Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

あーちゃんとプレイデート2連チャン(2 Playdates with Ah-chan)

2023-05-06 13:54:12 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi there!

How's your life treating you today?

Speaking of April, it's month of "Hello" and "Good-Bye" in Japan.

May-chan and I have made lots of nice meetings with new friends through Japanese school since last year and Ah-chan is one of those. Ah-chan is a May-chan's classmate at Japanese school and we recently found out that we lived close.

This shot is from the day when May-chan and I visited Ah-chan's house for the first time. Ah-chan and May-chan see each other at Japanese school once a week, so they started playing together very well in a moment.

To May-chan, all the toys at Ah-chan's house were so new and interesting. Ah-chan was kindly teaching May-chan how to play with some of her toys.

May-chan's been into Origami lately, so she brought some papers with her so that she could do it with Ah-chan.
(Even if I say "May-chan's" been into Origami papers, but most of the shapes in her Origami book are too difficult for her, so most of the time, "I" look at instructions in the book and fold papers into whatever May-chan wants to make. It's a very good brain exercise to me. LOL)

Like this, May-chan and Ah-chan were playing together well sometimes, but Ah-chan really loves talking to adults in general and wanted to join the conversation between her mom, K-chan and me very often. So, Ah-chan was told, "Hey, Mommys are talking about grown-up stuff, so why don't you go play overthere??" frequently by her mommy. Haha.

Okay, it's lunch time!!

Thankfully, K-chan had prepped a lot of stuff for us. I also brought some spring rolls, chicken cutlets and simmered squid&daikon radish.

What made me happiest was that Ah-chan loved eating and really enjoyed my food too! Yeah, May-chan's getting better, but she's still a picky eater.

It's super cute that she made a big smile on her face and told me, "It's so yummy, isn't it?" several times at least during the lunch time. (Aww!)

Ah-chan was not only a good eater. Her little sister, He-chan, was also a great eater too! Look at her big bite!! Haha.

He-chan was eating much more than May-chan did for sure.

According to K-chan as a mom of good eaters, she often has a hard time with He-chan which I've never had with May--chan. He-chan always doesn't want to end her meal and cry like, "I wanna eat more!!"

That day wasn't an exception. She cried a lot. (Still cute!)

Even though He-chan gets so wild about food, she's very calm and quiet most of the time. She was playing on her own very well and even too quiet sometimes, so I frequently got worried, "What is she doing now??" several times on the playdate too.

May-chan and I ended up staying at their house from 10am to 4pm. It was such a fun and delicious time.

On the next week, we visited them again.

The girls were getting along that day again. When May-chan's playing with one of her boyfriends, Tac-kun, they fight a lot and get so noisy sometimes, but when she's playing with Ah-chan, they're mostly playing calmly.

"Let me take a picture of you guys!" I asked and then they made this cute pose.

We had a fun and yummy lunch time together too! I brought Inarizushi which I made for the 2nd time in my life and potato salad. Look how happy Ah-chan is in front of all the delicious dishes!

Seriously, I can be so happy eating with them because they all kindly tell me, "So yummy!!!" about my food.
(I grew up in a big family and used to enjoy eating and saying, "Yummy!" together, which was a big happiness to me. So, thankfully Ah-chan family always makes me feel like, "I wanna cook for them more!!")

May-chan brought her blocks and marbles (You can build a slide with the blocks and roll marbles on it.) and it became the biggest hit of the day. Still, we didn't want He-chan to swallow the marbles, so the girls played with them while He-chan was taking a nap.
(Yeah, we had to do a big search for missing marbles a couple times though. LOL)

May-chan, of course, was so thrilled to play with Ah-chan's toys too.

May-chan and I ended up staying at their house from 10am to 4pm again, which made me wondered if it was too long for Ah-chan's family, so I asked K-chan about it, but she kindly said, "Oh, it's no problem! Actually, the best schedule for us." Oh, good.

I've lived in the US and my personality fits American communication style which is telling others your feelings in a more straight and clear way, so I try to remind my new Japanese friends to tell me their honest feelings just straight.

Luckily, K-chan and I made very good friendship to keep both of us comfortable with each other. It's really interesting and inspiring to me getting to know her background or hard things about temporary living in the US for work.

I hope that May-chan will get a lot of inspiration of Japanese language skills and cultural knowledge from Ah-chan.

Again, they're living here temporarily for some years, so I often have to remind myself that the time to spend with them is limited and so precious , so I do want to cherish and appreciate it for sure.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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