豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-01-02 21:31:43 | 教養?




Stone and sand Japanese garden
Sat. January 2 : fine

Ryoanji temple that is famous for its stone and sand garden is originally the favorite sight for mandarin-ducks, the love birds. The garden composed of a set of 15 stones is considered to be built by Soami sometime in Muromachi period. There is an old Chinese story. A female tiger lays 3 children. One of them changes into a leopard and tries to attack 2 other children, so when they come to cross the river, the mother firstly carries the leopard to the other side. When she returns she carries one of the two tigers to the other side bringing back the leopard. She then carries the other tiger and finally the leopard. Tiger Woods has suddenly turned from the faithful dad into a prodigal. Or he was probably the tiger with a cat hat.

Yagiri Ferry
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