豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-01-17 21:44:43 | 植物




Bowen mango (Kensington Pride species)
Sun. January 17 : fine

We had the bonanza crop of mangos this year. There are a lot of homes that plant mango trees in their back yards and people threw away mangos that are more than they could eat into the garbage bins. The bins were too heavy for the rubbish vehicles to pick them up and that has caused frequent accidents. Several different kinds of mangos are displayed at the green markets. Among them Bowen mangos are highly esteemed by OZs. They weigh around 500g each. The finest ones that are packed in 10 a box are $15. I also like R2E2s that weigh more than 1kg each or pelican mangos. Mangoes are from vanish tree family, so some people get a rash.

garbage truck
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