Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

外遊び開始!(Outdoor Play Began!)

2023-05-11 10:26:36 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Well, I've complained about the long and snowy winter here in MN a couple of times on my blog.

Though, we finally went through the harsh winter and the weather has become much more friendly to us in May. Every time I see the sun out in the sky, I feel very grateful that the sun light and warmth affect our life in a good way.

Thanks to the warm and comfortable season, May-chan lately enjoys playing outside a lot.

When I have extra energy left, I sometimes take her to the trail near our house.

I took this pic in the late of April when the weather was still a little bit chilly, so we're still in a jacket back then.

It's only 5 min-walk for adults from our house to the trail, but I used to drive there when May-chan was younger because it's still too far for her to walk there.

Now, she's capable of walking all the way to the trail without any help.

She's been recently into Draemom (Japanese cartoon) and learned about "World Map" from it. So, she got so excited to find the trail map saying, "Wow!!! It's a world map!!!" even though she'd been to the trail million times before.

All the snow on the ground was gone at the time, so it's pretty comfortable to walk on the trail.

Why not? Selfie time!!

Her most favorite activity on the trail that day was that she picked these plant heads up and...

stuck them in the ground. She said, "Flower garden!!!" and was so pleased with her creative work. Haha.

She's so into this garden project for a while and I ended up getting tired and asking her, "Hey, let's go!!"
(A part of me was feeling like letting her do it until she's satisfied, but you know, my energy is so limited. haha)

We took a break at the usual spot. Kit Kat time!! She seemed so happy.

May-chan took a picture for me too. Isn't it a good shot?? This picture showed me how she looked at me.

After the break, I was going to head back home, but she started making a flower garden again. She didn't care even if I was walking away from her. Haha.

One of the reasons why I love this trail is because it's very safe and I can let her go wherever she goes and watch her from a certain distance like this.

She finally accepted to go back home with some prompts after this.

I'm writhing this in early May and the weather is much warmer than when we took the trail walk. So, I don't mind walking at May-chan's pace so much anymore. (When we took the walk, it's still chilly and I was less patient to wait for her.)

Anyways, we can finally enjoy the wonderful season now. I'd definitely want to take advantage of the opportunity to let May-chan play outdoor as often as possible before another freezy winter comes to us.

Okay, thank you for reading again!!! Bye for now!

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