豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-01-03 19:06:31 | 政治・経済




First dream in the New Year; sinking Japan and Australia
Sun. January 3 : fine

Cairns is sunk due to the global warming. Most of the citizens evacuate to Table Land. The hill where I live turns to a small island with its 50 residents. It was my first dream I had while sleeping this year. Most Japanese big cities also sink. I have been living in Australia for 9 years. During my absence Japanese public offices have changed variously. They have changed the names of the offices but still kept low status. By the way, I have misunderstood that “the Minister of Countermeasure to the Falling Birthrate” would have attempted to decrease the large population in the narrow country. But the government has attempted to increase the population to keep the power of their country by enriching the industry and the army. They apparently have ulterior motive of expecting being taking care when they get old. Do they have any ideas how they outfit foods and living resources at all?

flood in Cairns
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