Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

秋の遠足 (Field Trip 2023)

2023-11-09 12:22:58 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

Hello folks!




How's your day going? 



As of Oct. 24th 1:45pm,  the internet connection is dead and I'm writing this article by using my phone hot spot. 



I don't know why, but I've been feeling to happen to electric or internet outage more often here in MN than when I used to live in MN. 



According to some comments online, it sounds like that a cable in Metro area was severed and all the areas around have been affected by that. 



You know what, we used to live so fine without internet a couple of decades ago, but can't live without it at all now. 



So today, let me talk about the field trip which May-chan and I took in the late of September. 



The destination of the trip was same as the one where we went to last year and the schedule was also pretty much same as well. 





初めての遠足 (First Field Trip!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


Here's the article about the field trip last year. 



The destination was the same apple orchard as last year. Only one adult could go along with their kid. The fee for kids was free and for adults was $12 per person. 



May-chan and I drove to a Park&Ride parking near the school a little after noon. 



Then, we got on a school bus from there and headed to the apple orchard!



Last year it was the first time for both May-chan and me to get on a yellow school bus and I remembered that we both were so excited. 




May-chan was super excited for the bus ride as much as last year, but unlike last year, I was a little bit worried if everybody could have a seat since the bus was fully packed.



We safely got to the apple orchard and took a tractor cargo ride also mostly same as last year. 




The tractor drove us around the orchard and the staff gave us some lectures about corns, pumpkins and agriculture equipments. 




After the tractor tour, we had some to pet cute animals. May-chan was super happy to hold the cute chick with her hands. 




We could feed the animals, mostly goats, for free. There were pigs too. 




The goats seemd to love the corn husks more than the apples.  



Althouth May-chan enjoyed feeding the goats, "Ow!!" she accidentally got her finger bitten by a big goat. Thankfully, no bleeding or marks, she fixed her mood in a few moments. (Phew!) 



The kids were supposed to ride on the red train just as last year, but the machine trouble occured right before our turn. 




So, we skipped the red train and took this cow ride. 



May-chan loves rides, so she's super excited here again. 



After the cow ride, the red train was still in maintenance, so we instead did this. 



This huge bouncer. It's like a huge balloon. 



I assume that May-chan's school and this apple orchard make a deal for field trips every fall, so a couple of these rides were included in the deal. 



So, if you go there privately, you need to pay the fee for each ride or attraction. 




BTW, all the kids were hyper on the bouncer. Literally, they kept jumping and moving on it for a while. 



Last year we had some free time to browse the shop or walk around the farm, but I couldn't tell exactly when was free time this year since the schedule was a little bit changed due to the cancellation of the red train. 



When I think back now, while the kids were jumping on the bouncer, I could have walked around and even got some mini donuts or something at the food stand. Though, I was just sitting for the entire time by the boucer becuase I didn't hear any guides there. 



After I watched the kids jumping on the bouncer about 10 mins or so, I heard the teachers calling us, "We're going back to the bus!!"



At the point, "Oh, we're going home now. I guess I missed the entire free time." I noticed. LOL



Still, I was already very exhansted from watching the kids jumping for 10 mins, so I got relieved to hear that we're going back home. 



May-chan's going to start kindergarten next year, but can I go along with her on a field trip??



Whether or not, I believe that there are not going to be a lot of chances that May-chan and I can go on field trips together, so I'm gald that we had a fun and awesome time this year again. 



Also, I could match most of May-chan's friends faces and names on the field trip, so it was also a very meaningful day to me too.  



Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!



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