

高木仁三郎の言葉 #30


高木仁三郎セレクション p. 66

The words of Jinzaburoh TAKAGI(1938-2000), people's scientist against nuclear power#30

Austrian government determined the dismantlement of the frozen nuclear plant at Zwentendorf by referendum, and then Yugoslavian government, Egyptian government, Netherlands government, and Philippine government determined the postponement or freeze of their nuclear plant-construction projects, and established the policy of nuclear plant-abolishment. Even in some governments of countries which have promoted the use of nuclear power is seen upset such as Switzerland where the referendum was raised on the right and wrong of nuclear plants, West Germany where FDP, a ruling coalition party, shifted to a cautious theory on nuclear plants, and Finland where the trade minister announced the re-examination of their long-term energy plan. Even among NCR (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) members, they have a considerable difference of opinion concerning the possibility that meltdown accidents also happen at nuclear plants in US and up to as many as two members of five asserted, winning attention, the higher probability of the accidents should be taken into account.

Jinzaburoh TAKAGI selection p. 66

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