豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2006-12-26 23:28:49 | 豪州国内旅行



X'mas tree in Brisbane

December 26 : Tuesday: cloudy occasionally rainy

The population of the ptovincial capital of QLD, Bristbane is 2,000,000. If I put the number of population in QLD in order from the top, that will ①~⑤, I think. Today, December 26 is a national holiday called boxing day. IT is not the day for fist fighting but the day people open their presents they've kept under the tree. As it is a national holiday, all stores are closed. We met Jimmy and Yoon after half a year and sat around the table in the Thai restaurant we finally found.

river city Brisbane
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