Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

自転車デビュー (May-chan's First Bike Ride)

2023-08-12 11:13:02 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hello there!

How's everything going today?

Here in MN, we've got thunder storms some times so far this summer, but it's been pretty nice out overall.

The other day I talked to my friend, K-chan, who'd co-hosted the home summer school, "We've never missed to go play at the park since we started this home school."

おうち幼稚園始めました。(Home Preschool) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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The article about our home summer school is here.

As the title says, let me talk about my 4-year-old daughter, May-chan's bike debut today.

小梅ちゃんとプレイデート、そして別れ (Play Date with Koume-chan and Goodbye) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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We took the bike over from May-chan's very first friend, Koume-chan's family right before they moved back to Japan.

Koume-chan's family moved back to Japan in the middle of cold winter, so we'd stored the bike in the back garage for a while until the weather gets warm enough. We got a helmet for May-chan and finally let her make a bike debut.

Unfortunately, there's no sidewalks where kids can safely walk around our house, so I took her to one of our favorite parks.

Ta-da!! This is her first bike. The helmet is her favorite color, red.

It was a quite coincidence, but the bike from Koume-chan's family was Paw Patrol which May-chan's recently fell in love with. So, needless to say, she fell in love with her bike too. She tries to speak to her favorite character, Marshall, on the bike. Haha.

Here she goes! The pedals were kind of heavy probably because the brake worked when you stepped them on backwards, she had a hard time to make the bike start moving.

When I pushed her back a little bit so that she could start pedaling more easily, she could keep pedaling pretty well on her own after that.

Although, she didn't know how to control the handlebars yet. Yeah, this was her first bike ride.

She still really enjoyed the cycling and made a big smile on her face as coming and going on the same route.

"Wow..., she's grown up a lot..." This back view of her riding the bike made me a little bit emotional.

We actually was having a playdate with my friend, S-chan and her daughter, so she kindly took some pictures of May-chan and me. Thanks!!

I can't take pictures of May-chan and me doing something together, so I'm really happy to have this picture.

Maybe because I'm not used to be taken pictures, the way I ran became weird. S-chan said, "Hit-chan, the way you're running looks like Aho-no Sakata!! (a Japanese famous comedian)!!" LOL

Anyways, thanks to S-chan, I's super happy that I could get some nice pictures capturing precious memories of May-chan's first bike ride.

I recently took her to the park on another day for the 2nd practice. May-chan didn't do anything after her bike debut, but her handlebars and brake skills were already improved in the beginning of the 2nd practice. (I guess this is what we call "Youth".)

Anyways, this is all about May-chan's bike debut.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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