豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2006-12-14 06:44:42 | 動物




gekko in moonlight
December 14 : Thursday : fine

Keeping pets is prohibited in our apartment but gekkoes had been living here before we moved. Every night sevral green gekkos get together near the electric light of the external wall of our apartment. Last night 1 found one on the ceiling in our bedroom. Since our apartment is surrounded by the forest there are so many mosquitos too. I heard once there was an epidemic of malaria and dengue fever mediated by mosquitoes. Gekkoes are the good ones that eat flies and mosquitoes. In a manner of speaking we can call them "the walking mosquito coil" . Doesn't "Gekko in the moonlight" sound so romantic?

tarantula in our Sydney bedroom

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