豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-02-28 19:24:31 | ケアンズ




Serious problem in leap years
Sun. February 28 : fine

Today is my 65th birthday. People say “If you had been born on the next day, you would have been 16 years old now”, but in fact 1945 was not the leap year. Even if I had been born on February 29, I would have gotten one year older every year because the age is added the day before the birthdays. By the way, there is more serious problem here; around half of OZs are absent from their work and have a nap on the beach on February 29 of the leap years. Other people who go to work demand the call-in pay from their offices. Come to think of it, that would make sense. Why should we work one extra day without being paid in the leap year? The business keepers feel at ease this year.

my birthday last year
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2010-02-27 19:20:05 | ケアンズ




Embarrassed advertisement
Sat. February 27 : fine

I found an advertisement with the photo of the adult shop on the back of Cairns city bus. Gambling and prostitution are legal in Australia. While I was watching Olympic Games on TV relayed from Vancouver I often saw the advertisements of casinos or adult shops. Although they are not illegal I feel embarrassed to see those advertisements on the public transportations on midday. Some working holiday makers come to Australia having wrong ideas that the drugs are legal in this country. Some Japanese girls work at the adult shops to get the permanent visas quickly. It’s easy but rather awkward.

porn shop in Cairns
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2010-02-26 22:02:02 | 政治・経済

30歳未満の日本人が渡航できるのは、豪州、ニュージーランド、カナダ、韓国、フランス、ドイツ、英国、アイルランド、台湾、香港の11カ国。その大半が渡航先に豪州を選択、毎年1万人以上。2位はカナダの5000人、3位はニュージーランドの4000人、4位は仏独の500人。天候の良さ、時給の高さ 観光業のアルバイトの多さが人気で、全世界から毎年20万人以上の若者が豪州へ渡航。豪政府制定の最低時給は14ドル、農場での仕事は18ドル。農場で3ヶ月以上働くと更に1年滞在可能です。



Working holiday
Fri. February 26 : fine

Japanese who are under 30 years old can go to 11 countries with working holiday visa; Australia, New Zeeland, Canada, Korea, France, Germany, UK, Ireland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Many of them select Australia for their destination. The number is more than 10,000 a year. Canada is the second with 5,000, the third is New Zeeland with 4,000, the forth is France and Germany with 500 each. More than 200,000 youths rush into Australia every year because of the popularity of its good climate, high hourly wage and a lot of opportunity of part-time jobs in tourism. Australian government enacts that the minimum hourly wage to be $14 at the general workplaces and $18 at the farms. If you work at the farm for more than 3 months, you can stay in Australia another year.

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2010-02-25 20:00:07 | 政治・経済




Alcohol destroys your country
Thu. February 25 : fine

Alcohol regulations have been expanded rapidly in the developed countries. In England, the home country of pubs the annual economic cost caused by crimes and commotions due to drinking is estimated to be $2.2B. The government has been planning to raise the drinking age and the alcohol prices. They would amerce $3,700 against the pubs that committed a breach of duty of checking the age. French Department of Health has alerted “A glass of wine per day would increase your cancer risk by 168% at the most.” Japan is so soft on drinking and smoking. The mayer of Nagoya said “Sell alcohol in the zoo”. He is likely to think “The stupid people could be easily controlled by the statesmen if they were offered drinks and sports program on TV”.

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2010-02-24 23:19:11 | スポーツ




Steven Bradbury
(Olympic hot news report)

No one expected the results but he is the Australian athlete who won a gold medal on 1000m short track of Salt Lake Olympic Games in 2002. As a result, Korea won silver and bronze medal. Since then he has been visiting the primary schools all over Australia and made speeches, saying “Never give up before the last moment”. I don’t think it’s a good idea from educational point of view but claiming such thing would not work for OZs?

lucky gold medal
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2010-02-24 19:25:24 | 教養?




And you too, Whitney!
Wed. February 24 : fine

Has Whitney Houston revived completely? “I Look to You” has been top in American hit chart for the first time in the last 17 years since “Body Guard”. She came to Australia after the performances in Saitama and Osaka, Japan. On her first stage in Brisbane the chantress had to excuse herself halfway through her concert several times not being able to sing with enough volume of voice and also failed to fix it with fake. She doesn’t seem to have gotten sober from alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. So many audiences were disgusted and protested to the promoter saying “We want the refund of the admission”. Her next performance in New Zeeland has been canceled. Are Japanese audiences too generous?

Britney Spears

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2010-02-23 09:12:11 | ケアンズ

砂漠の国・豪州では洗車やゴミバケツを洗う習慣はありません。洗車をしなくてもケアンズでは雨が降れば車はきれいになります。僕のアパート・VUE には一応洗車場はありますが、住人が洗車している姿を見たことがありません。軒下に太陽鳥が巣を作っています。野球場、サッカー場、洗車場、自販機は豪州で見かけないものの代表格。順子が来るので先週久々にコイン洗車場へ行きました。車内も掃除して、マットも洗って$15(1200円)。




Self car wash
Tue. February 23 : cloudy occasionally rainy

In Australia, the desert country there is no custom of washing the cars or rubbish bins. Every car becomes clean without washing after the shower in Cairns. There is the car wash in our apartment, VUE but I have never seen any resident washing his/her car. Sun birds are building their nests under the eaves. Some typical facilities you don’t see in Australia are the baseball stadiums, the soccer stadiums, the car washes and the vending machines. As Junko was coming to Cairns we went to the self car wash last week for the first time in a long time. We also cleaned up inside of the car and mattresses. That came to only $15.

sun bird

Thai dynasty
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2010-02-22 20:10:26 | スポーツ




Mon. February 22 : cloudy occasionally cloudy

This is the 30th film directed by Clint Eastwood. The rich play rugby and the poor play soccer. It was based on the true story that President Mandela (Morgan Freeman) who had been imprisoned for 27 years as the political criminal has schemed a national reconciliation by rugby and South Africa defeated New Zeeland to win the world cup in 1995. In that year Japan was given historical crushing defeat with 145-17 by New Zeeland. Freeman is the top eliminator of the Best Actor Oscar. Through Mandela’s efforts World Cup Soccer is going to be held in South Africa again this year.

World Cup 2007
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2010-02-21 21:31:17 | スポーツ

雪が降らない豪州では五輪報道は超控え目。ウインター・スポーツやサッカーや野球は豪州では見向きもされません。それでもサッカーでも野球でも、豪州は日本に負けたことはありません。人口は日本の6分の1ですがスポーツ大国。五輪のメダル獲得数は常に豪州が上。今回の五輪ピックでも女子ハーフ・パイプで金メダル。「OZも服装が乱れている!」と母国から文句が。あのねえ、スノボってこういう服を着るんです。(photo by Sydney Herald)



Sun. February 21 : fine

The Olympic Games coverage is in very modest quantities in Australia, the country with no snow. Even though winter sports, soccer or baseball are not popular in this country, Australia has never been defeated by Japan in soccer or baseball games. The population is one sixth of Japanese one but it’s the sports power. Australia always wins more medals than Japan. In this Olympic Games they have won a gold medal with ladies’ halfpipe. “OZ’s uniform is also negligent” Someone from my mother country complained. Well, I want to explain that the athletes in snowboard wear such kind of uniforms. (photo by Sydney Herald)

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2010-02-20 20:52:51 | ケアンズ近郊




Inside of hot-air balloon
Sat. February 20 : fine

There was a snaky group bashing hidden behind the Olympic Games. Patriotism is the sadistic satisfaction that oppresses the opponents or inner enemies. Olympics were the habitual fuss made by media and cyber right-wing elements. The mass hysteria is fascism, saying “Negligence of the uniform is national disgrace”, “Pierced athletes are the betrayers” or “The chief, Ms. Seiko Hashimoto should kneel down to apologize!” The man who got luck was the secretary general of X party. I have no feeling of patriotism but I am concerned about the shameful situation in my mother land. Australians have frowned at the bad manners of Japanese, Chinese and Korean tourists. The problem is not only among the youths but every generation.

mass hysteria country

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2010-02-19 09:08:04 | ケアンズ近郊




Mango farm looked down from gondola
Fri. February 19 : fine

Junko has sent a mound of mangos from OK Shop to her acquaintances and friends in Japan. Mangos for exporting to Japan need to pass the inspection for fruit flies and the price becomes to be $23 each. If you don’t mind about their appearance or the pests they are $1 each in Cairns. The mangos will disappear from markets by next month. Now we rarely see mango trees with fruits on them in Table Land. Looking down from the gondola of the balloon we can see the mango farms. I looked for the dragon fruit farms from the gondola but I could not find any.

OK Shop
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2010-02-18 19:17:52 | ケアンズ近郊




Thu. February 18 : fine

We got up at 3:00 yesterday morning and took a hot-air balloon ride with Junko and her husband at Table Land. It was $220 per head including pick-up service to and from City and breakfast. It took 6 and half hours all together and only 30 minutes for floating . I am always disappointed with the experience-based activities such as the helicopter ride for sightseeing, bungee jump or sky-diving because of their high charge and short duration. Anyway, Japanese and Chinese tourists claim easily that “It’s too cold”, “I feel dizzy” or “I feel sick”, so I may have to accept it inevitably.

hot-air balloon
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2010-02-17 21:45:54 | 日常生活




Love forever, Que Sera Sera
Wed. February 17 : fine

♪When I get older losing my hair. Many years from now. Will you still be sending me Valentine. Birthday greeting, bottle of wine. If I'd been out till quarter to three. Would you lock the door. ♪Will you still need me? Will you still feed me? When I'm sixty-four.(Beetles)
I hope that you share a long and happy life together, Junko and her husband. I will be 65 soon.

When I'm sixty-four

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2010-02-16 20:55:20 | ケアンズ

リーマン・ショック以降ケアンズは日本人観光客が激減。市内の和食店や日本人相手のお土産屋が軒並み閉店。日本行きの飛行機も名古屋便と福岡便が廃止されました。そして現在ケアンズで目立つのは中国人旅行客。春節(旧正月)に合わせて中国からのチャーター便も12便、約5000人の観光客がケアンズへ。その経済効果は10億円とか。レストランでも中国語メニューを見かけるようになりました。日本の春は遅そうです。(photo by Cairns Post)



Tiger dance
Tue. February 16 : fine

Since Riemann shock the number of Japanese tourist in Cairns has decreased sharply. Japanese restaurants and gift shops targeting Japanese in City have closed at every door. As for flights bound for Japan, Nagoya and Fukuoka have been abolished. And now we see a lot of Chinese tourists in Cairns. At the same time as Chinese New Year’s 5,000 Chinese tourists arrived in Cairns on 12 chartered planes. The economic effect seemed to be $12.5M. More restaurants have their menus in Chinese. It looks like spring is coming late this year in Japan. (photo by Cairns Post)

dragon dance
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2010-02-15 19:55:30 | 教養?





The earth rounds while you don’t realize it
Mon. February 15 : fine

As Junko and her husband are coming to Cairns tomorrow evening from “the heart of the world” I’m reading the same writer’s first book, “The earth rounds while you don’t realize it”. By the way, Japanese top selling books are “Le Petit Prince” and “Tot-Chan” with 6M each, “Norwegian Wood” comes next with 4.5M, followed by “Socrates in Love”with 3.2M. Most of them are media- mixed books. Putting all together with non-literature the top selling books “Six Stars’ Horoscope” written by Kazuko Hosoki with 70M and “Ampam-man” with 50M are the top two overwhelmingly. 70% of the income of Japanese big publisher depends on the comic books. The end of world has been approaching.

Le Petit Prince

Norwegian Wood
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