiation leak stopped 10days later and the reactor was shut into the stone coffin later. The durable period is estimated to be 30 years and radioactive has already leaked again. They will decontaminate it for the 55years, until 2065.

Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant

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2011-04-25 22:48:59 | 教養?









Creole Choir

Mon. April 25 : fine

The Cuban Creole chorus group consisted by 5 male and 5 female singers have came to Cairns. You don’t want to miss their deep, bluesy and funky music style! By the way, during the past 25 years, 25,000 Chernobyl radiation victims including children suffered from thyroid cancer or leukemia have been treated in Cuba.

Creole Choir


The Old Man and the Sea


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2011-04-24 22:45:48 | 動物






Sun. April 24 :fine

It is said that wombat is the model of “My Neighbor Totoro” and it is also a substitute of Easter Bunny. A Japanese maxim says “Three heads yields God Monju’s wisdom”. The ideal fast breeder reactor, Monju in Tsuruga that burns radio-active waste, plutonium to use as the fuel has been out of operation for the last 15 years, having series of troubles. After having some vicious hiding of troubles came out, the manager killed himself. That is an extremely typical Japanese style ending.





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2011-04-23 22:43:32 | 動物






Sat. April 23 : fine

A rabbit is the noxious animal in Australia. A bandicoot that digs holes under the termite tower is sent in as a pinch hitter to be the Easter Bunny. In the earthquake-free country, Finland they have been building the world’s first final disposal site of radioactive waste 500m under the ground. Their plan is to keep the waste airtight for 100,000 years. Its building and maintenance costs are unimaginably huge. Nuclear power plants are unprofitable. The charge and responsibility will be imposed on the descendants – just like Japanese debt-covering bond. 




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2011-04-22 22:41:15 | 原発







Fri. April 22 : fine


Easter holiday has started from today. Can Fukushima revive? Nuclear power plant is called “the condo without a toilet.” The final disposal technique of radioactive waste has not been completed yet. In Japan the radioactive waste is kept in the pool on the top of the reactor. So if some kind of accident happens, it becomes very serious. A chain reaction will start off and the revival will become difficult. 

decline of Easter Island 

Passion Day 


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2011-04-21 22:15:33 | 政治・経済








Australian electricity

Thu. April 21 : fine

Consumers can select their suppliers because Australian energy market is open. The government and energy companies publicize the electricity and water saving. The government gives capital support to solar energy generation. Most houses are all-electric, however, OZs avoid abusing the air-conditioners. They prefer sun drying to the dryer, showers to bathtubs and candles to electric lights. They go to bed early and get up early.


circumstance of Australian energy

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2011-04-20 20:25:42 | 原発







♪I wish you would have cheated me eternally

Wed. April 20 : cloudy


Municipal workers have trimmed shrubberies along Esplanade. As they cut down plants on their elementary part all the plants are clipped short just after the trimming, however, they sprout quickly to form their former feature within a month. The Prime Minister said “No one can live in the disaster areas of reactor accident for 20 years” and lots of Japanese accused him saying, “He does not understand humanism.” Telling a lie is important as a politician. People wish to believe a good thing only even if it is a lie. They just want sweet words. That is a Japanese nation.

clipped short

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2011-04-19 23:03:19 | トリニティー・ビーチ


29日に挙式する英国のウイリアム王子夫妻の新婚旅行先?携帯やTVはない島ですが 1泊17,500ドル(170万円)。王子は14歳の時ダイアナ妃と一緒に滞在しているし、先日もサイクロン「ヤシ」の見舞でケアンズの南の町に来たばかり。ブラッド・ピットやキアヌ・リーブスも泊っています。 



Double Island

Tue. April 19 : cloudy

Is this the honeymoon destination of Prince William who is getting married on April 29? There are not cell phones or TVs on this island but it costs $17,500 per night. The prince stayed here with his mother, Princess Diana when he was 14 years old. He just visited the south towns of Cairns for an inquiry of Cyclone Yasi several days ago. Brad Pitt and Keanu Reeves have stayed here as well.


Double Island



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2011-04-18 23:00:16 | 植物






Mon. April 18 : fine

Aasisutasia looks very similar to a kind of Japanese simple wild flower from spring, Chloranthus serratus. No fame, no fortune but beauty. The reactor accident will make the country narrower and the economy cannot help but stagnate. Safety and health are the top priority. You should be prepared for the Tokai Great Earthquake and Hamaoka reactor accident without being misled by the demagogy being spread by the official, private and academic sector and also media, “This earthquake and tsunami attacks are once-in-a-hundred-year disaster.”

wild flower in Tohoku


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2011-04-17 22:54:51 | ケアンズ







Japan aid bazaar

Sun. April 17 : fine

A lot of restaurants and shops have settled the collection boxes for supporting Japan on their cash desks. People prey in churches for Japanese victims every Sunday. Japan aid bazaar is being held at green market as well. Working holiday makers sell their second-hand clothes and books. As there were only ladies’ clothing I bought 10 2-dollar books. 


bazaar in Morocco

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2011-04-16 22:52:53 | 原発







The local consumption of locally produced goods

Sat. April 16 : fine


A market that sells local products has opened near the airport. While the green market in City is open 3 days at the weekend, this new one is open 7 days a week. They sell vegetables, fruit, meat and fish. As Cairns is located far-north of east coast in Australia it is often cut off by floods. The most important things are nothing but lifeline and food. Yes, Cairns is Tohoku ,or north east in Australia. The electricity consumed in Tokyo should be produced locally.


fish market in Hachinohe



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