豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2007-12-31 23:15:29 | 日常生活




Rocket fireworks
Mon. December 31 : fine

My seniors and classmates in my primary school were called “golden eggs”. They went to Tokyo to work when they were 15 years old and never came back. I also departed from my parents home when I was 12 years old, didn’t rely on family but God. 3 years after when I was 15 years old I abandoned religions and became an anarchist. As an activist I had devoted myself for 12 years and defeated after all. Since becoming 27 years old I have been spending insignificant and dishonor (anarchy) life. ♪The day when all my friends seem to be greater than me I buy flowers to enjoy with Yumi. Setting gardenias on our table, we saw fireworks and ate sukiyaki tonight.

golden eggs in Australia

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2007-12-30 21:43:26 | 住まい




My study
Sun. December 30 : fine

Yumi has gotten some translation job and she has been working on that for 16 hours a day in front of PC giving up the holiday season between end of the year and the New Year’s. I am also concerned in several volunteer works but I’m not young any more to work on the front line so I devotedly assist on the rearward. I answer the questions from young guys on internet and contact with various sections. Actually, I work only for 2 hours a day. For the rest of the day I spend 3 hours for exercise, 3 hours for reading, and another 3 hours for ciesta. I’ve never been good at working. I used to work for 2 hours a day as well at my clinic in Towada and for the rest of the day I played instruments, read, and had ciesta.

guitar, piano and drums
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2007-12-29 15:31:43 | 植物




Jack fruits
Sat. December 29 : fine

They are the biggest kind of fruit in the world, 80cm long and 40kg at the maximum. They look and smell like durians. It may be a popular belief but they say both of them would give you a stomachache if you don’t drink a lot of water and also it would be fatal if you have it with alcohol. Small one is about $5 and large one, $10. You need gum gloves to peel the fruit as sticky resin comes out from its skin. Its flesh is pretty stringy and looks like Chinese citron a little. Yumi praises it saying “very delicious” and “ it’s not the jack fruit but the king fruit”. I don’t think so. The evaluation on fruits and root crops seems to be very different between male and female.

gum gloves
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2007-12-28 15:30:26 | 食事




Mango smoothy
Fri. December 28 : fine

Cairns and its suburb are the big mango-growing districts, so there are big mango trees with a lot of fruits here and there. Mango is $1-2 each at the markets. They are delicious but eating one of them once a week is enough. Besides eating them Yumi has mango smoothies every 3 days. The recipe is simple. Just mix some mango, yogurt, milk, and ice cream in a mixer. You drink it with a thick straw.

thick straw

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2007-12-27 15:29:15 | 食事




Thu. December 27 : fine

As a lot of chemicals are sprinkled there are no flies or mosquitoes in Japanese golf courses. There are even no earthworms living in Japanese orchards. I have never had fruits up until 3 years ago as I have believed they were unhealthy but now I have them every day. People say durians are the king of fruits and mangosteens are the queen. By the way, Nepal seems to change its government from kingship to republican system soon. I had been backing away from mangosteens since I have had a tasteless one in East-south Asia long time ago. But recently I knew that local, fully ripened and fresh mangosteens and lychees are delicious at last.

low sugar fruits
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2007-12-26 15:27:50 | 植物




Jack fruits at my home golf course
Wed. December 26 : fine

As there is few rolling and wide fair ways in Australian golf courses you can play comfortably. In my club the green fee is $2, second hand ball is $1 each and there are a lot of lost balls in rough. I am the one who looks for the balls you hit in the course vindictively and picks up other balls left so I have never bought golf balls in Cairns. Although there are fruit trees here and there such as mango, papaya, jack fruit and durian no one picks them secretly. At the golf course in Towada apples were always picked away totally before getting mature. I think the apples with a lot of agrichemicals are poisonous, though.

assorted fruits

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2007-12-25 15:25:23 | 食事





Nationalistic Xmas dinner
Tue. December 25 : fine

A long, long time ago the breakfast in the inn was habitually dried weed, raw egg, and rice. In Australia people never eat raw eggs, moreover, there is a risk of getting salmonella infection. But there is Yamagishism Farm in the next town to Cairns, Innisfail and you can get fresh eggs from there. Thick brackens are also available from the market. The pickles made with Eritrean salt is home made. You can buy most Japanese ingredients such as barley tea, soy sauce, and dried bonito in City. I have rarely eaten turkey and cakes in my 62-year life.

cold turkey

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2007-12-24 15:20:04 | ケアンズ




Xmas trees
Mon. December 24 : fine

If the ground-breaking ceremony using tax is illegal Christmas decoration at schools or public apace is also against the Constitution? It might be better still to place a Christmas tree at Yasukuni Shrine, sing the Mass in the National Theatre, perform candle service on the Nizyu Bridge, serve all you can eat turkey at Hamarikyu Garden, and set the Ramadan during the period between Emperor’s birthday to New Year’s Day. By the way, there is only one Christmas tree that is smaller than Palm tree at City Place except other tiny ones in shopping malls. You cannot hear any Christmas carols.

Christmas trees at Sydney Station

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2007-12-23 15:16:32 | スポーツ




Horse shoe style of swimming
Sun. December 23 : fine

Our swimming pool in Marquis is too shallow! The pool is 20m long and one side is 1.3m deep but the other side is only 60cm deep. If you make yourself turn at the shallow side you would scratch your forehead or elbow. That is why there are always few people at the pool. I turn normally at the deep side and make a small U-turn 5m before the end of the opposite side. As there is quite a gallery at the terraces this horse shoe style swimming may be a break in our apartment next year?

Christmas Eve on Horse Shoe Bay
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2007-12-22 15:14:38 | 住まい




The swimming pool in Marquis
Sat. December 22 : fine

I spent my childhood on the Peninsula Shimokita in Aomori Prefecture. It was just after the Second World War so there were no food, no firewood, and no textbooks. In our primary school we went swimming in the sea in summer afternoon, went skiing in winter afternoon, and went running in spring and fall every day in order to increase physical strength of undernourished schoolchildren. Thanks to those exercise from that time - I’m still good at swimming, skiing, and jogging. I had continued running anti-war marathon for 30 years since 1960 and have stopped it in 1991 when my wife past away. I also stopped skiing when I moved to Australia. I have swum 2,000m everyday for the past 20 years since when I owned my indoor swimming pool in 1986. I always stay in the hotels that have swimming pools when I go travelling. I have never swum, however, on Peace Boat.

swimming pool in Peace Boat
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2007-12-21 20:44:25 | 政治・経済

僕のブログの英文タイトル「Down under」とは豪州やNZに移住すること。「Nomad」とは流れ者。豪州では早期引退がステータス。引退後は住居を処分し、大型のキャンピングカーや機帆船で国中を移動しながら年金生活を送るのが夢。このような高年者はGrey Nomadと呼ばれ、常時10万人以上いるそうです。日本でも養蜂家のように夏は北海道、冬は南九州へと渡り鳥生活を送るのは素晴らしいかも。


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2007-12-20 20:41:08 | 政治・経済




Grinning Mr. Kyosen
Thu. December 20 : fine

If the population is decreased real estate declines, domestic demand also declines, and the tax increase is inevitable. It’s the economic principle of “demand and supply”. Europe has the same problem and trying to absorb East Europe, but Japan that detests impurity has rapidly become aging society and its economy is getting worse every day. Japanese young generation apparently cannot receive pensions and they are also unable to look after too many old people. Mr. Kyosen Ohashi had given up Japan and moved to Canada and Oceania. In those areas young workers are increased by the innovation of the policy of immigration, economy is activated, and financial surplus has become a big problem. ♪Abandoning Japan I live in foreign countries, because I believe economic principle. You see?

OK shop

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2007-12-19 20:38:37 | 政治・経済




The country of philosophy and enlightenment
Wed. December 19 : fine

Japan is wonderful that winter bonus is new high for 3 years. I was surprised that an affiliate of T automobile maker was recruiting employees for $8 per hour. In Australia the minimum hourly wage is $17. As Japanese working holiday makers work an hourly wage of $6, many students from other countries complain after another. I was given national pension of $4,000 this year for the first time. I was surprised again by knowing it was not a monthly sum but the annual sum. Oh my god! Is it less than $350 per month? My Australian pension is more than $350 per day. Actually, a alien who are more than 45 years old cannot get Australian visa if he/she does not have more than $6000 unearned income per month.

young people in Japan
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2007-12-18 20:36:25 | 政治・経済





Gold coins and silver coins
Tue. December 18 : fine

In Australia dollar coins are golden and cent coins are in silver colors. There are no genuine gold coins or silver ones. As ¢1coins are not circulated things less than ¢5 are rounded off. For example, if you hand $1 for ¢98 goods, you wouldn’t receive any change. Sometimes I see some Japanese tourists who don’t know about it complaining at the checkout counter. It’s refined to put silver change into the donation box or tip plate. There is no custom of tipping in Australia. They think it is rude to hand silver coins as tip to street performers or even beggars. I have recently noticed that paying by silver coins or carrying silver coins are quite hick.

it's shame to see busker without tip

my memory about gold coin

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2007-12-17 20:25:47 | 政治・経済

シティーの道路は片側2車線で、道の両側と中央分離帯が駐車スペース。パーキング・メーターは1ドル100分。大雑把なのか、計算が苦手なのかケアンズっ子が使用するのは金貨($1と$2)だけ。30分くらい放棄されたメーターはいくつも捜せるので短時間なら無料で駐車できます。他人の時間切れのメーターを見かけると、何とケアンズっ子は駐車違反にならないように銀貨(10, 20、50セント)を投入して通り過ぎます。週5回係員がコインの収集に回ります。



Parking coin collecting
Mon. December 17 : fine

The roads in City have 2 lanes each side and the both sides of the roads and the central separating areas are used as the car parking space. The parking rate is $1 for 100 minutes and you can use 5 different kinds of coins from those of ¢10 to $2. OZs being lukewarm or not good at calculating, they only use gold coins ($1 or $2). As you can find a lot of parking spaces with the meters being abandoned 30 minutes left you can park without paying yourself. Surprisingly, if Cairnsians find any meter being ran out of time, they put in silver coins(¢10, ¢20 and ¢50) and pass away. Traffic division staff comes to gather coins 5 times a week.

parking meter in Sydney
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