豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-01-23 10:58:00 | Weblog




Tropical boiled beans and phoenix salad
Sat. January 23 : cloudy

Cut the pod of Royal Poinciana into bite-size. Boil plenty of water with a tea-spoon-full of salt, boil it for 3 minutes, cool it down in cold water and drain off the water. After sprinkling salt and squeezing arrange it on a plate and tropical boiled peas is made. If you dress it with mayonnaise, that makes phoenix salad. With only one pod of Royal Poinciana you can cook 2 kinds of dishes for one person. The cooking time is 5 minutes. Adding a blossom of flower of Royal Poinciana you can enjoy some sense of the season. It’s quite handy and economical. It’s colorful and crunchy, too. It tasted green-smelling, bitter and disgusting.

organic ingredience
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