豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-01-22 23:16:23 | トリニティー・ビーチ




Unopened gate
Fri. January 22 : fine

Esplanade goes 800m from north to south. On its northern end there is a solid iron gate. That is a mysterious mansion that was traded with the highest price in Cairns’ history. According to the newspapers article the buyer was the investment group from New Zealand and the price was $9M. You can see a lot of palm trees and several South Pacific style cottages in the spacious site behind the high fence. What do they do in there? As a matter of fact the gate was being kept open yesterday. There were several guards and the trees were blocking, so I couldn’t see inside.

mysterious mansion
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