豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-10-31 23:11:05 | 政治・経済








Amendment of pension passed in France

Sun. October 31 : fine


The official retirement age will be gradually raised from 60 to 62 years old by 2018 and the age people can receive the full amount of pension will also be raised from 65 to 67. 2.9M citizens demonstrated against it. A lot of high school and college students participate in the demonstration by blocked their campuses with barricades expressing a sense of crisis of depriving their chances of employment. 


go for it , Japanese young generation 


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2010-10-30 00:44:07 | 動物

1030日( 土)快晴


富山市で犬が胴体部分を土に埋められているのを通行人が発見。富山中央署は動物愛護法違反の容疑で調査中。豪州NSW州でハリモグラが花火を使って殺害されているのが発見され、警察は動物虐待事件として捜査中。WA州沖でクジラに船で100m以内に接近した男が罰金40万円を科せられました。(photo by Olympus)



Animal abuse

Sat. October 30 : fine

In Toyama city a passerby found a dog having its trunk of the body being buried into ground. Toyama Central Police have been investigating the case under the suspicion of a violation against the Animal Protection Law. In NSW of Australia a spiny ant eater was found killed by firework and the police have been investigating it as an animal abuse case. A man who approached closer than 100m to the whale on a boat on offshore of WA has been sentenced $5000 fine.


put whale to sleep

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2010-10-29 00:39:19 | 動物





Tree kangaroo

Fri. October 29 : fine

It is one of endangered species that lives in tropical rain forest in New Guinea and around Cairns in Australia. It has a length of around 1m. Being different from other kinds of kangaroos the strength of its front legs and nails are well developed to adapt itself to tree-dwelling. Its tail is quite long. It collects and eats seeds, fruits and leaves. It’s nocturnal. When it sleeps it curls itself up on its stomach in a tree so that the rain drips down along the hair on its back. 

tree climbing

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2010-10-28 00:36:14 | 動物





Grey kangaroo

Thu. October 28 : fine

It’s the second biggest kangaroo ranked after the red kangaroo. It has a body length of 1m, a tail length of 1m and a weight of 60kg. It can run at full speed of 70km/hour. It runs 2km with 40km/hour speed and that allows it move 100km a day. A kangaroo is Australian original species and herbivorous. A new born baby weighs less than 1g. It takes 40 weeks for a baby to be independent of parents. By the way, it takes 18 years for a OZ and 30 years for a Japanese.


rock wallaby

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2010-10-27 00:32:56 | 動物


(背高鸛)。インド、東南アジア、豪州北部に生息。 全長2m、体重10kg前後、翼開長は2.5m。頭、首、肩、羽根の付け根、くちばしは黒色。目は黄色。目の周囲は紫色。脚は赤色。水辺に生息する留鳥で群生はしません。水辺の動物を摂取。樹上や岩の上に木の枝や草をを積み上げて直径2mの巣を作ります。



Nest of storks

Wed. October 27 : fine


The black necked stork; it lives in India, South East Asia and north Australia. It has a length of 2m, a weight of around 10kg and a wing length of 2.5m. It has black head, neck, shoulder, shoulder joint and beaks and yellow eyes surrounded by purple rings around them, and red legs. It is a kind of nomadic bird living at the water edge and it does not bunch together. It eats the animals inhabits at the water edge. It builds a nest of a 2m diameter by piling the branches and grass in the tree or on the rock.



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2010-10-26 00:27:17 | 動物







Nest of black swans

Tue. October 26 : fine


The black swan is the Australian original species. It is a kind of nomadic bird wanders according to seasonal and environmental changes. It has a length of 130cm, a weight of around 6kg and a wing length of 2m. It has red beaks with a white spot on top. The entire body of its adult bird is black but the feathers of an infant bird are white and the beaks are black. It is herbivorous and eats waterweeds mainly. It builds a 1.5 diameter nest by piling the grass on the shallows or land.


black bird and white bird


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2010-10-25 00:46:06 | 日常生活






Pleasant sea breeze

Mon. October 25 : fine

The sea breeze is defined as something sticky In Japan. Every bedding and clothes get damp, every iron rusts and expected life span of automobiles becomes extremely shorter. On the other hand, the breeze on Australian beaches is nice and dry. Every household sets the sofa on their terrace and people relax on it. The sea breeze blows pleasantly over your skin. It is one of the happiest moments of your life to take a nap with all the windows open. 



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2010-10-24 20:52:23 | トリニティー・ビーチ





Full moon on Coral Sea

Sun. October 24 : fine

The Dugong, a kind of sea animals live in the coral of southern countries. At the night with a full moon the sea shines in blue and the dugong disguises herself as a young human girl and sing songs under the pine tree. Hearing the song people are invited to come out from their houses, and then the dugong lead the most beautiful boy into the waves and disappear under the sea. A storyteller, my brother who died 3years ago said to me,This is a true story.


the harvest moon 

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2010-10-23 22:40:41 | 植物







Vermin damage of mangos

Sat. October 23 : fine


The powerful enemies of mango farmers are fruit flies and fruit bats. They can drive off fruit flies by sprinkling chemicals but there is no bright idea how to repel fruit bats except for covering the whole tree with the net. The mango tree beside the bus stop in my neighborhood looks miserable as you can see. Pro-environmentalist groups never agree on using infertility agents or guns. Can garlic or the cross defeat them?


fruit bat

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2010-10-22 23:02:38 | 食事






Fruit shopping

Fri. October 22 : fine after rain

The green market in Cairns opens for three days a week from Friday to Sunday. If you want to get something cheaper you should try just before the closing time on a Sunday afternoon when they sell things at a sacrifice. Since we want to get vegetables and fruit fresh we go there on Friday mornings with our 6 shopping bags. This is a photo of a part of fruit we got for two of us for a week. Except this there are 7 mangos and 2 pomelos. I feel as I am having an acute back pain.



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2010-10-21 22:38:37 | 植物








Thu. October 21 : rainy


My life norm is playing on fine day and reading on rainy day. There have been a lot of rainy days this spring so I have been staying home being absorbed in reading. On a sudden impulse I went to see jacaranda being waiting for a lull in the rain. The blooms had fallen in City by then and the full bloom season had also finished in Table Land as well. As there are so many kinds of colorful flower trees in tropical Cairns jacarandas are hardly planted.


シドニーjacaranda  in Sydney

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大聖堂イチジク(cathedral fig tree)

2010-10-20 23:17:48 | 植物






Cathedral Fig Tree

Wed. October 20 : fine

This is another strangle fig tree opened to public inspection in Table Land. In Okinawa fig trees are called “Gajumaru” and it seems to mean the wind. They are in the mulberry tree family and fig genus. The English formal name is Banyan, or “Bengal Sacred Fig” in Japanese. It’s a sacred tree of Hindu religion. A banyan grows in Calcutta has its circumference of 450m.


the world's biggest Banyan


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イチジク大滝?(Curtain Fig Tree)

2010-10-19 23:15:43 | 植物







Curtain Fig Tree

Yue. October 19 : fine

Giant trees in the tropical rain forest grow only in the rainfall. The seeds of tropical figs are brought by birds first, and then they insert to other trees, extend their aerial roots one by one and finally strangle the original tree to death. The giant tree named “Curtain Fig Tree” is 500 years old. It takes 1 and half hours from Cairns by car plus 3minutes from parking area on foot on the boardwalk.


Curtain Fig Tree 



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2010-10-18 23:12:27 | ケアンズ









Barron Falls

Mon. October 18 : fine


It’s usually the dry season now. We have a lot of rain this year and it seems that it has already been the rainy season. Residents welcome it because the rain improves the water shortage and soften the hotness. They never use umbrellas in the rain. On the other side, Asian tourists don’t like to get wet in the rain and they show frowns on their faces. However, Barron Falls you can see from the Kuranda railway shows great scenery only when there is a lot of rainfall.


Barron Falls in dry winter



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ヒメジャコウインコ;Little Lorikeet

2010-10-17 23:45:16 | 動物







Little Lorikeet

Sun. October 17 : fine

A flock of chatter lorikeets come to roost in the planting of air corridor of our VUE apartment building every evening. They gossip for an hour until the sunset: they speak so loudly that we cannot hear our conversation. Sometimes some careless birds crush into the big glass in the elevator hall. The bird with their eyes shut usually go to death. Big transparent glasses are one of the natural enemies for birds.


rainbow lorikeet

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