豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-04-30 23:12:45 | 植物




Poisonous gas is erupting
Wed. April 30 : fine

The king of fruits, the durian is also raised in the suburbs of Cairns. They are evergreen trees that grow 20m-high and each tree bears 100-200 big and spiny fruits. Inside of the fruit has 5 rooms and each room has 2-3 seeds. You can eat the creamy part around of the seed. The opera house on the esplanade in Singapore is called “Durian”. Durians are prohibited to bring into the public buildings, hotels, and public transportations as their smell including hydrosulfate is very strong. So many dangerous detergents, bath agents, and agrichemicals are being uncontrolled in Japan.

subway in Singapore
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2008-04-29 21:30:17 | ケアンズ近郊




Peep window
Tue. April 29 : fine

Actually going to the hot spring was only an excuse to take Yumi out to watch platypuses. Yungburra in Table Land was the post station village built in 1890 for inland mines. Platypuses are living in the river that runs the end of the village and the sightseers can watch them through the peep windows on the wall. We saw only some tortoises on the water ring. We were told that the leading characters, platypuses make an appearance only in the morning and evening. There are a lot of historical buildings, chic cottages, and restaurants in this village. We will come again to peep on an overnight tour.

endangered species
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2008-04-28 21:26:13 | 動物




Mon. April 28 : fine

We bumped into a cassowary when we were taking a shortcut in the forest. It faced us fearlessly and didn’t run away even when I took out my camera. Wild cassowaries have fresh colors. That was the second time to see the species after we did last year. There are only 2,000 cassowaries in the world. They live only near Cairns, though. Table Land yields precious metals, jewels, crystals, and fossils. Cassowaries are rather living fossils than birds. “Peace festival” and “amateurism” are also fossils. IOC is the power-hungry group that rips off Olympic torch.

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2008-04-27 21:22:37 | ケアンズ近郊




Gold dust bath in Innot hot spring
Sun. April 27 : fine

Yumi and I have no more power on our knees and we cannot descend stairs. We might be cursed by Pyramid Power. Stamping the accelerator with lamed legs we headed for 200km-away Innot hot spring in Tableland. Long time ago people used to dig gold dusts in this brook. Although it’s the peak of fall we cannot see autumn leaves in the tropical mountain. When I was in Towada I used to take my obstacle horse, Yucon to hot spring sometimes but I don’t like hot springs. River side hot spring and sand hot spring are not rustic or artistic but they rather lack of hygiene, unsettled, and pitiable for me. I prefer swimming pool, Jacuzzi, or shower.

"don't bathe" hot spring
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2008-04-26 09:05:26 | スポーツ





Pyramid Mountain
Sat. April 26 : fine

The highest mountain in Australia is 2,229-high Mt. Kosciuszko. The second one is 1,622m-high Mt. Bartle Frere that locates 50km far south of Cairns. We climbed Pyramid Mountain that locates its north bringing Anzac cookies with us. It was the first mountain climbing for me after my Achilles tendon fracture. The distance between* its bottom and the top is 3km. The path was steep and ragged. It took 2 and half hours to crime and 3 hours to descend. We returned home as if our knee joints were destroyed.

Mt. Kosciuszko

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2008-04-25 21:00:52 | 政治・経済





Dawn Service
Fri. April 25 : fine

Today is an Australian national holiday. Anzac Day ceremony that is to mourn the soldiers who died in the war is held at 5:00am in all the communities in Australia. A lot of old soldiers who wore medals gathered at Esplanade where I jog every morning. It’s just the same as Japanese Cheep Country Shrine, Rats and Foxes Monuments, or Retired Soldier League. It is not a good idea that lots of old people gather. Anzac operation is one of the biggest political mistakes in Australia, lined up with isolation of Aboriginal people and introduction of sugar cane toads. They are sounding the march. Countless naive young Australians were killed in the 2 World Wars.

Anzac Memorial

Anzac Treaty
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2008-04-24 21:20:24 | 政治・経済

日本経済が坂道を転落中の22日、超党派の役立たず国会議員62人が靖国神社に参拝。馬鹿の1つ覚え「何は無くとも愛国心」。そして本日、豪州首都キャンベラの汚輪ピック政火リレーでもチベット独立派の妨害デモと愛国的中国青年たちが衝突。ヤクザな興行師・IOCの心配をよそに明日のアンザック・デーのために大きなニュースにはなりません。明日は豪州の愛国心を高揚させる年間最大のイベント。愛国心は他国民への殺意の美化。(photo by SMH)



Olympic torch riley in Australia
Thu. April 24 : fine

On April 22 when Japanese economy was rolling down, 62 all-party useless MPs visited and worshiped Cheap County Shrine. They have the fool’s single idea, “nothing but patriotism”. Today Politic torch riley was held in Canberra, Australian capital city. Tibet independence group and Chinese patriot group crushed there. Although punky show manager, IOC worries about its bad influence, OZs were indifferent. It is because tomorrow is Anzac Day, the biggest event which enhances Australian patriotism. Anyway, patriotism is the beatification of the intention to kill foreign people.(photo by SMH)

tough gay, Yukio Mishima
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2008-04-23 21:03:53 | 政治・経済




Lucky country
Wed. April 23 : fine

As oil price has increased EU and the US has been becoming gloomy. On the other hand oil-producing counties have been holding massive foreign currency. Brazil has found the undersea oil field of the world biggest scale by chance. Also on April 21st after the discussion with the UN the biggest island country in the world, Australia, the raw material kingdom extended 2,500,000 km square of the continental shelf. Its dimension is 6.5 times larger as that of Japanese. The estimated amount of oil and natural gas is too immense to be shown in numbers. The rich becomes richer, the poor becomes poorer. Australia is rather being weird than being lucky. I hope it never becomes a deformed power.

happy country

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2008-04-22 20:53:39 | ケアンズ




Crocodile farm
Tue. April 22 : fine

There’s the biggest crocodile farm in Australia in the mangrove forest of Trinity Inlet. Crocodile belly skin is very expensive. A 1 cm square is $50. Catching natural crocodile is prohibited. In this farm a few 10,000 crocodiles are raised here. The skin is sold for bags, the meat for food, and the blood for medicine use. The life expectancy of a crocodile is 50 years. A crocodile lays 50 eggs at one time. The feed of minks in Aomori was sardine and it is chicken for crocodiles here.

jumping crocodile

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2008-04-21 20:50:54 | ケアンズ




Inlet cruise
Mon. April 21 : fine

The city of Cairns was developed as the landfill from the swamp 150 years ago. There is a 10km-deep Trinity Inlet in the western area of City which has a desert island, Admiral Island that is as large as Chuo-ku in Tokyo. Both the island and the inlet are surrounded by the mangrove forest and the farther area is aboriginal district. It is the habitat of crocodiles, a lot of different birds, and butterflies. Citizens enjoy quick fishing there as there are plenty of fish. 2-hour inlet cruise including a light meal is $60.

Cairns Marina
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2008-04-20 19:20:24 | ケアンズ




Black and white
Sun. April 20 : fine

Japanese say “white and black” but it is “black and white” in English. Japanese way must be a little odd because “red and white” has the same order in both languages. There is only one taxi company in Cairns, Black and White. They possess 99 cars in total, sedans, microbuses, one-box car for disabilities, and others. The car numbers are from 1 to 100, and number 13 is missing. As usage of computer is highly developed in Australia, if you once order a taxi to your house it they come by just telling your name from next time. The starting fare is $2.50 and calling taxi to home by phone is charged additional $1. The monthly income of a taxi driver is over $5,000 as the minimum wage for working overtime and on holidays is quite high in Australia.

taxi in Sydney

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2008-04-19 20:26:45 | 動物

日本で定番のスズメもカラスも豪州では外来種であまり見かけません。ゴミが無いせいか街にカラスはいません。豪州にはオウム、マグパイ、ワライカワセミなど気性の激しい鳥が多いので、郊外のハイウエーでひっそりと動物の轢死体を食べて生き長らえています。シティーにはオナガテリカラスモドキという美しく輝く黒い鳥が朝夕100羽前後の集団で, 黒い稲妻のように地面すれすれを猛スピードで飛び回ります。時には車に衝突して即死。あまり速く飛ぶのでデジカメでの撮影は困難。黒鳥はブラック・スワンと呼ばれ、郊外の湖沼に住んでいます。



Black bird
Sat. April 19 : fine

Sparrows and crows that are common in Japan are quite rare alien species in Australia. The reason why there are no crows in the cities is probably because there is no rubbish. As so many aggressive birds such as parrots, magpies, and kookaburras are in Australia crows live secretly in the suburbs eating carcasses on the highways. Hundreds of beautifully shinning black birds, metallic starlings fly skimming the ground of the City road in the morning and evening. Sometimes they crush to death into cars. They are too quick to shoot by the digital camera. Another black birds that are called Black Swans live on the lake in the suburb.

metalic starling
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2008-04-18 14:12:23 | 動物




Wrecked dolphin
Fri. April 18 : fine

When I was running on Promnade as usual in dawn I found a dolphin that was wrecked 5ms away from the surfside. Dolphins usually stay in groups but I didn’t see any company at the offing. It might had enjoyed night life and overlooked the notice board, saying “don’t swim here”. He lost his way and got stuck on the shallow beach. Being cheered up by lots of exercisers Mr. Endeavor finally went back to the offing.

I heard they are OK on the shallow beach
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2008-04-17 21:54:51 | 豪州国内旅行




Black Mountain
Thu. April 17 : fine

It’s the black rocky mountain that locates on the outskirts of Cook Town. It looks like the coal waste hill from long distance but if you once approach the mountain you will be surprised by the size of each rock. Countless number of wrecked whale rocks you saw yesterday is being piled. 250,000,000 years ago solid magma erupted to the earth’s surface and it was cooled down by the air. And then, its surface was cracked and broke down to make the mountain. Even today when there is a shower on the day with high temperature the rocks explode making a loud noise. It’s not crowded even though it’s designated as a national park.

Cook Town tour
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2008-04-15 21:52:36 | 豪州国内旅行




Wrecked whale rock
Wed. April 16 : fine

Being wrecked on the reef of the Cook Town offing, Endeavor was towed by the paddling lifeboat to the shore. The crew gave aboriginal people clothes, glass balls, and iron pans so they could keep enough food and wood but they never took them home. Cook wrote in his logbook “they are noble-minded people who aren’t acquisitive” and he was laughed at. During those 6-week stay the scientists accompanied collected a lot of kinds of animals, plants, and minerals. Although most Australian rocks such as sandstones or conglomerates are soft, you can see the magnificent volcanic rocks like the ones in the photo.

Are you serious? How to manage wrecked whales.

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