Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

マリーちゃんのブライダルシャワー (Marie's Bridal Shower)

2023-05-15 13:19:21 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi folks!

How's everything going today?

In MN time, yesterday was mother's day.

Andy kindly asked me, "What do you wanna do on Mother's day?" earlier on the week, so I told him, "Oh, if it's nice out, I wanna go get a cup of coffee and donuts or something and picnic somewhere. At night, I wanna do Columbo night (watch the famous detective drama "Columbo").

Though, May-chan started running fever Thursday night and got better and worse through the entire weekend. She's much better today, Monday, but I'll let her skip preschool today since she still has runny nose and cough.

So, on Mother's day, May-chan woke up to use the bathroom at 4:30am and came to me. I gave her Tylenol because she's very warm and still looked tired.

After that, she said that she wanted to sleep in Daddy&Mommy's bed, so I put her in my side of the bed. I tried to sleep between Andy and May-chan, but I couldn't fall asleep in the tight space. So, I was just cuddling with her in an uncomfortable position for a while.

I couldn't get enough sleep, so I went back to bed after Andy got up and started watching May-chan. I ended up sleeping until 1pm or so and May-chan was still not feeling well, so we didn't do anything special for Mother's day at all.

Here in MN, it's got pretty warm lately and the more the temperature goes up, the better my mental condition gets.

So, on Saturday in the late April, May-chan and I went to our lovely friend, Marie-chan's bridal shower.

Bridal shower in general is not a familiar event in Japan, but it's a party generally for a lady who's going to be married in the near future. The bride's friends or family members are usually the host of the party and plan all the things from food to fun games. The guest usually bring a gift to the bride there too.

久しぶりにガールズデー!(Girl's Day Restarted!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


Marie's going to have her wedding in June. Marie-chan and we have been friends for some years and we sometimes hang out at my house, which we call it "Girls day".

It's Saturday when May-chan and I go to Japanese school, so we went there in the morning, swung back home once and then headed to the party again.

The theme of the party was Disney. They decorated the room so cute and made it like a party for princesses.

They had bunch of snacks and dessert there, so May-chan enjoyed them too.

We played a couple of games too. One of the games was that you guessed the number of Kiss's chocolate in a jar. (The person who got the closest number won the prize.)

Besides the chocolate game, we played some quiz related to Disney or the groom and bride.
(The Disney quiz was too tough for me, so I gave up most of them. Haha)

After the fun game time, it's a present time!

In the US, you can register items that you want on a store website or other websites so that the guests can get what you really want for you from the list.
(Of course, you can get something not on the list as well. I personally think it's a really good and practical idea for the registry system in the US.)

So, I picked up a couple of thins from the registry list too.

ギフトにはめいさんのハグも付いてきました。(笑) 本人の欲しいモノだったから当然と言えばそうなんですが、マリーちゃん、めっちゃ喜んでくれました。
With the material gifts, May-chan gave her a big hug too. Haha. I'm glad that Marie liked the gift and hug.

At the party, Marie was the only friend who we'd known, but her grandma kindly came to us to greet.

"Hi, I'm Marie's grandma. I heard about you guys a lot from her, so I'm so glad I finally can meet you two and now see the faces who she was talking about."

Aww, how sweet of her!

She's not the only person who'd heard about May-chan at the party and we met some other guests saying, "Oh, you are May-chan!! I hear a lot about you from Marie!" The meetings with the wonderful people taught me that Marie-chan really cherished our friendship and talked about it to her friends all the time, which made me so happy.

Everybody else but Marie-chan at the party was new to us, but they're all so nice and kind, so I could be comfortable enough to enjoy the party even though I wasn't a big fan of parties in general.

Also, it's really heartwarming for me that Maris-chan's friends seemed so happy helping to make the party a wonderful time for everybody there and I could surely tell how much Marie-chan's loved by her friends and family.

In the end of the party, everybody shot a photo with the bride. Cheese!!

Her wedding is almost there!

We're also invited to her wedding too and can't waif for it!!

Okay, this is all about Marie-chan's bridal shower!

Thank you for reading again!!!

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