豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2006-12-08 14:10:10 | ケアンズ




December 8 : Friday : fine after rain
Rainbow on the Golden Sand Beach

It takes only 1 minute from our living room to the beach. We can see 180 degrees wide coral sea from the Golden Sand Beach. If I turn around there is the wood in the whole view.There are several houses on the top of the north-eastern hill. Although the view is good, it looks hard to get down to the beach. It probably is the apartment for the elder people. It’s the rainy season at the moment in Cairns. Almost everyday, it’s rainy in nighttime but it stops in the morning. When the sun rises, the rainbow appears over the Golden Sand Beach.

rainbow on the Bamuda Triangle

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