豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-01-28 19:59:37 | 政治・経済

愛国心は国家間の緊張を高め、人種対立を扇動します。小市民は五輪や国際サッカー運動会で溜飲を下げます。OZの多くは英国から乳離れをしたいと考えています。世論調査では立憲君主制維持27%に対し共和制44%。現行国旗支持45%に対し新しい国旗(イギリス国旗なし)の制定27%。現在の国歌に満足と答えた人が36%に対して60%が国歌を替えたいと望んでいます。中東人、インド人、蒙古系アジア人に対する反感も一部でくすぶっています。(photo by Cairns Post)



Argument about national flag and anthem
Thu. January 28 : cloudy

Patriotism increases international tension and instigates ethnic conflicts. The petite bourgeoisie feels great satisfaction by seeing Olympic Games or Soccer World Cup. Most OZs want to be independent from England. According to the public-opinion poll, 27% of the people want to keep constitutional monarchy and 44% support republicanism. 45% want to keep the current national flag and 27% want to change it to the new flag (without English flag). 36% are satisfied with the current national anthem and 60% want to change it. Some OZs have ill feeling toward Middle Easterners, Indians and Mongoloids.(photo by Cairns Post)

Australian national anthem
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